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________________⊰BASIC INFORMATION⊱________________

»Character name:Jonouichi Teijo
»Pronunciation of name: JOE-NO-EACH-E / TAY-HOE
»Character squad:
»Character rank:
»Sexuality: [homo, hetero, bi, pan, ect]
»Character age:



________________⊰PERSONALITY, TRAITS & BIOGRAPHY⊱________________

»Characters personality:Jonouichi speaks in what could be considered a Kansai dialect foreshadowing his heritage having initially been raised in either Kyoto or Osaka if one were to guess via his accent alone. His voice for the most part is deep strengthening the dialects annunciations even more so and making typically feminine words sound as if they were spoken masculinely. Despite his outward appearance and often strict recitations of dietary concerns of individuals he's ultimately a pushover when it comes to women. It doesn't matter what their size or shape the man yields to a females opinion and whims more often than not unless of course they're the enemy in which case he's incredibly reluctant to even engage. Aside from this he emanates an air of camaraderie among fellow men and to an extent will often invade personal space with brotherly intentions. Hearty back slaps and rear taps a common occurrence. He sports an incredible seriousness about physical and mental health although not necessarily outward physical health such as lacerations and other outwardly visible wounds. More particularly the aspect he is most associated with is nutrition. He will not shy away from reprimanding anyone who indulges in junk food or the like to an excess. All in all he is by definition a medical professional when in situations that would usually incur a rise out of most people. Such as physical examinations or measurements of female patients. This however, also leaves him oblivious to what most would consider obvious signs of flirting, affection, or teasing. When it comes to a diagnosis he couldn't be more concise and to the point as often he encourages healthy diet, positive sexual activity, and recommendations for various unsightly conditions without batting an eye.
»Characters likes:
•Botany & Gardening: A favored pastime the muscular member of the fourth division rather than rough house or indulge in sport is actually a man who takes to gardening and growing various natural whole foods.
•Tea Ceremony: Having either grown up in Osaka or some other rural part of japan Jonouchi finds partaking in the traditional tea ceremonies a nostalgic a relaxing event.
•Brewing: As stated above he not only enjoys drinking tea and gardening but he also particularly enjoys combining the two together. However, Jonouichi's taste in tea is preferential towards bitter blends and often his brewing goes unappreciated.
•Cooking: On top of brewing the man proves to be an excellent cook of anything outside of red meats. He also is the epitome of sin when he does order such meats as he will always ask for said meats Well Done regardless of what they are even steak.
•Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Jonouichi despite what some may believe he thinks, like most people he believes that most quote 'holistic' medicines are a crock. To counter these fallacies of purifying soul salt tablets and the lot he engages in what could be studies of most herbs and etc for pharmaceutical properties.
•Singing: Although not very good at it he thinks singing is a great way to blow off steam. His 'beautiful' baritone is obviously 'praised' by all.
»Characters dislikes:
•Junkfood: Someone who believes in a healthy diet naturally finds most junk food aborrhent. However, despite disliking it every now and then one deserves a cheat day or two.
•Intolerable Self Righteousness: Someone who forces their beliefs onto others by berating their beliefs. They will often say things along the lines of 'if you don't believe this then you're stupid' or 'if it's not what I think you're wrong.' Despite Jonouichi's heavy encouragements to stay away from unhealthy foods he respects everyone's beliefs and choices and would never think less of them personally for it. He'll still swat your chip bag and wag his finger but won't stop you if you pick it up and eat it again.
•Money: Whilst being a necessary evil it still in his perspective still the root of all evils. Poverty, starvation, these things are overlooked often due to individuals trying to feed into their own greed and trying to exceed societal standards for the sake of their own egos rather than aid those in actual need.
•Parasites: Jonouichi has a laden fear of not necessarily insects but parasites both microscopic and creature like. Leeches and lampreys to name a few that fit the bill. Although one would think he'd have a tolerance towards leeches due their use in medicine and treatment in the past anything that survives off something else that living and damaging or injuring it in the process without said living thing often knowing it's being injured is a frightening thing.
•Femdom: This is a double edged spear. Jonouichi is a pushover when being scolded, or being demanded by any woman. While this comes off as being chivalrous in most cases, a fear that he has is that one woman will eventually catch on to this weakness and exploit him because of it with him being powerless to stop it as it escalates and then ultimately evolving into him actually enjoying it making him a depraved pervert and a sham of a medical professional.
•Masseuse: Jonouichi has been can give some of the best deep tissue and foot massages. However, he isn't very fond of using this talent and it's particularly reserved for only those he's formed a deep bond or friendship with. As such a straightforward request is usually denied on the spot.
•Cutlery: Attuned with his cooking Jonouichi is pretty darn good at knife tricks and various other showmanship of the silver edge.
»Biography:[Needs to be multiple paragraphs. This is your characters life, explore it]

