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View User's Journal

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Well, aren't you just special?

1. Your First Name:
2. Are you named after anyone?
3. What's your screenname?
4. Would you name a child of yours after urself?
5. Your nickname:
6. Odd nicknames you've been called:
7. Any mispronounciations/typos people do with your name constantly:
8. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?
9. If you could switch names with a friend, who would it be?
10. Your gender:
11. Sexual orientation:
12. Birthdate:
13. Number of candles on your last birthday cake:
14. Birthplace:
15. Zodiac sign:
16. Current stae:
17. Currently city/town:
18. Ethnicity/race:
19. Eye color?
20. Are you happy with it?
21. Hair color:
22. Are you happy with it?
23. Height:
24. Weight:
25. Left handed/right handed/ambidextrious?
26. I didn't like this question.
27. How many in your family?
28. Do you have a job?
29. I didn't like this question.
30. Piercings:
31. Tattoos:
32. What's the name of your school?
33. I didn't like this question.
34. Sinlge/taken:
35. Do you think your attractive?
36. Are you confident?
37. Age?
38. Age you wish you were?
39. Any obsessions?
40. Can you speak another language?
41. Are you spoiled?
42. Are you a good role model?
43. Most overused phrase on IM:
44. Most overused phrase in real life:
45. One word to describe yourself:


46. Thing you said:
47. Thing you ate:
48. Thing you drank:
49. Song you listened to:
50. Place you went:
51. Movie you saw:
52. Movie you rented:
53. Tv show you watched:
54. Time you laughed:
55. Why?


56. Food:
57. Candy:
58. Number:
59. Color:
60. Flower:
61. Cereal:
62. Actor:
63. Actress:
64. animal:
65. Drink:
66. Alcoholic drink;
67. Bagel:
68. Letter:
69. Band:
70. Sport to watch:
71. Professional team:
72. Brand of makeup:
73. Teacher:
74. Fast food:
75. Car:
76. Inside joke:
77. City:
78. Quote:
79. Thing about your body:
80. I didn't like this question.
81. Word starting with "w":
82. Saying:


83. Do u still remember your first love?
84. Still love him/her?
85. Do you consider love a mistake?
86. What do you find romantic?
87. 1 Turn-on:
88. 1 Turn-off:
89. Do u go more by looks or personality?
90. What is best about the opposite sex?
91. What is the worst about the opposite sex?
92. Are you in love now?
93. Is your significant other hot?
94. Are you the romantic type?
95. Has anyone ever loved you?
96. Does someone love you right now?
97. What would you do on your ideal date?
98. What should a person NEVER EVER EVER do on a first date?
99. Do you know when you're in love?
100. Most impressive pickup line?
101. Do you like to be in physical contact alot (handholding, touching)?
102. Describe your first love:
A. Hair color:
B. Eye color:
C. Hight:
103. His/her personality:
104. His/her fav color:
105. Describe how your relationship was:


106. Chips or crackers:
107. Coke or pepsi:
108. Mcdonalds/burger king:
109. Strawberry/watermelon:
110. Hot tea/ice tea:
111. Chocolate/vanilla:
112. Hot chocolate/coffee:
113. Kiss/hug:
114. Volleyball/tennis:
115. Ice cream/frozen yogurt:
116. Dog/cat:
117. Rap/punk:
118. Summer/winter:
119. Funny/scary movies:
120. Deaf/blind:
121. Love/money:
122. Apples/oranges:
123. Ocean/lake:
124. Pizza/chinese:
125. Mansion/penthouse:
126. Baseball/football:
127. Waffles/pancakes:
128. Soda/pop:
129. Republican/democrat:
130. AIM/yahoo:
131. Skim/whole/1%/2% milk:
132. You: shy/outgoing:
133. Southpark/malcolm in the middle:
134. Cheerleading/murdering:
135. Tequila/vodka:
136. Lost prophets/sugarcult:
137. Fruit/veggies:
138. Spring/fall:
139. Elementary/middle school:
140. Guy friends/girl friends:
141. Straight/curly hair:
142. Shark/gummy bear:
143. Paris/nicky hilton:
144. Broken heart/serious injury:
145. Serious relationship/short fling:
146. Freak dance/slow dance:
147. Cell phone/home phone:
148. Chinese/japanese food:


