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So your entering My Personal Space!!!
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬
Full Name:Yūryo Subeki
Nickname: Yuri

Age: 20
Birthdate: Oct 13
Gender: F

Height: 6'1
Weight: 156

Nindo:"Even the briefest flash can leave a lasting impact!"
Combat Nindo:"Pain can also entertain!"

Personality: Yūryo has an explosive, brash, and brazen personality. It can be classified as tomboyish or sisterly.

Village: X
Rank: Genin
First Class: Worker
Second Class: Worker

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬
Power: +2 PA, +25 chakra/stamina a rank}

Chakra Pool:200
Stamina Pool: 200

Chakra Affinity: Fire , Earth
Chakra Materialization: Like the explosive individual she is her chakra materialization manifests itself in an array of colorful firework like explosions.


• X
• X
• X
• X
• X
• X
• X

Class Disciplines :
Legendary Smith: The user is able to gain a 5th title rank from every applicable smithing tree. 'Training' for Legendary takes 10 posts of crafting work, provides an additional 1 post off of crafting times, and gives a Grandmaster NPC (of the same area) for usage. In addition, any item solo crafted (without an npc helper) is non-reproducible by non-Legendary titled smiths.

Balanced Master: This discipline mimics one of the user's other class's non-chosen disciplines. (i.e. non-Worker Class) The Double Specialization perk for said class is not available for gaining. In addition, any jutsu learned can be paid for with either chakra, stamina, or a mix of the two. Any further chakra types are also subject to this. Recovery amounts for chakra and stamina are doubled while working, and working counts as relaxing.

Lifetime Disciple: This discipline is for those wishing to gain from a lifetime master, never to be one themselves until their master is deceased. Gaining knowledge from over the course of their studies, the disciple will receive twice the benefits from each of their master's smithing trees (up to their completed titles), while in the living presence of them. After their master's death, they will successfully pass on a permanent, one-quarter of the benefit to their own Lifetime Disciple, if any. (round up to the nearest applicable number, as designated in the smithing thread)


Personal Attributes:
• Pyrotechnician: Yūryo does not require explosive manuals for producing fireworks as it comes to her naturally thus she can produce said fireworks with even greater efficiency. Seeing as a firework is essentially a rocket filled with compacted materials and metals to create effects 'the special surprise inside' can vary greatly. [Reduces Post Requirements for Fireworks Crafting Specifically By 2]

• Makeshift Munitions Mastery: Yūryo's proficiencies and skills when used with artillery based weaponry [Arbalest, Bow, Crossbow, Hwacha, Firearm, etc] when used in conjunction with using Fireworks as the ammunition instead uses her knowledge in Formless Style: Fireworks.

•Sweat of One's Brow : Yūryo cannot learn Taijutsu or Genjutsu. In exchange every [2] Rounded down that she would obtain among the combination of the both she receives [1]-Smithing Title up to Jonin. Total Smithing Titles Gained by Jonin
[1] From Genin
[2] From Chunin
[1] From Jounin
Total = [5]

• One's Own Master: Sacrifices the [ Lifetime Disciple ] Discipline in exchange Yūryo only requires 5 missions to advance to the next title within a tree instead of the usual 10.

• Hospitals: Certain exceptions have to made if the required place of meeting is a hospital. Yūryo after her time in intensive treatment loathes and has an aversion to hospitals. After having been under the knife several times over she will actively refuse and fight back before going back into one.
• Akroteriasmophobia: The fear of being maimed yet surviving. While most of her surgical scars have healed mutilation of any limb or part of the body is usually a trip to intensive care. The fear extends to having old heal scars for some reason re-opening and seeing one entrails spill from their body and yet one still continues to somehow cling to life. While some call that situation lucky Yūryo would call this a nightmare.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬
Ryo: 両 0
AC: 0
Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0

Limitations: {How many of each technique you can learn. Refer to class info}
• Ninjutsu : : 0 / 2
• Genjutsu : : ~ / 2
• Taijutsu Styles: : ~ / 0
• Bukijutsu Styles: : 0 / 0

