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Name: Xecerdia Everheart, the Pure
Age: 2000ish years or so.
Race: Dragon-kin
Family: Cernox (Father -Heavyweight, 35 tons 30 feet tall) brown hair hazel eyes 6k years old, Zyamnox (Brother-Heavyweight 22tons 25 feet tall) chestnut hair hazel eyes nearly same age as Xece but older by a year or two, Zyalia (Mother -killed) black hair, blue eyes 5k years old
Size rating:
1 Ton = 2000 lbs.
Lightweight: <10 Tonnes
1.1 Courier: <6 Tonnes
1.2 Light Combat: 6-10 Tonnes
2 Middleweight: 10-18 Tonnes
3 Heavyweight: 18& Tonnes
Abilites: Human form: 5'6" 150 lbs. Can summon blades that are spellbound to use for fighting, including her dagger. When summoned, it holsters at her side. Can use courage spells that strengthen a being, physically or mentally. Granting one rarely with the ability to do as much damage as she, adding it to their own.

Dragon Form: Light combat weight 8 tons. 18 feet tall ( head to ground) Breathes fire, only when necessary. Use of telepathy to communicate. Uses wings to take flight and her fire breath can be coated along a weapon. Her own fire does not harm her.
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Weaknesses: Lightning spells cause the most damage, absorbing into her skin/scales. Dragon killing weapon of any type.
Notes:Tattoo at her left shoulder, a tribal dragon with body and wings in the shape of a T
-Necklace from Vale: Soul crystal; A circle of crystal, with a cross inside it, in the form of a tree with serpentine dragons wrapping about the limbs.
Biography: Tends to stay to herself, never asks for help unless there is no other choice and wants to see the will of others go beyond their own ability. She is caring like her mother and always sees the best in things, despite their ability or circumstance.

Events: Teleported to Gaia by means of a mage beyond her control. Trapped with no way back, yet. After spending a few months in the Gaia realm, she met several friends and managed to evade a hunter attack. Having planned a Masquerade Ball with her friend, Constanz, they managed to turn in it a two day event. The guests dressed up in outfits, with her own personalized outfit. On that eventful first day, she had met another of her kind, Vale from a different world entirely. However, someone else showed up on the second she did not expect, Sulkriist, her life long guardian that stood proudly by her Father's side. Over the next few days, Vale and herself became close before Sulkriist swept her off back to her World, Rhaegos. She now rules a kingdom, Fang Door Citadel, alongside her father and brother, sharing the land over the humans. For now, there is peace. (( Read below picture for full story. ))

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Alternate Time: Rhaegos, Dragon world

The ground was scorched, black as night. Fires covered the land with soot and ash. Chaos. Trees were burning with no life left within them, lifeless twigs stuck into the dead earth. The volcanoes had came alive and the skies blackened in the heat of battle. Only source of light coming from the lava that flowed in rivers and her kin breathed heavy fire into the men and beast below. A sad sight, this was her land, this is where she was from. Other dragons soared through the sky, as she hovered in flight, not wanting to believe her eyes before her. Her powerful wings moving the current to keep her up. Men have corrupted some of her ranks, bending them to their will, their mages are powerful.

'Father! Where are you?!' She called out into the night into the mind of her elder. A moment later he responded, fighting with another dragon in the distance. Her eyes focused to this and shot toward his direction. The push of air caused dirt and ash to swirl below, trailing her and her flight increased. She needed to reach him, help in the aid. The air was thick of smoke and fire, causing her lungs to work harder, her wings weakening from the effort.

Suddenly another dragon dropped in front of her, nearly sending her to the earth. Stead, something was shot towards her, not having time to dodge it.'Ah!'She screamed as a fireball cascaded with her body then disappearing. Her focus went to the source, spotting a mage riding on the back of one of her brothers wielding a staff.'Zyamnox! No!' She cried with grief, knowing she could do nothing to stop him with the mage controlling him. "Again!", the mage commanded, pointing his staff at her. Xecerdia anticipated the attack this time and turned to a side tucking her wings around her, dodging the fireball and with that, descending in flight to the ground, trying to outrun her pursuer. The mage ordered him after her and away they went, chasing her. Coming close to the earth, she opened her mouth as she leveled out, spewing fire at the men below The were shooting arrows and throwing spears but nothing penetrated her thick hide.