________________⊰PHYSICAL APPEARANCE⊱________________

»Characters skin color/ethnicity:
»Character height:
»Character weight:
»Character hair color/length/style:
»Reiryoku Color:

________________⊰ZANPAKUTO INFORMATION⊱________________

»Zanpakutō name:Kusa Aoao{Lush Grass}
»Zanpakutō spirit appearance:
»Zanpakutō sealed form: A typical tachi weighing in at about 1.2 lbs contained in a green sheath with verdant foliage as decor.

»Shikai status: TBA
»Activation incantation: 揺れる {Sway} Kusa Aoao
»Released appearance: Assumes the shape of a verdant green medieval like longsword that radiates with a green hue. However, there is nothing between the edges as the blade itself seem reminiscent of a tuning fork if it were shaped into a sword with a large gap or hole where most of the blades mass should be. When wind travels through this gap it produces a soothing whistling sound.
»Physical changes: There is no visible change in Jonouichi's outward appearance.
»Battlefield changes: N/a
- Kusa Sensai {Shearing Grass}:
When the blade is swung with enough force a resonation occurs within the emptiness of the Zanpaktou creating an audible noise. This creates a cutting projection of sound that is invisible to the naked eye. This imparts a definitive cut on anything the projected sound interacts with via a forward momentum up to ten feet away. The wounds inflicted however, are hardly if ever fatal if not superficial to say the least. However, wise combatants will discover that despite how small and thin the cut is it will have bypassed gaps within reiryoku levels i.e the hardness of an Arrancar's hierro or a Quincies blut.. Meaning that while it may be a pitiful cut it can cut through such defenses with ease. Despite being invisible however, the forward projection is easily intercepted via other oncoming projectiles in its otherwise predicted flight path. The strength of the technique is not the projectile itself though, even bypassing such defences a nick is still a nick. The strength lies in the sound itself. After chiming the target will 'forget' a certain set of a timeframe ranging from 1 second to ten. In other words the target will forget the sword was ever swung to begin with if exposed to the sound creating gaps in memory and imposing self doubt and confusion. Often if used at the start of a battle the target will often forget they were even fighting in the first place said few seconds ago. By making his opponents forget, the way he moves around the field appears to be teleportation. He lies and goes so far as so say things like him being unbelievably fast, but this is not the case.
- Kusamai {Gibberish: Implied to be Sweet Grass}:
Essentially Kusamai is a technique that makes a target's body and brain forget how to do something temporarily. Physically affecting the body on contact and mentally affecting the body via the sound it produces.The technique intensifies the greenish glow which emanates from the blade. This glow produces a soothing atmosphere to those exposed to its light and a complacent hum which can dull the senses. When making bodily contact with the blade during Kusamai the area either receiving a cut or being touched becomes relaxed and sedated. In short it becomes numb and unresponsive similar to when a limb falls asleep. [Numbs the correlating limb/area for a 3 post duration or remains continuous so long as the blade remains in bodily contact, increased exposure can numb an entire body into a heaping ragdoll.] However, as simple as this may seem this effect is caused by making the target 'forget' how to produce neuro-sensory reactions in that particular area. Kusamai's most dangerous usage is if Jonouichi is aware of something, such as a person's age for example, he can cause the individual to 'forget' said specific thing upon the hearing the hum for a determinate amount of time. A typical bait strategy Jonouichi uses is to get an individual to loose lip their release phrase and then cause them to forget it effectively sealing away their release states. Kusamai can only mentally cause someone to forget one particular thing at any given time.
- Kusa Shutsuga { Sprouting Grass }
After making eye contact with a target the same greenish glow will begin to emanate from that individual's being for the rest of the Zanpaktou's released duration visible only to Jonouichi. This green glow is more intense in areas where there are vital organs signifying this with glowing circular masses in addition the blade continues to reverberate a resonating low volume high pitch. However, when the normal behaviors of such organs i.e the heart is performing less that what it should be the light emanating from these areas begin varying in intensity. The green light is representative of normal, a yellow light is a sign of strain, a purple light is a sign of something in critical condition or heavily burdened and finally an area void of light means that said organ etc has completely ceased functioning. The Zanpaktou does this by tracing the targets neural-network and syncing itself ultimately with the targets actual brain activity and relaying the information back to Jonouichi visually.

