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Ramblings of a bipolar man
I was going to hide this, since this was suppose to be a 13+ site, but who am I kidding.. We're all adults here, and these are opinions of a broken mind..
I'm such a bad person...
They came into the village sometime last month, just the three of them. They built a little homestead, just a rough hut and the beginnings of a farm, over the course of a few weeks. They seemed decent enough, but they had bad timing - they settled in just as harvest started, meaning no one had time to help them and of course they had no hope of growing food before winter. They had some silver and were able to buy food, but they didn't seem well off and it was anyone's guess how long that silver would last them.

They didn't attend temple - not uncommon in these depraved times - and didn't visit around. Some visited them, but that stopped fast enough after Jeb stopped by one night and ran across the father walking in the dark of the moons without a lantern. Some are able to do that, I know, but it scares the locals, and the rumors spread fast.

I paid no real attention. A lord of a manor has duties and obligations, and harvest time keeps nobility busy too. I filed a mental note that come mid-winter they'd likely run into hard times; and then they'd regret not attending temple, because that would make finding charity hard. In the end they'd come to me... and then they'd learn that wealth had made me neither soft nor foolish, and I'd expect recompense for my largesse.

The daughter was quite pretty. Barely of age, but that has never bothered me.


Things came to a sticking point long before mid-winter. I was interrupted by a pounding at the gate, and before the guards got to my bedroom door, I dismissed the woman I'd planned to share my bed with. She found refuge in a closet while I attended to the guards.

The tale they brought was simple enough. The new homestead had burned in the night, and by the time anyone realized how things had gone, all there was to be found were two badly charred bodies in a still-burning ruin. I dispatched the guard to locate the third member of the family, and then sent my guest home to her husband. It was like to be a busy evening and she'd be missed if she stayed overlong anyway.

It took three hours. They found her, shivering in the woods in the cool October evening, in scraps of clothing with holes burned in them. They wrapped her in a rough robe and presented her to me.

She was not as clean as she might be and the smell of smoke was on her, but she was very pretty, with a cascade of blond hair and a lithe, appealing figure. The ruined tunic she wore revealed more than she wanted, and she kept the robe wrapped around herself, but it was not belted and fell open when I occupied her hands with a cup of mead and a little pork.

"I am sorry for your loss," I said.

"Did... did they neither survive?" He voice was unsteady and her eyes were red from tears, but she was taking it well overall.

"They did not. How old are you, lass?"

She gave an age, and by temple law she was fair game, so there'd be no trouble there. I guessed a dowry was out of the question, which of course made her situation more difficult, even with her beauty. Still, it would be possible to find her a place, somewhere. When I was done with her.

"Have you other family?"

She nodded no. "None of consequence. A great uncle, in Calistan, but he'd have nae use for me, being poor himself."

Calistan was many days journey away. I smiled at her.

"Then it falls to me to provide for you for now," I said. "Until someone's willing to let you warm their bed and cook their meals."

I could have chosen softer words, but my experiences with women had taught me that they behave better when they are not fawned over.

"I am grateful for any help you give," she said softly, eyes down. I smiled, this time to myself. She already realized that she was at my mercy, and that always makes things easier.

"Think nothing of it. You do not look likely to be a great burden. Do you have any skills?"

"Farm work. I can spin and sing and cook." Her eyes stayed down. "Little enough, I know."

"You have your beauty," I told her. "Many would count it as a skill."

She blushed hotly. "My lord is kind."

"Few think so. Finish your mead; you were chilled."

"I canna. I am not used to strong drink."

"It's only mead, and not very strong." Or wouldn't have been, but for the grain alcohol I'd ordered added. "You need it, so drink."

She nodded unsteadily, and swallowed some, slowly. She sputtered a little.

"You bear your loss well," I told her.

"It is... not so hard as it may seem. My father was harsh, my mother uncaring."

"Speak carefully, girl. Some might hear that and assume the fire was no accident."

At that she raised her eyes. "I did na. I would na. Even if I were that way, I'd have been cutting my own throat. They were all I had."

"Unless you took the silver first."

"Do you accuse me?" Her voice shook.