She was headed to her Father unknowingly, focused on turning and dodging the fire being thrown against her. As her brother, Zyamnox missed, it shot to the earth and devastating the group beneath its blow. Looking behind her, she saw they were getting closer but suddenly pulled off, watching her. Why did they stop? Just then, she looked ahead, noticing a mage casting a spell upon another dragon. She was surrounded. Before she could react, tossed an electric ring into the air, becoming the size of her. What was this? Her eyes grew big with fear. Enable to fly to a side wasn't enough, she flew into it. The lightning around the edges zapped at her before she disappeared into time and space. The lightning had made her even more weak and her vision started to fade.

Present: The Poppy Fields

Being thrown into time and space. Xecerdia started to fall from the sky into the fresh green world below, that was it, just green. Still semi conscious, her vision grew black, still unsure what had happened to her. Wind rushed past her, tossing her wings and tail. Now into the clouds and the vast blue ocean of sky, she fell. Parts of her scales were burning and every now and then zapping as if it was still attached to her. What seemed like forever, the ground started to come closer, and quickly. Something mentally slapped her, waking herself up, hinting at danger. Her instincts took over in the need for survival. Her dragon eyes opened still in form, slowly at first then quicker noticing the impending death. Adjusting herself, she stretched out her wings, just in enough time to slow her rapid speed but not stop. She landed beyond a hill, causing dust and grass along with debris to fly into the air. If anyone hadn't seen her falling, they definitely heard and felt the vibration of the crash. Having fell to the ground, she immediately blacked out, having spent all of her energy.


Her Memories:

Another glimpse into her world, however this time, it was before the destruction and endless killing. She was resting in her human form on a pile of pillows, surrounded my rugs and furs. Drapes of blues and purples hung from the ceiling with gold tassels tying around the centers. The walls were decorated with a plum colored paint, accented with detailed pieces of artwork. The wind blew into the window from outside, ruffling the drapes as she slept. "Xecerdia, my daughter, wake up." Her father spoke with a bellow, nearly as strong as he would in dragon form, stepping into the room and pulling back a drape.

She opened her eyes, hugging onto a pillow for its softness. Seeing her father, she smiled. He was a strong looking male, dark hair that waved about on each sides, weaved with strands of grey, his ocean blue eyes distinct against tanned skin. His full but neatly trimmed beard had shown the signs of aging as well, set on a firm square jaw. Being a strong build with a firm tone, he stood a good height of six dressed in a shiny metal armor, a sword at his side.

"Yes, Father?" She spoke to him, hearing he had called her. "The guests have arrived, see to it that they are properly shown the grounds." She sat up then stood, running to the window with an excited gaze. After all, she had never met a human before. The bangles at her arms draped a black simmerly cloth from wrist to wrist and behind her back. She wore a headdress of gold that matched the rest of her outfit, her dagger just at her side.

Looking out the window, she saw the gates below opening to welcome the parade of armed soldiers on horses with banners and flags of their crest. In the center was a finely decorated carriage, drawing the attention from the bodyguards. Even more excited now, she glanced to her father. "Yes, Father, I will. Be with peace." He smiled to her, giving a slight bow at his waist. "Live in love, my child." Xecerdia curtsied at the window sill, then turned, dropping from the window. As she fell midway, she merged into her dragon form, flying to greet her guests below.

Her Dream/Flashback:
Xecerdia was flying over the valley and land. To her left and right were patches of thick forests edging along a river that winded through the middle, stretching out towards the vast mountain ranges beyond. They were coated with white snow blanket that rested down the sides, reflecting in the mirror of the lake before them. 'Sister.' The voice bellowed in her mind, deep and full of base. Her sight began to look around, searching for her brother. 'Yes? Where are you?' Not less than a second later, the voice replied. 'Below, in the Valley. Mother wishes to speak to us.' Hearing his call of joining, she nodded, looking to the banks of the river. Sure enough, they were there. They were in their human form, looking up to her as she flew. Descending to the banks with a dive, tucking her wings close, Xecerdia waited until she was close enough. She stretched her wings open, causing the wind to slow her descent. Only a few feet from the ground, she changed into her human form, wearing her formal attire, black cloth with gold ornaments. The wind of her once wings rushed past them, kicking up a bit of sand.