»Bankai status: Jonouchi has proclaimed and boasted himself jokingly that his Zanpaktou is the soul society's most {precise} Zanpaktou in existence what it lacks in strength it makes up for in unerring accuracy. He has claimed that once its sights are set it will NEVER miss. However, that in itself is false...in short an opponent simply cannot remember it ever missed to begin with!
»Activation incantation: Hirogaru! Tasogare Uso! {Spread Wide! Weed of Lies!}
»Physical changes: Tasogare Uso instead transforms into what could be considered an ethereal like blade that maintains its former appearance but grows in size. It then circles Jonouichi via an X-axis in it's resting state with seven others.
»Battlefield changes: The sound of constant endless resonating hum envelopes the entirety of the field centered around Jonouichi and expanding constantly outward. Terrain will appear to be in constant vibration although they are unmoving everything will appear to be shaking in the opponent's perspective. This envelops an entire threads radius but not necessarily its sub threads.
»Abilities: [3 total]
- Kyōmei suru {Resonate}
Intensifies the humming, the one blade that circles Jonouichi instead becomes eight. Each one seemingly sporting a line of reiatsu similar to visible sound waves that connect to one another. Each of the blades can attack independently of one another if necessary but that is usually never the case as this manipulation is used more so for defense. No, {Resonate} in all instances fools the opponent's brains into believing they or someone else is being cut and receiving damage all while Jonouichi himself seems to only be on the defensive or doing absolutely nothing at all. {Resonate} allows Jonouichi to produce illusory wounds and the stimuli that accompanies them. While an opponent isn't actually injured they will feel the pain of the injury and see the injury on their person which can easily make a person believe they're outmatched or are fighting an unbelievably fast or powerful opponent. These false injuries last until the end release. However, it is not without weakness. Grievous injuries such as near decapitation, and disembowelment can indeed be replicated...however, the believability of such injuries becomes incredibly questionable as in these types of scenarios a person would normally die. If a target begins questioning their injuries to much or worse are undeterred by said injuries and pain they can continue to fight with little holding them back as Jonouichi's Zanpaktou is not designed for heavy combat. In short Jonouichi's Bankai in its purest description is a manipulator of the mind.
-Omoide {Reminiscence}
When being used on a willing target {Reminiscence} isn't difficult to maintain whatsoever making the release duration as long as the targets remain willing to stay. On the other hand forcing out a memory, imposing one, or erasing one, is incredibly tasking to do for more than [1 post] there after consuming the releases duration at twice the pace thereafter. {Reminiscence} creates a past memory from an individual and synchronizes both Jonouchi's and whatever target(s) experiences, then from there either locks them in a subconscious reality where the bodies in the real world enter a blank almost hypnotized state in the world of the shared memory or instead has only the targets relive the memory while Jonouichi remains in the real world channeling it. Either or all individuals are essentially wide open during the process. Pain and sensory reactions are all correspondent with whatever occurs in the memory and while not inflicting any real harm can leave a person confused, shaken or smiling depending on what's being repeated. If the releases duration expires while Jonouichi is channeling to impose a forced memory the channeling backfires and Jonouichi and possibly any other participants will then after suffer from cases of amnesia of an undetermined amount of time depending on the intensity of the memory. Aside from this it has the same memory erasing capabilities as its previous release. Although rather than only being capable of erasing what had just ocurred within the last 1 to 10 seconds it can remove any period of time within one second to one minutes long from a person's mind but thusly restoring it if another length of memory is chosen.
-Dōki suru {Synchronize}
{Synchronize} combines the targets movements and pain sensors with each individual within Tasogare zassō's field of range. The only area's in which movements are not replicated is the mouth allowing both individuals to speak freely although this can be controlled aswell Jonouichi prefers not to. In other words it forces whomever is within the radius of the sound to do exactly as Jonouichi does. The only limitations are self endangerment and incredible pain which breaks the compulsion. Meaning Jonouichi could not inflict self harm or manipulate the individual with the intent to do harm to oneself as self-preservation overwrites it. However, he can use it to manipulate the movements of an individual to do as he does at the behest of said opponents ally. However, this technique is mostly used as a form of stalemate until the Bankai's end Jonouichi will typically favor inaction making it so nobody can move and force a discussion. If any target undergoes a life endangerment scenario the connection is broken via self preservation.
»Duration: [no one can hold a bankai forever, even captains]