"Not without proof. Your hands are clean and your garb is charred but not muddy, so you have not been digging this night. If you stole, it is still with you." I smiled mirthlessly. "Hand me your clothing. Including those things you call shoes."

Her eyes dropped again. "I... see. As... my lord wishes."

The robe came off, and then, with a swallow, she removed the remains of her rags and laid it on the table. The shoes followed. The shame of her nakedness turned her pink, cast her eyes down and made her shiver. My c**k was already hard.

I didn't touch her. There would be time for that and it would be a pleasure, but a woman has to be managed properly and if I overplayed this she'd run off in the night.

I searched the robe first, and tossed it to her.

"I may wear it?" she said, softly and with a trace of surprise.

"Not what you expected, girl?"

"I am in your power," she said. "And men with power can be... demanding."

"Cover yourself up," I said indifferently, as I examined the rags of her clothing, and the rags of her shoes. As I'd known, there was no silver in them, no valuables of any kind. I didn't hand the rags back - they were worthless; and she looked better in the short robe without them.

"Let's find you a room for the evening," I told her, rising. I walked out, barely hearing her follow after me, barefoot and wordless.

I opened the door to a tiny bedroom. As instructed, the servants had built a blazing fire in here, to quickly warm the room. She looked at it, gasped, and curled herself against me, shaking. "I canna," she sobbed.

"How thoughtless of me," I said, gathering her against me. "But the only options are a cold room, or sharing a bed with one of my servants - and the female servants do not, of course, stay with me at night."

"I nae mind cold," she said, still pressed against me, shivering. My hands stroked her sides, slowly and lightly. She was fully ripened, curving invitingly under my hands. She huddled in tighter.

"You've been chilled through this evening. I will allow you the couch in my own room. The fire is down to embers, and you seemed able to bear that well enough."

"My lord is beyond kind. Anything you wish for me is fine."

"Anything? Careful what you promise," I said. "Men with power can be demanding, I am told... sorry, girl. This is not a night for wit or teasing. Come back with me now."

She stayed close to me, and staggered slightly as she walked. I caught her up against me. "Dizzy?"

"The mead," she whispered. "It begins to touch my body. I know little of it, and perhaps it is stronger here. My father was the expert, not me."

I held her body against mine again, as we walked. The first time my fingers brushed slowly against her breast, she said nothing. The second time, I found her n****e hard. I pretended not to notice, and shifted my hand to her waist. She leaned against me for support, and her hair shone in the lamplight. I imagined my hand gripping it, and smiled.

"I am sorry to admit I do not know your name, girl."

"Zanna. It means lilies."

"And a pretty flower you are." I escorted her into my room, and closed the door. She stood there, uncertain, holding the robe tightly closed. Maybe she didn't realize how that made her hard n****e jut against the cloth. Or maybe she did.

I pointed to the couch. She nodded and settled on it. I brought her blankets, and found her already curling up on the cushions. She looked at me, a little strangely.


"I fear I have disturbed my Lord's evening," she said, very softly, blushing again.

"How do you mean it?"

"There is... a scent of perfume on the couch, quite strong. And there was a whisper of it on your hand."

"You are perceptive. But maybe I just like wearing perfume?" I dropped the blankets over her feet.

"I think not," she whispered, blushing hotly now. "You are patient, for a man... interrupted."

"Was I interrupted?"

"Your bed is still made up."

"Maybe I had her over this very couch."

She blushed a deeper red. I smiled, darkly. "You know then, of men and women."

"At my age it is hard not to. I have had... some experience of men... in secret of course, my parents would not have approved. Not much experience, but enough to know that a man would not wish his evening disrupted by an... an orphan such as myself."

I reached down and drew a fingertip, slowly, over her cheek. She froze, not moving closer or away, allowing the light touch. Her shivers were not from the cold. I stroked again, letting my fingers play behind her ear and along her neck. Her eyes closed, tightly, but her lips parted.

I straightened, biting back a chuckle.

"Sleep well. In the morning there will be warm water for washing, and the women will find you suitable clothing. Do not fear to cry; I sleep very soundly."

"I... do nae think there will be more tears, my Lord. I did my mourning in the woods. Thank you for your mercy to a poor orphaned child. Some said you were harsh, even cruel."