The bother was much like the father, dark hair, blue eyes but a slightly shorter build but still tall none-the-less. He was dressed in a fine black metal spiked armor that resembled their dragon forms. Her mother was equally beautiful but more fare. She had long black hair and wore sapphire and silver colors, matching her liquid ocean blue eyes. "Mother' She curtsied with respect before smiling to her brother. They both smiled in return before the mother, Zyalia spoke. "I have called you both to speak with you of the humans. There is talk of disputes, War lingering. They say we are too powerful and must be controlled." The brother omitted a low growl. "They seek to control us? This is our land before is was ever theirs" The mother reached out a hand toward him, resting it at her eager hearted son. "Steady yourself, my child. Your father is speaking with them now. We are to join him later and I wish for you both to be on your best behavior." Xecerdia agreed with her brother but kept the comments to herself. The brother and sister both nodded their head once, understanding Zyalia's wishes. "Yes, mother."

Her Dream/Flashback, Again:
This time, Xecerdia was standing beside her brother, as her father and mother sat in a chair in front of them. Across from her family, only a few feet away were the Noble house of humans, husband and wife. Behind them, a small group of soldiers, armed in armor and weapons, simply bodyguards. All of her family, were dressed in their best, as the room of onlookers watched the meeting. It was to discuss the terms of rule and agreements of peace, if certain conditions were met. Xecerdia felt it shouldn't have been public; too many fellow dragonkin and humans alike. It was enough to start a war in that very room. She watched the crowd in front of her ever so cautiously, weighing their actions.

Her father cleared his throat before discussions began. The humans agreed this was the dragon's land and only wanted a part in it, which it was. Talks went of on building, expansion, crops for food, places to live. All was well and everything going to plan, until rule was mentioned. The human male spoke. "One being should not have the say so over the lives of others. It shall be shared." Her father, Cernox replied almost immediately. "If one does not, there will be chaos, no order. I do not treat my fellow kin or friends as slaves and they are no lower than I. We are of the same rank. The human threw his arms into the air. "Aye! With your fancy castles and high walls, this is no home no, it is a prison!" Her brother beside her growled lowly and she reached over, holding his hand to calm him. The father shook his head. "Everyone is free to go as they please. I feed them, give them homes, just as I have promised you. Is that not good enough?" The human shook his head before barking off. "Nay, I say. You want it all for yourself." Xecerdia had never known her father to be greedy or selfish and her brows furrowed slightly, sort of offended for him. Not liking the comment at all he took a deep breath seeming as about to breathe fire as he spoke. "How dare you! You think of me as greedy, a fat king with no regard for life! Insulting me in my own house, when I offered you peace! Take your horses, take your people, and leave. You are no longer welcome here." His hand flung into the air as he stood to his feet, murmurs of conversations broke out. Zyalia, her mother, looked to her husband, understanding his anger and stood next to him, her eyes searching for words. The human gaped and started yelling back "See! Your Greedy! Selfish! Wanting it all for yourself! Guards!" Xecerdia blinked, 'Did he just order his guards on you, Father?' She was more shocked than oblivious. 'Yes. A fool indeed. Her brother chimed in I'll stand with you. Xecerdia smiled to her brother, agreeing.. wait to what..fight?

Before anyone could move, the crowd suddenly merging on the center, dragon kind and humans bickering and yelling over the current argument. It was loud and hot, the body heat increasing as well as the anger started to build. But suddenly, over the crowd came a gaping cry of pain. Everyone turned, stopping immediately to the sound. It was Xecerdia's mother with a sword sticking through her torso. Her tears nearly spilled out immediately, the father rushing to the guard that had ran her through, his hand pulled the sword from his waist, driving his own sword into him. "Foolish human." before dropping him to the floor. Sword still bloody, he aimed it to the human male noble and the other guards. "You may not end this day, but don't fret, your day is coming." He inhaled again, his tone deeper, almost the full of a dragon roar. "Get. Out!" They scattered and scrambled over each other, heading for the doors, followed by the other humans. Cernox immediately dropped his weapon as they left, rushing to his wife's side. The brother was holding her head in his lap, holding her hand as he told another to get a medic. The father picked up her other, holding with both of his as he looked into her eyes. "Zyalia, my precious wife. Stay with me, a healer is on the way. Zyalia was already weak and fading fast, the blood from her wound pooling on the marble floors. "Cernox.. do not give into hatred, that is what they want. I will always be with you.". As her eyes closed, so did the dream.
The humans, they drew the first blood.