Smithing Titles:
• [Blacksmith]
~ Apprentice (Gained at Genin)
~ Journeyman
~ Master
~ Grandmaster
~ Legendary
• [Whitesmith]
~ Apprentice (Gained at Genin)
~ Journeyman
~ Master
~ Grandmaster
~ Legendary
• [Weaponsmith]
~ Apprentice (Sweat of One's Brow)
~ Journeyman
~ Master
~ Grandmaster
~ Legendary

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬

Weapon Name: Hei-Yu
Weapon Type: Arbalest
Weapon Location: Scroll
Weapon Height/Length: 4'3 Feet Standing
Weapon Weight: 20 lbs

Description: Hei-Yu is an Arbalest with a stock like that of a guns the Arbalest has been modified in a way to work in conjunction with the cylindrical shapes of most pyrotechnic rockets. Like most Arbalests it is heavy and unwieldy, however in exchange for this they can fire their contents up to several feet away.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬
15x Bottle Rockets
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬
▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u

Maruton: {Start with the following six only}
• Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ]
• Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ]
• Bushin no Jutsu [ Clone Technique ]
• Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ]
• Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ]
• Kai [ Release ]




Jiba Soujuu [ Magnetic Manipulation ]
The act of converting your own chakra into magnetic energy. Although no longer chakra, per se, it can still be controlled as thought it were. Using this method, one is able to control all sorts of metals, most notably, iron sand or powder. The reason for this is that it is a very easily controlled solid- malleable almost as if a solid. Structures that have resistances or other forces working against the user obviously require more chakra to manipulate, and are thusly deemed "a waste of energy."
• Requires [6] posts to learn.
• Must learn before proceeding to other techniques.
• Moving undefined amounts of sand requires the same amount of chakra as those in the Satetsu Soushi.

Satetsu Soushi [ Iron Sand Creation ]
The act of converting earth and/or metals into iron sand, via a single handsign, and chakra compression. Iron sand created this way can then be used on the spot, or stored for a later time. It should be noted that iron sand can be melted by fire techniques at least two [2] rank higher than them. Atop that, iron sand that is almost, if not completely melted cannot be controlled by Satetsu bloodline means.
___ Rank D: Small to medium amounts of earth/metal to iron sand. ( Knolls, small hills, etc. )
___ Rank B: Large amounts of earth/metal to iron sand. ( Hills, etc. )
___ Rank S: Massive amounts of earth/metal to iron sand. ( Pingo, puy, etc. )
• Requires [10] posts to learn.
• If you cannot learn a certain rank of technique, you cannot create sand equal to that amount. ( A genin cannot learn A ranked jutsu, so he cannot turn massive amounts of earth/metal into iron sand. )

Yondaime Kazekage's Gold Dust [ Unnamed ]
Rank: Augment
This unnamed Ninjutsu technique is utilized by Yondaime Kazekage. After forming the needed hand seal, dark circles will form around Yondaime Kazekage's eyes. During this time, he can make use of Jiton, or the Magnetic Element. This allows him to control nearby gold dust through magnetic fields. Sandaime Kazekage developed a style of Jiton manipulation upon viewing the Jinchuuriki of Shukaku the Ichibi Bijuu. Their control of sand was mimicked by using magnetic fields to move small particles of metal. Because gold is heavier than sand, Yondaime could send the gold dust into it and thus neutralize Shukaku when it went on a rampage. Yondaime could manipulate the gold in several ways, forming tendrils and protective waves.
• Requires [8] posts to learn.
• Encompasses all heavier metallic elements.
• Must learn before proceeding to use with all other techniques/skills.

Toroi's Magnetic Shuriken [ Unnamed ]
Rank: E
Official Description: This unnamed shuriken jutsu used by Cloud ninja Toroi utilizes the Magnetic Element. Using his ability to generate Jiton, Toroi will magnetize his string of shuriken. Should these shuriken come into contact with an enemy, they will in turn become magnetized. This power is such that it will even pass from a held weapon on to their body. To avoid becoming magnetized, the victim must totally dodge the shuriken launch. With the enemy body now magnetized, Toroi will summon his gigantic shuriken which will be attracted to the magnetized foe.
Guild Description: Using a single handsign, the user will follow up with any sort of physical attack. If it connects within 2 of the user's posts, the target will become forcefully magnetized in their entirety, including non-metallic objects, for 2 of their posts.