149. Style:
150. Future job:
151. Car:
152. Bedtime:
153. Most missed memory:
145. Best physical feature:
155. First thought waking up:
156. Goal for this year:
157. How's it going so far?
158. Best friend:
159. Jewelry:
160. Weakness:
161. Fears:
162. Heritage:
163. Longest relationship:
164. -and shortest:
165. Pets:
166. Siblings:
167. -their names and ages:
168. Parents together?
169. I didn't like this question.
170. Hero:
171. Current average in school:
172. Most frequently heard compliment:
173. Strength:
174. Cocktail of choice:
175. Thing you're most proud of:
176. Hobbies:
177. Talents:
178. Label:


179. Drank?
180. Smoked?
181. Poked a feather?
182. Been drunk?
183. Been completely wasted?
184. Been in a fight?
185. Didja win?
186. Been beaten up?
187. Beaten someone up?
188. Shoplifted?
189. Been out of the country?
190. Been bitched out?
191. Been played?
192. Been suspended?
193. Skinny dipped?
194. Been dumped?
195. Been to the mall lately?
196. Had a crush and they never knew?
197. Climbed out of your bedroom window?
198. Thrown-up in a public place?
199. Broken a bone?
200. Got stitches?
201. Been in love?
202. Had a broken heart?
203. Been on a boat?
204. Been on a jetski?
205. Sworn at your parents?
206. Been to disneyland/disneyworld?
207. Been to california?
208. Driven a car?
209. Ride in a limo?
210. Drink champagne?
211. Been on stage?
212. Slept outdoors?
213. Pulled an all-nighter?
214. What's your record of staying up?
215. Talked on the phone all night?
216. Slept all day?
217. Thought you were going crazy?
218. Been betrayed?
219. Had a dream that came true?
220. Broken the law?
221. Met someone famous?
222. Killed an animal by accident?
223. Stolen anything?
224. Considered a religious vacation?
225. Gone in a hot-air balloon?
226. Pretended to be someone else to be cool?
227. Laughed so hard you cried?
228. Talked to someone you dont know?
229. Gone out of your way to befriend someone?
230. Made out in a theatre?
231. Been out of the country?
232. Failed a grade?
233. Been to cedar point or six flags?
234. Done something crazy in public?
235. Eaten cheesecake?


236. Eye color:
237. Hair color:
238. Short or long hair
239. Height:
240. Style:
241. Personality:
242. Is there something you DON'T like about them?
243. What's their name?
244. Strangest thing about them:
245. A song that would describe your emotions best while you're with them:
246. First thing you want to do when you see them:
247. Interests:
248. First thing you notice:
249. First body part you notice:


250. Known the longest:
251. Tell your problems to:
252. Tellyo ur secrets to, and know they wont tell:
253. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?
254. Newest friend:
255. Shyest friend:
256. Friend you miss the most:
257. Friend you fight with the most:
258. Who's house you were at last:
259. Loudest friend:
260. Friend who moved:
261. Lazyest friend:
262. Do you think you're popular?
263. What do you like best about your friends?
264. Do your friends drive?
265. Whats the nicest thing a friends done for you?
266. What do they think of you?
267. Your best friends:


268. Shoe brand:
269. Clothing brand:
270. Perfume/Colongne:
271. Normal attire:
272. Do you wear hats:
273. Do you wear make-up:
274. Favorite place to shop:
275. Favorite article of clothing:
276. Are you trendy?
277. Would you rather wear a uniform to school?


