Aww blocks in love. :3

No turtle soup for you. D:

Earthquake! Go under the table now! :-0

Who needs an rare event flying in you screen when you can have flying cake. ;D

It speaks for it's self. XD;

Can't you feel the love? :3

Does it not look like the turtle is humping the mochi? XD

Sounds like a pick-up line. XD


He should go on a diet. D:<

Do the wave everyone. ;D

They are all watching! :-0
I'm in it. <3

Who needs all those fugly hats when you can have a turtle on your head! wink

Twin gunnies. :O
And a turtle which is me.

ZOMG! There is a typo where it says, "your and your friends."

Yes, we are. :B

This way you don't have to walk all the way to the refrigerator.

It's true. Do you even know how it's like inside on of those things?

Around and around and around...@_@

FukenManjin took this one. XD <333
More coming up when I feel like it. <3333
Community Member
i wish i cud make them pictures move like that...
u used flash for this, right?
anyway, im so anxious to see more!! xd heart