Hagane Dama [ Iron Bullet ]
Rank D
The user aims with a single finger, drawing iron powder around the tip. The iron will then form and compact into a small ball, which can then be fired off like a projectile at a relatively high speed.

Teikou no Michi [ Electrical Resistance Method ]
Rank C
The user will place a hand forward, pulsing out chakra, while simultaneously turning it into magnetic energy. If the amount of magnetic energy formed is enough to disrupt other such forces, this method can thusly be used to repel incoming attacks that are affected by such forces. This includes not only metal and iron weapons, but lightning as well.
It should be noted that when dealing with Raiton [ Lightning ] ninjutsu, you must release chakra equal to the amount used to perform the incoming attack, but no less than what is needed to perform this technique on its own.
( If an incoming lightning attack is B ranked, you must use [40] chakra. Adversely, if an incoming lightning attack is D ranked, you must use [20] chakra, as it is the minimal amount for this technique. )

Hagane Bunshin no Jutsu [ Iron Clone Technique ]
Rank C
After performing the needed handsigns, the user will create a powerful clone composed of their iron sand. Because of its composition, the clone is extremely durable, however, it is also slower than its creator. Unlike other clones, whence this one is created, the user can further mold it with another technique.
• Only one iron clone can be active at once.

» Hagane Bunshin Soujuu [ Iron Clone Manipulation ]
Rank D
Holding a single handsign, the user will meld an active iron clone, changing its overall appearance- limbs into weapons; a male figure into an animal; a female figure into plant life –most anything is possible. The only condition is that the clone retains its humanoid size.
• Must know [ Hagane Bunshin no Jutsu ] before learning this technique.

Satetsu Kesshuu [ Iron Sand Gathering Assault ]
Rank B
This technique gathers a great volume of iron sand and compresses it into a high-density shape. This greatly increases the hardness, creating a gigantic steel-like weapon in an instant. The weight and size of these shapes are so great, they can easily shatter bedrock and break through most defences with one hit.
Because the weapon is made out of iron sand, the shape can be whatever the user wants, and can even be changed during the fight. This allows the user to create the best weapon for the fight, by taking into account the opponent's abilities and the surrounding environment.

Satetsu Shigure [ Iron Sand Drizzle ]
Rank B
The user will levitate iron sand above their enemy, condensing it into small compact clumps, and then force it all to rain down on their target. Because the clumps are so compact, and the rate at which they fall is rather fast, enemies are far better off completely evading the attack, rather than attempting to defend against it.
Although described as a descending technique, one can manipulate the sand to fire from most any angle.

Satetsu Kyuu [ Iron Sand Coffin ]
Rank B
The user will force iron sand to crawl up on their target. The sand will then wrap up and around, until it fully encases the target. As the sand encloses, it will apply a crushing amount of pressure, more than capable of grinding bones. Although it is almost an assured hit after it makes contact, it is a rather slow technique.

» Satetsu Soushiki [ Iron Sand Funeral ]
Rank B
After the target is wrapped within [ Satetsu Kyuu ], the user is capable of performing this finishing technique. Rather than being performed by handsigns, the user will aim their hand at the target, and clench it into a fist. This signal forces the iron sand to tighten its grip, causing it to magnify to a powderizing pressure that leaves its victim a bloody and disorganized mess of flesh and liquid.
• Must know [ Satetsu Kyuu: Iron Sand Coffin ] before learning this technique.

Satetsu Omori no Jutsu [ Iron Sand Clog Technique ]
Rank B
A technique designed to utterly disable puppets during battle. Boasting their control over iron sand, the user will force up a small wave in order to slap and bind a ninja puppet. If successful, the user will then manipulate the sand so that it clogs and grinds against the puppet's hinges and joints, rendering it either crippled or completely useless.

Satetsu Rou [ Iron Sand Prison ]
Rank A
The user will manipulate a massive amount of iron sand, forcing it to form a huge airtight dome around an allotted area. The formation, density, and scope of the sand depend on the amount of chakra poured into it. One can fine-tune the sand's properties to the target's size and characteristics. No matter if the target is on the ground or flying in the air, it is almost impossible to escape from this technique.