278. Cook?
279. Open your eyes underwater?
280. Eat whatever you want?
281. Like to party?
282. Have cheese obsessions?
283. Like thunderstorms?
284. Get along with your parents?
285. Think your attractive?
286. Believe in yourself?
287. Wanna go to college?
288. Like trampolines?
289. Rent or own?
290. Smoke?
291. Drink?
292. Smoke pot?
293. Shower daily?
294. Sing?
295. Like getting your picture taken?
296. Have a tan?
297. Complain a lot?
298. Think country-western people are rednecks?
299. Get annoyed easily?
300. Have an i-Pod?
301. Like mohawks?
302. Want to get married?
303. Want children?
304. How many kids?
305. Think you're fat?
306. Hate anyone?
307. Have a pool?
308. Babysit?
309. Look more like your mom or dad?
310. Cry a lot?
311. Cry to get out of trouble?
312. Workout?
313. Have 6-pack abs?
314. Consider yourself nice?
315. Fall in love easily?
316. Chew ice?
317. Floss?
318. Play an instrument?
319. Have braces?
320. Watch more than 40 hours of tv a week?
321. Blowdry/straighten your hair?
322. Have any special talents or skills?
323. Bite your nails?
324. Like to go fishing?
325. Live in an apartment or house?
326. Believe in love at first sight?
327. Pray?
328. Go to church?
329. Live in the moment?
330. Consider yourself tolerant of others?
331. Hate birds?
332. Find yourself attractive?
333. Think taco bell is awesome?
334. Have any secrets?
335. Hate yourself?
336. Like your handwriting?
337. Like animals?
338. Like drinking from straws?
339. Have any bad habits?
340. Believe in organized religion?
341. Think life's been good so far?
342. Believe in witches?
343. Think its possible to be faithful forever?
344. Wish upon stars?
345. Know how to whistle?
346. Go skinny dipping?
347. Know how to impersonate people?
348. Have a secret people would be surprised to know?
349. Prefer the good or bad boy/girl?
350. Wear shoes to bed?
351. Skip class/school?
352. Go to school dances?
353. Have a short attention span?
354. Have ADD?
355. Wear eyeliner?
356. Blast your music so hard that all you can hear is the music?
357. Sleep with music on?
358. Think Tyra Banks is hot?
359. Like college or professional sports better?
360. Have any regrets?


361. Scared you:
362. You wanted to kill:
363. You laughed at:
364. You went shopping with:
365. Broke your heart:
366. Disappointed you:
367. Made you cry:
368. Brightened your day:
369. You thought about:
370. You saw a movie with:
372. You talked to on the phone:
373. You talked to on IM:
374. You saw:
375. You yelled at:
376. You thought was insane:
377. You told off:
378. You trusted:
379. You turned down:
380. Said "Hi" to you:
381. Told you "I love you":
382. Kissed you:
383. Hugged you:
384. Said "Bye" to you:
385. Wrote you a note:
386. Took your photo:
387. Called your cell phone:
388. Bought you something:
389. Sang to you:
390. Wrote a poem for you:
391. Text messaged you:
392. Touched you:
393. E-mailed you:
394. You talked to:
395. What did you say?


396. Do you leave comments on peoples pages?
397. Do you change your profile a lot?
198. Are you a poll-whore?
399. Do you poll daily?
400. Do you post daily?
401. Do you fish?
402. Do you catch bugs?
403. Do you play cards?
404. Do you have a store?
405. Do you have a house?
406. Do you like to bump?
407. What is your favorite item?
408. Are you questing anything?
409. How far are you from your quest?


410. Numbers of regrets?
411. Whats your ultimate job?
412. Country you want to visit?
413. How do you want to die?
414. How do you sleep?
415. How many detentions have you had?
416. Are you a health freak?
417. Last book you read?
418. Are you afraid of clowns?
419. How are you gonna celebrate turning 21?
420. What's the brand of your computer?
421. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
422. Last thought before falling asleep?
423. How often do you go to the movies?
424. Last movie you saw at the theatre?
425. I didn't like this question.
426. What annoys you the most?
427. How many cousins do you have?
428. If you were a bird, what would you be?
429. How many kids do you want?
430. If you could change your name, what would it be?
431. Would you marry outside your religion?
432. I didn't like this question.
433. If there was a movie made about your life, what would it be called?
434. Whats your biggest fear?
435. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you?
436. Are you a daredevil?
437. Are you passive or aggressive?
438. How do you vent?
439. Whats the most important lesson you've learned from life?
440. What fictional character are you most like?
441. Would you ever call off your wedding?
442. Would you deliver a baby?
443. If you could go on vacation right now, where would you go?
444. Why?
445. Where is your favorite place on earth?
446. I didn't like this question.
447. What wakes you up in the morning?
448. What would be the perfect job for you?
449. What makes you cry?
450. Something you don't understand?
451. Something you can't do?
452. How many stories does your house have?
453. How long does it take you to get ready for school?
454. How long does it take you to take a shower?
455. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
456. Song that brings back bad memories?
457. Song that brings back great memories?
458. How many cars does your family have?
459. Who's your weirdest neighbour?
460. What color are the walls in your bedroom?
461. What color is the carpet in your bedroom?
462. What are your thoughts on the president?
463. Is the "Hokey Pokey" really what it's all about?
464. I didn't like this question.
465. Is highschool full of drama?
466. Are you a part of it?
467. Did you like Michael Jackson before he became a freak?
468. What was the highest you scored when you went bowling?
469. Your ringtone on your cell is?
470. What celebrity do you look up to most?
471. If you had one wish what would it be?
472. If you could marry anyone you wanted to who would it be?
473. What is your favorite thing to do?
474. Who are you with right now?
475. Are you selfish and greedy?
476. How do you feel about being single?
477. If you could live anywhere where would you live?
478. Would you move to another country?
479. Last thing you thought before you fell asleep last night?
480. First thing you thought when you woke up this morning?
481. Last time you had a party?
482. -had a sleepover?
483. -were sick?
484. -threw up?
485. -made fun of someone?