"Sleep now. You'll find me harsh enough when I scrape you off on some family willing to work you and feed you. Everyone must earn their keep somehow. But for now, you'll be kept warm and fed."

I walked to my bed, and disrobed for sleep. The couch was sideways to the bed, and if she cared to raise her head slightly, she'd see as much of me as she wanted. I did not check to see if she looked; I didn't need to. Women have never found me unattractive, however harsh I could be. My erection was there to be appreciated if she chose, and I suspected she did. I found my way into bed, and turned down the lamp. Not off, of course.

I dozed.

"Lord," she said, very softly. She was at the foot of my bed.

"Yes, girl."

"I am frightened by evil dreams... and... cold."

"And a poor liar."

"And... that," she whispered, eyes down.

I sat up, and moved to the foot of the bed, looking at her in the dim light. She waited, silently.

I opened the robe. She nodded, all pretenses gone, and let it slide down, awkwardly.

I looked her over. How she'd managed to clean her face I don't know, but she'd also contrived to brush her hair. The scent of her was still smoky, but mixed with the perfume from her bed, and it was a pleasant combination. Cleaned up, her face looked younger than she claimed, with innocent, blue, wide-set eyes, but the rest of her was womanly enough.

I pressed a hand over her breast, and then ran my thumb over her n****e. She flinched slightly, but her breathing quickened, as did mine. She looked at my erection, and looked away, but her eyes were drawn back to it. She licked her lips, and swallowed. I rubbed the n****e more roughly, letting my fingernail scrape over it.

"This doesn't earn you as much as you may hope, girl. I am not going to keep you forever, no matter how you please me. Understand that now."

"I-" she choked up, shivering, pressing herself against my thumb, eyes closing in shame. "I understand."


"I... I do want to please you. You are more kind that I hoped. And as you said, everyone must earn their keep. And... I will be bold... I already know you want me. A cup of mead doesn't make me stupid, and your touches, earlier..."

My other hand came up, gripping the side of her breast, as my thumb caressed her other n****e. She bit her lip, blushing scarlet and staring down at my hands. "I suppose it is obvious to a man like you, that I am... attracted to men with power. Maybe all women are. I am alone and helpless and... you can do whatever you want with me, and I know it. It is... it is better that I offer myself, isn't it? I am not very experienced, I canna be like whoever wore that perfume for you." Her eyes came up and she looked into mine. "But I can at least be... willing."

I pinched down, slowly, but cruelly. She gasped, wincing, as her head began to toss back and forth.

I caressed the now sore nipples. "And are you truly willing, Zanna? Feeling obligated is not the same thing." My apparent concern was meaningless; she had nowhere else to go and she could not refuse me.

"My Lord knows about women. You will know how to tell."

I smiled, darkly, and ran a fingertip down her belly, very slowly, watching her eyes. They were increasingly unsteady, but her breathing got faster. I slid my finger lower still, and then, lightly, stroked. She was wet. Her eyes came back up to mine, and now the shame was mixed with need.

"I... lying on the couch in another woman's perfume, it was impossible not to think about how you have... whatever you want. I... imagined things. In the end, my body..." she closed her eyes and moaned, softly. "Mayhap it is better if I do not t-try to s-speak."

I slid my finger into her, very slowly. She was not a virgin. I curled it, and she shuddered, squeezing down on it. "Let me... let me please you," she whispered, almost inaudibly. "Please. I must."

"Do you know what a man likes? Show me."

She nodded unsteadily, and reached down, taking my erection in her hand. She stoked it, very slowly, making the skin slide over the hardness underneath. "I know if I do this, long enough... you will force me to my back and take me roughly, like an animal."

"What else do you know," I growled, softly, rigid now. The growl made her hand move faster.

"Very little," she whispered. "But you might like... this." She arched, tracing her n****e against my lips.

She already had me throbbing. I took her hair in my hand and suddenly forced her over the bed, and my other hand connected with her a**. She cried out. "Please, I'm sorry that I know so little! Do nae punish me for my ignorance!"