Satetsu Shouheki [ Iron Sand Barrier ]
Rank A
The user pulls iron sand around them in a dome fashion, making use of a single handsign to make it harden in place, unfortunately, this means the user cannot move around with it. The barrier is able to withstand up to an S ranked amount of damage in total.

Satetsu Kaihou [ Iron Sand World Order ]
Rank A
This jutsu uses iron sand to create a gigantic sphere of branching spikes. The user creates two masses of iron sand with matching polarities and then merges them together. This causes the magnetic forces to instantly increase and the repellent force created by the two similar magnetic fields scatters the iron sand across a vast area.
The iron sand spreads in spikes that branch off irregularly, making it almost impossible to get a clear overview of what is happening. This also makes evading the spikes nearly impossible. Even if the opponent has managed to evade getting hit, the iron sand spikes will have filled the entire surroundings, cutting off any escape routes. With the opponent trapped, the user is free to attack in person.

Satetsu Taisou [ Iron Sand Imperial Funeral ]
Rank S
The user will lay their hands down on the ground, causing a well sized region ( 60 yard length ) in front of them to become laced with iron sand. The surfaces afflicted by the lace will attain a dark gray tint. While remaining in this position, the user will send surges of chakra through the sand, causing it to rise and fall as if tidal waves. Because of its iron composition, most anything caught within these waves is crushed or smothered to death.

▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u

• Locked Formless: X
• Locked Formless: X
_S t a g e ○ O n e [1] ((Mastered))

S t a g e ○ T w o [2] ((Mastered))

___S t a g e ○ T h r e e [3]

___S t a g e ○ F o u r [4]

___S t a g e ○ F i v e [5]

___S t a g e ○ S i x [6]

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬
Tezā at a young age showed promise...then it was later realized that promise only yielded death and injury. Born with an unnatural unpredictable if not toxic chakra Tezā had his hands and torso bound by a restricting coat and chains by the Uzumaki in a sealing ritual locking them in a type of statis. Regrettably the village and his family didn't want to create a defenseless child. Realizing the child still had much to offer they honed their Jinton skills to the point where the chains they had used to bind them could act as second limbs...However, all was not at peace.

Tezā began bearing a resentment for the Uzumaki and sought someone to release the seal that inhibited him. When he found someone to provide him some form of promise. Unfortunately the youth was betrayed and his chakra formed a key component to what would later be known as the Chakra Virus. As punishment for naivety Tezā was sentenced to a year of isolation where he would only have contact for meals and general needs. Upon his release broken and ignorant he was granted the privilege of becoming a ninja once more but the seal would remain.

Binding Eight Seals:
Fuu[Wind]: Can only be removed once the afflicted is capable of recognizing the value of Nature
Ran[Column]: This seal is the simplest to removed. When removed the other seals can be removed if the necessary criteria has been fulfilled.
Ten[Store]: Can only be removed once the afflicted has gained a significant amount of Chakra {500} The seal can also be removed if the remover of the seal has a Overwhelming Amount Chakra {1000}
Kachi[Value]: Can only be removed once the afflicted recognizes the value of life.
Senshi[Warrior]: Can only be removed once the afflicted has shown great strides physical power
Zan[Remaining]: Can only be removed once the afflicted recognizes the value of companionship
Yuki[Snow]: Can only be removed when the afflicted has faced the pain of losing a loved one.
Shin[Heart]: Can only be removed by an Uzumaki once all other seals have been removed.

When all 8 Seals Are Removed Tezā receives a 200 Chakra Pool Increase, His Chakra Regeneration Is Doubled, The Corrupt Chakra Afflicts Everyone,

Extra, Event Benefits Etc:
ΦTotal Free Training Posts Used 0/20
Φ•Mashed Ninja-tatoes: +10 Ninjutsu, +50 Chakra and Stamina
Φ•Gobblemonster Parade: 10 free training/missions posts
Φ•PA: Santa's Knowledge #2: -1 post to any 1 particular learning [nin/gen/tai/buki/etc], job, or mission.... pick two!: TBA/TBA
Φ•2015 X-mas: Selected: 1 Extra Locked Formless Style:10 free Training/Missions Posts:TBA

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