After her mother's funeral, her father, along with the brother, had gathered a meeting with the other dragons whom were high in rank and of his army. Xecerdia was off to the side, still listening as she wanted to know what would be the future of her race. Her father spoke with his deep voice, she could tell he was raged. "The humans have started a war by drawing the first blood and they will pay. Eliminate them all. They are a danger to our species. Xecerdia blinked at the rash command of her father, but she could understand. Not only was Zyalia her mother, she was a daughter, a friend, a wife and a mother. The brother added. "When do we attack?" "Tomorrow. Prepare your units, we fly at dusk." Her father commanded then turned, starting to leave the meeting hall. She followed behind. "What do you wish me to do father?" He turned to her, looking his frown as he stared at her more as if deciding. His expression turned into an almost frown. She had never seen him cry, but it looked like he started to. His thick rough finger lifted to place gently under her soft chin. "Stay with the others, my child. I do not wish you any harm. Stay for me, stay for your mother." Xecerdia looked to him unblinking."Yes, father. As you wish." He lowered his hand and smiled to her. "I love you darling, now run off and get ready for supper. Live well." Xecerdia nodded once. "Love you too, father. And prosper." She said with a smile before running off to get ready as he asked.

The following night, the sun was barely below the tip of the horizon when a horn sounded in the distance. Her father and brother sat perched on top of the mountain, looking down over the land below. Turning to look at the directions the horns came from,they zoomed in their vision to see torches speckled the land, approaching the keep. Humans. Cernox growled deep within, that not being his plan. Apparently spies had invaded his ranks but he did not blame his kin. The blamed the ones that controlled them. Cernox looked to his son, Zyamnox. blocking the thoughts from Xecerdia. 'If any of our kin fall to the corrupt ways of the humans, do not kill them if you can help it, but survive, my son. You shall be the new leader if I shall fall, and protect your sister.' Zyamnox nodded, 'Yes, father. I shall be at your side.' With that, Cernox took in a deep breath then released it and roared over the land, his mouth wide as he dragged it out. immediately wings appeared out of the shadows of the cliffs, taking flight and soaring for the humans below. He had sounded his drums of war.
Hearing the sounds of the horn followed by her father's battle roar, she looked up from her book and scurried to the closed window that overlooked the valley. Pulling back the curtains, she saw the group of scattered torches and their own roar of rants and cries mingling together below. It had begun, the battle for survival. Xecerdia looked to the others in the room, women and children looked to her, wondering what she saw. Looking to her for leadership in the absence of her mother or father, they asked what was going on. "Everything will be alright. We're safe here." That was until the human's decided to storm the castle, but even then, it would not be an easy task and the room was fortified. A safe bunker almost, except the windows, which could be their escape since humans can't fly, right?

Taking the time to take their minds elsewhere and calm their nerves, Xecerdia took a few books from the shelves and began reading stories to the children. Sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by pillows and rugs they all huddled around her as the mother's looked on, taking their focus as well. Hours had passed and most of the children was a sleep, the older ones were awake and talking softly to the mothers. Xecerdia had taken a break as well, watching the consuming battle below. The land within that time had awoke and raged with the dragon's furry. Volcanoes erupting and the ground charring from the fire and death.

Just then, she felt a whisper, hearing from her brother. 'Sister! Come to the balcony.' Hearing his plea, thinking something was wrong, she went to the balcony of the room and flung open the windowed doors, seeing him land in human form in bloodied armor. Sweat and blood covered his face and he panted hard. It was enduring and wearing him down. He spoke between pants. "They are weakening us. The mage's..- " He looked to the door, seeing all the women and children listening to them, their face in shock. Xecerdia turned and closed the doors, stepping back to her brother. He lowered his voice. "The mages, they are turning our kin." Xecerdia gasped, raising her hand to her mouth, her thoughts going to that of her father and asked. "And father? Is he safe?" Zyamnox nodded. "He is losing strength, I can feel it. This needs to end soon." Xecerdia grew worried that they would either turn him or kill him, and end the war. She threw her arms around him, not caring if he was sweaty and covered in blood. Her kind would be hunted and killed as a result to the end of time. She pulled away after a moment, looking to him. "What do you want me to do brother?" He shook his head. "I don't know. We need need to help father. If he falls, we all fall." Xecerdia agreed with him, told the others she would return. With her brother at her side, they flew off not knowing that would be the last time she saw their faces.
A small light started in the blackness of her dream, growing larger as if it was getting closer, the perspective of her eyes. As it did so, a feminine figure started to appear, a ghostly whisper calling out to her. 'Xecerdia.." Fuzzy at first, it came into focus. It was Zyalia, her mother. Her mother was equally beautiful but more fair skinned. She had long black hair and wore sapphire and silver colors, matching her liquid ocean blue eyes. "Mother?" 'Yes, it is I, my child.' "But..your.." Zyalia shook her head. "I know, my child. I've come to show you something." In a flash, before she could even respond, her vision zoomed to meet her homeworld, flying overhead. It seemed the war was over. The land was starting to regrow. As the vision focused more, she saw her brother and father in the distance, surveying the land. Her mother was equally beautiful but more fare. She had long black hair and wore sapphire and silver colors, matching her liquid ocean blue eyes. 'They're alive! The land, it looks healthier. Is it over, did we win our land back, mother?' It flashed again, Cernox and Zyamnox were in the meeting hall talking amongst themselves. 'We did, Xecerdia. They know of your displacement, that you're alive and are trying to recover you. Do not fret. You will see them again. 'How? A mage brought me here. Surely the humans are gone by now.' The mother was silent for a moment, as if weighing the answer. 'Not all fought, some have stayed and agreed to live in peace.' It made sense to her, she knew the kindness of the humans here, but knew there would always be those seeking power for personal gain. She's seen it first hand and it cost her mother's life. Before the picture started to fade, her father and brother both looked to her view, shocked as if they both saw her, standing to their feet. 'Live well, my child. I will always be here..'The scene faded and her eyes started to flutter open.