I slapped again, enjoying the faint sting in my hand, knowing the sting she felt was far worse. "Punishment, girl? This is my idea of play. I want you to feel the strength of me. It will make you wetter, more and more of a ******** and eager playmate, more hungry to please than you've ever felt with any man." I slapped again, laughing darkly. She moaned, shaking. I pierced her with two fingers, and she arched. "T-take me, please... please, just take me, you terrify me, Lord!"

"You'll be begging harder than this when I'm done toying with you," I snapped. I rolled her onto her back, and forced one hand over her mouth as I pushed fingers into her slit again. As she sobbed against my hand, gasping for air, I sucked her nipples, quickly and roughly. They became huge and I could feel her pulse in them. I bit down, slowly. She convulsed, overwhelmed and sobbing frantically for air against my palm.

"Sweet little ******** toy," I whispered. "I'll have you over and over and you'll get good at pleasing me. Women will give you pitying glances, knowing you bear the brunt of my lust, night after night. Want to breathe, do you? Then open your legs wider."

She parted them, and I removed my hand. She gasped, helplessly.

"Touch yourself. You do know how, I hope," I growled.

"It's wrong-"


Moaning, she slid her hand down and obediently began to pet her c**t. She knew all about it, it seemed, and combined with the assault of my fingers inside her, her panting became frantic, her toes scrabbling against the floor for support.

I jerked my fingers out of her, rubbed the wetness across her nipples, and got over her. My c**k forced in, suddenly, as I pinned her wrists to her side.

Her eyes were wide, more with shock than terror, and she sobbed; but her hips shifted for me, instinctively. She was no expert, but the way her tight slit suckled my c**k, she didn't need to be. Her alluring mouth - her wide frightened eyes, her hard pink nipples, her tiny waist - the way her hips moved in that frantic, rough oval - the sound of her gasps and frantic, broken whispers - the smell of perfume and fire upon her - the way her toned legs suddenly wrapped around me, and how she licked her pretty red lips and gazed up at me, shyly, pleading, shamed, hungry, dark, all at once-

"Yes, take me... use me! ******** me, Lord, you know I must please you, I- I- oh! I feel- Oh! No one's ever made me- Oh Lord I- I'm - oh! Oh please, be- be harsh with me!"

I freed a hand and slapped her face. Tears, sobbing, shaking, her red mouth forming a sensual O, her legs caressing and twining around me, and now I was merciless, pounding her savagely...

Thrusting... tightening... her eyes shone, and she licked her lips so slowly, and then I came-

"Yes! Oh yes!" she sobbed. "Pour into me! Oh ******** I love it! I'm c-comi-"

She writhed helplessly, forcing another gush out of me. There is nothing better than watching a pretty girl come hard, with your seed spilling over her leg. She slammed against the bed again and again, then sobbed, and lay still.


And this is what I heard listening at his door.


"Zanna... you are quite the slut."

"My Lord is... compelling," she whispered. "I never felt anything like that. You frighten me. How long were we asleep?"

"Not long, a few hours."

"Did I dream it, or did you leave the bed and do some writing?"

"I did. A Lord has responsibilities other than ********, you know."

"I feel you must do very little else, given your... extensive skill, Lord. That was... I don't have words."

"You were also pleasing... Zanna, what are you doing?"

"I'm wondering if there is more that can be drawn from your magic fountain. I like the way my hand fits around your manhood. It's so... solid, so heavy. Touching it affects me."

"You're also affecting me. Do you know what's going to happen if you keep doing that?"

She chuckled, very softly. "Do you?"

"I have a good idea."

"I'll try my best to surprise you... my Lord, it doesn't take much to get you hard. You're nothing like the boy I had before."

He groaned, softly. "For someone with very little experience you are very good with your hands, girl."

"Even better with my mouth, I'm told... Lord, a friend once described something to me... you know how girls talk? And I have been very curious. Please, sit back against the headboard? And now I will... settle, facing you so you can look at me as I move for you... she said men like this, because they can touch breasts, and grip hair, and bite and kiss... is that how I should move?"

He groaned, soft and deep.

"Can I... can I touch myself as I do this? I know it's wrong but it makes me so hungry for more... Looking at you, your hard body, your parted lips... oh Lord do you believe in destiny? Was I meant to give myself to you, in just this way?"

He groaned something inaudible, and began panting frantically.