»Field of Study: [which kido does your character favor/use the most. if not applicable state n/a]
- List known spells
- List known spells
- Division four only


»Field of Study: [which technique does your character favor/use the most. if not applicable state n/a]
- List known skills
- List known skills
- List known skills


»Theme: [Delete if n/a]
»Characters possessions: [do they carry anything in their pockets? something special? Delete if n/a]
»Stats: [ this is where you place the points of your character at 100%]

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________________⊰BASIC INFORMATION⊱________________

            »Character name:
            »Pronunciation of name:
            »Character squad:
            »Character rank:
            »Sexuality: [homo, hetero, bi, pan, ect]
            »Character age:



________________⊰PERSONALITY, TRAITS & BIOGRAPHY⊱________________

            »Characters personality:
            »Characters likes:
            »Characters dislikes:
            »Fears/Phobia: [Everyone has something they're petrified of]
            »Habits: [What does your character tend to do a lot?]
            »Biography:[Needs to be multiple paragraphs. This is your characters life, explore it]

________________⊰PHYSICAL APPEARANCE⊱________________

            »Characters skin color/ethnicity:
            »Character height:
            »Character weight:
            »Character hair color/length/style:
            »Reiryoku Color:

________________⊰ZANPAKUTO INFORMATION⊱________________

            »Zanpakutō name:
            »Zanpakutō spirit appearance:
            »Zanpakutō sealed form:

            »Shikai status: [Mastered, Experience, Novice, Beginner]
            »Activation incantation: [incantation is no needed delete if not applicable]
            »Released appearance:
            »Physical changes: [delete if n/a]
            »Battlefield changes: [delete if n/a]
            »Abilities: [3 total]
            »Bankai status: [Mastered, Experience, Novice, Beginner]
            »Activation incantation: [can be just ‘bankai’ for captains]
            »Physical changes: [delete if n/a]
            »Battlefield changes: [delete if n/a]
            »Abilities: [3 total]
            »Duration: [no one can hold a bankai forever, even captains]


            »Field of Study: [which kido does your character favor/use the most. if not applicable state n/a]
            - List known spells
            - List known spells
            - Division four only


            »Field of Study: [which technique does your character favor/use the most. if not applicable state n/a]
            - List known skills
            - List known skills
            - List known skills


            »Theme: [Delete if n/a]
            »Characters possessions: [do they carry anything in their pockets? something special? Delete if n/a]
            »Stats: [ this is where you place the points of your character at 100%]

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