In her world and time, there had been very few challengers to her father's rule over their kin, leading in battles. The sun was just dipping beyond the horizon, a good half of it remaining over the top. The skies had casted arrays of strange green and yellows. It was odd, considering it was normal hues of red and orange mixed with the fading light of purples. It was a warning, a sign of jealousy. Envy in all its jade glory.

Sitting atop of tower of the castle, her wings were folded around her as she rested on her side, her tail curling in front of her. It tapped lightly as she rested calmly, looking over the horizon. A sound, a voice entered her mind. 'Xecerdia. Word from Lady Zyalia.' She heard as her eyes gazed down at movement approaching her location. "Yes? what is it? The other dragon arched its ascending, flying up to her, then past the cliff. Slowing his speed, he came down to the tower she was on. His scales where a slightly different color than hers. They were mostly black but tips of the scales held a deep blue, nearly sapphire in color. 'It's your father, Cernos, he has had a challenger, and is wounded.' Xecerdia blinked her eyes once, a growl emitting within her throat. He was weak now, available for another threat. She wasn't sure how deep the wounds went, but he would need assitance. "Where are they? And where is my brother? Shouldn't he be at his side? He was to rule in her father's place to say the least, he was to learn all that he could for the time being. The other dragon replied, looking to her. 'Lord Cernos is at the tournament grounds. Lady Zyalia sent me to find you. Zyamnox has been hunting in the lands, my Lady.' He glanced over the land briefly before looking back to her. His eyes went a bit more sorrowful. 'I wish it were a better time, perhaps we could hunt together at our next meeting?' He had questioned. Xecerdia followed his gaze for a moment. Standing to her feet, she looked to him. 'Of course, Sulkriist. Once my father is on the mending, we can go.' With that she looked to the ground below. 'Let us leave for the tournament grounds. I wish to defend my father.' With that, she dropped from the cliff, extending her wings half way down. Sulkriist was following only a moment beside her.

Sulkriist had flown beside her the entire way in silence, catching a few glances at her when she wasn't looking. As they landed, they saw her father resting on a chair underneath a tent fit for royalty. Drapes blowing the wind, tied back back by ropes to let in the light. Her mother was beside him, patting a damp cloth at his forehead. The nurses were well into healing him as best as they could. Cernos had massive cuts and scrapes, a few too deep to leave uncovered. Xecerdia had turned to her human form, walking up to them. Sulkriist had followed suit, keeping a few paces behind her. His hair were of ebony locks with dark blue tips at the ends, flowing in waves against the bright hazel color of his eyes, matching Xecerdia's height but a tad bit taller. Watching Xecerdia for a moment then back to the parents, he remained quiet. His armor was of a silver metal, not a full broad set like her family's, upper rank of his army, the family sword at his side. Blue cloths were placed in between the shoulder plates and at the waist, representing the family colors.

"Greetings. Is everything going to be alright? How are you feeling?" Concerned about his injuries, she eyed over them a bit, knowing he must have felt a lot of pain. The father nodded. "I'll live." Her mother turned to her. "They are getting stronger. The rebel is still alive for now, but your father barely spared his life. They locked him in the dungeon." Xecerdia nodded, crossing her arms. "Good, perhaps it will teach them a lesson. Why don't they understand we are equals?" Sulkriist stepped up slightly then faced Xecerdia before her mother could respond, her mouth agape and spoke out softly. "Because, Xecerdia, they become greedy and full of pride. They are no better than you, and you no better than them, but what they lack is moral, understanding for these things. Your family rules with honor and love. No one could ask anything more." Her parents smiled looking to each other, then back to Sulkriist and Xecerdia.