486. #1
487. #2
488. #3
489. #4
490. #5
491. #6
492. #7
493. #8
494. #9
495. #10


496. #1
497. #2
498. #3
499. #4
500. #5
501. #6
502. #7
503. #8
504. #9


505. #1
506. #2
507. #3
508. #4
509. #5
510. #6
511. #7
512. #8


513. #1
514. #2
515. #3
516. #4
517. #5
518. #6
519. #7


520. #1
521. #2
522. #3
523. #4
524. #5
525. #6


526. #1
527. #2
528. #3
529. #4
530. #5


531. Are you going out with someone?
532. What are you wearing right now?
533. What body part are you touching right now?
534. What are you worried about right now?
535. What book are you reading?
536. What's on your mousepad?
537. Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling.
538. Are you bored?
539. Are you tired?
540. Are you talking to anyone online?
541. Are you talking to anyone on the phone?
542. Are you lonely or content?
543. Are you listening to music?
544. What are you listening to?
545. What does your hair look like?
546. Describe your general appearance?


547. If I were a...
548. I wish...
549. So many people don't know that I...
550. I am...
551. My heart is...
552. Government is...
553. George W. Bush is...
554. I hate...
555. Prostitutes are...
556. Female singers are...
558. Boy bands are...
559. Britney Spears is...
560. School is...
561. The Jewish are...
562. Faith is...
563. Death is...
564. Tequila is...
565. Vodka is...
566. Hope is...
567. Glass is...
558. Jesus is...
559. Beauty is...
560. Sporks are....
561. Picture perfect is...
562. Geometry is...
563. Spoons are...
564. Sharpies are...


565. You love someone?
566. That someone has brown hair?
567. That someone has blonde hair?
568. That someone has red hair?
569. That someone has black hair?
570. That someone has dyed hair?
571. That someone had brown eyes?
572. That someone has green eyes?
573. That someone has blue eyes?
574. That someone has other eyes?
575. That someone plays a sport?
576. If T, what sport


577. You like school?
578. You support George W. Bush?
578. You have seen a broadway play?
579. You wear make-up?
580. You love halloween?
581. You can do a backflip?
582. I didn't like this question.
583. I didn't like this question.
584. You're a bookworm?
585. You're a teachers pet?
586. You're a know-it-all?
587. You're modest?
588. You're loud?
589. You can ice skate?
590. You can rollarblade?
591. You like girls?
592. You like boys?
593. You have a best friend?
594. You like chocolate?
595. You like horror movies?
596. You pick ur nose?
597. Uhm... Hi?
598. You love jewelry?
599. You have kissed a stranger?


600. Was this a great survey or what?

Nyoko Mitsu
Community Member
  • [05/10/07 07:33pm]
  • [10/18/06 10:51pm]
  • [08/21/06 10:29pm]
  • [07/23/06 02:48am]
  • [06/17/06 01:36am]
  • [05/30/06 11:52pm]
  • [07/08/05 10:09pm]

  • User Comments: [3]
    Community Member

    Sat Feb 24, 2007 @ 09:59pm

    @-@ Holy crap!

    Community Member

    Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 05:16pm

    you must like typing dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama

    XBL? pm me and we can play together? biggrin
    Community Member

    Thu Aug 30, 2007 @ 04:55am

    HOLY DUMB ********! ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja domokun domokun

    User Comments: [3]
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