forgive me
well i messed up alot this month may the month of love....more like hatred....thio i tahnk god for yuki.....mabye my daugters and ex can forgive me one day....i mean ive leid...ive dated wrong...ive shoot the the barrel and its now bursting open....times like this can make a guy want to die beacuse he finaly sees in his darkeness trying tio save others....he can screw up so bad they can never forgive im the borardy to leaveing gaia.....and not.....i spougize to my ex and to my daugters if they see this one day smile ......if we are grown my child and ex.....then i apolgize...mabye will see each other again one day.....i havnt had the guts to ask out until both of you came along.....ive grown happy but i hurt you on the way back i wish i could go back in time and do things sorry.....forgive me if you can....i understand if you cant....tho you may hate me i hall love you forever.
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