Battle 2:
Still standing there facing her Mother at her Father's side, bandaged and bruised, underneath the outside tent, Xecerdia was looking to the soldier in armor before her. It took her a moment, before replying out at his comment of her family and loyalty. Thank you for your generous words, Sulkriist." Her eyes looked back up to his for a moment then turned to her father. About to say something when she was interrupted by another voice. "Where's my brother!?" The deep voice yelled out in question, the faint sense of a growl in his words. Everyone turned to look to him. Not dressed in armor, but fancy clothing. Black long sleeve collard shirt, black pants with his long black hair tied back by a loose ponytail. Boots at his feet and a cape at his back, gold in color. Sulkriist snapped in defense of them all. "Hold your tongue, or I shall cut it out for you. Respect the Elders."Clearly he meant Xecerdia's parents and she glanced to him, once more proud for him sticking up for them. The challenger shook his head, frowning. "No, I will not hold my tongue for them or anyone, especially you, worm. I demand you release my brother to me." Cernos stepped in, standing weakly from his chair. "Calm, Sulkriist." He glanced to him then back to the new face. "If he weren't to challenge me, none of this would ever happen. He is paying for his actions. As far as you, leave or you will suffer the same." Before Cernos could get any closer, Sulkriist placed a hand gently at his shoulder as if telling him to rest. "I can handle him, you need your strength, Lord Cernos." The challenger laughed, pointing at her father. "Weak and bruised. Shame your not in your prime, seems by brother did well, but I'll break you, old man." Cernos, looked to Sulkriist and gave a nod, allowing him to do, he didn't have time to play with the pups anymore today. Xecerdia could nearly believe what was happening. As her father went back to sit down, she walked up to Sulkriist, whispering to him, glancing to the newcomer briefly. "What are you doing? You don't know what he's capable of! You see my father, his brother did put up a good fight." Not that she was cheering for them, but her father was seriously hurt. Sulkriist looked sideways to her. "Your father would do the same for me, besides I do it for all of you." He smirked to her before the challenger laughed again. "You? Ha! Once I'm done with your corpse, I'll take your pretty girlfriend for myself then her father's kingdom!" Sulkriist lost his smile, everything, glaring back to the challenger. "I highly doubt that when you're six feet under the ground." Xecerdia moved back a bit, giving them space as if they were about to fight then and there.

The challenger growled a bit, turning as he flicked his cape. "Come, now! Let's end this!" He said heading to the center of the wide area. It more like a field with patches of grass, poles flying high around the edges with flags at the end. The ground was uneven, craters in the earth, claw marks dug through the ground in spots. Getting space between them, they drew swords and the attacker charged towards him, yelling. Sulkriist stood his ground, his sword out to a side, waiting for him to get close. Once close enough, he stepped to a side, slicing at his opponent's lower legs. Too focused for Sulkriist's face and head, he didn't see the swipe and fell over, his legs bleeding with cuts. From then the fight continued on, each getting a few hits but mostly the challenger was getting the worst of the hits. "Fine!" The challenger said in a breathless voice with a growl before starting to change forms. Sulkriist followed suit and they took to the skies. Dodging hit and swipes of the tails and claws, they fought each other, roaring and screaming at each other with their voice. Xecerdia watched from the ground below, looking up to the skies, the wind tossing her hair vigorously. Wincing as she tried to see. Suddenly, Sulkriist spouted ice from his throat instead of the fire. Xecerdia had never knew he could do such a thing, ice instead of fire. She had seen some with other elements, but none in her family. They ranged from ice, to arcane and poison clouds, those were the worst. hitting his target, the challenger roared in pain, turning from Sulkriist and flying away. He did not pursue, but merely flew to the ground, landing several feet from Xecerdia and changing forms. Panting and out of breath, he fell to a knee, looking to the ground. Xecerdia ran over, helping him from falling over completely. "Sulkriist, are you okay? What's hurt?" He looked up to her then starting smiling. "I'll live." Her father and mother smiled before walking over to help him up to his feet, calling for the nurses to help clean his wounds. Xecerdia smiled, shaking her head and helped him up, looking to his height."Thank you for your bravery. And I hope so."

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