"Yes... be rough," she moaned. "My breasts, I never knew how much they liked large hands squeezing... will I be all bruises tomorrow? Will they remind me of how you... made me? Be selfish with me, make me move faster, threaten to spank me again if I don't please you- oh Lord... Lord... I want you to come again! I want that so much! I'm going to milk you and milk you and milk you, and just as you come... oh please! I crave your c**! I want it up inside me, do you feel how hungry I am, how desperate I am to have you, all of you, every last drop of you... I have to kiss you, Lord! Come for me and I'll kiss you! Please... you're so close! Do you like... this? And this? Come, now! Oh yes! Yes! More! YES!"


The scream that followed was no human sound, and it was repeated over and over... and then terrifying silence. And that evil, soft whispering hiss...

"That's right, Lord. Now you understand. Just one more little kiss and the agony ends. But first... do you know why I am here? You have to know everything before I finish, it's the rules, you might say. Oh yes Lord, even succubae have rules. Mmm, you're still so hard. The rest of you is weak and drained and helpless, but that one part of you can't stop responding to what I am... you'll come one last tiny time when I kiss you again. I don't know if it makes up for the agony, but... that's not my concern, is it now... Oh, it is a nice c**k though. I wish I could have you over and over...

"But, to the point. If only you'd kept it to unmarried women, Lord. Then you might have been tolerated. But you couldn't, could you? Adultery after adultery, and finally... that one traveling couple, and she was so pretty. But her husband knew. She talked in her sleep, mentioned your name... not that you bothered to keep much secret. Why should you? Well, now you know why. He was as bad as you, in his own way. He knew dark priests; he had money... that's all it takes. My services are bought and sold... why, that makes me a whore! We'll add whoring with demons to your many sins... But at least I am a pretty and irresistible whore, and you couldn't wait to get your hands on me, could you... your lust burns so hot. You don't know what that does to my kind; I had to lie on that couch and wait until a decent internal had passed, but your need was calling to me and I was dripping the whole time...

"I wouldn't want you to die with any questions, but you're too drained to speak, so... what would you like to know, I wonder? Oh, the bodies in the fire. My parents and I, and you will guess they were demons too, playing a role... we took two people of the right size from a nearby village and burned them in the fire. Then mommy and daddy left, leaving me to be oh so gallantly rescued by you. And you know, if you'd turned me down, I've have left too. We always have to leave a way of escape, one final chance at purity... not that anyone ever takes it!

"What else... oh, my age. What a pretty little liar I am. I'm about six thousands of your years old and you have no idea how hard it is to convey inexperience at my age. Really I gave you quite a performance, didn't I... Oh, and my orgasms are real, you know. I love my work. And you really were very compelling in bed, so there's something you can take some small comfort in when you get to the afterlife. It is the only comfort you'll have, you know. I'll see you there, by the way... succubae get to torment their victims forever. Just a little longer, and we'll meet again. And again. And again. I'm afraid you won't enjoy my visits, even slightly. But I will... the terror of me you'll feel, over and over, worse each time, is like honey to me.

"Your eyes are so interesting now! Such pretty horror, you'd be pleading if you could. Too late for that, though. So I'm going to part your lips... you lack the strength to close them. It has to be an open mouthed kiss, of course. I need to suck your essence in, I need to tear it from the depths of you. The best ways are an opened mouth kiss, or oral sex, drawing it though your c**k... but I don't like you that much. And I wouldn't get to see your face as you die, that way. Are you ready for your last kiss, Lord? Not that it matters! Let me start by licking your ear, and then your throat, and then... mmm, your lips, shivering so beautifully as you try to close them... they are very pleasant to lick, do you like the way it feels, just the tip of my tongue... like... this... slowly... caressing them? Oh, that made your c**k harder, even now. How sweet. How very, very sweet. Now... look at my sensual, full, pretty lips... look at them. Don't look away. Watch me wet my lips... watch me bring them closer... Yes. Closer... mmm, closer... oh...!"


And then a soft muffled scream, and dark, soft laughter; and then I fled.

That morning we recovered the shriveled, contorted ruin that was all that was left of his body, and a few effects, but now no one will enter that manor, I tell you. Not for any gold or silver. They say that anywhere a succubus feasts, she can appear again...

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