((Loki Ning))

Male Charr
6'3 when standing upright, 5'10 when hunched, yellow short fur with brown hair like a lion's mane with redish orange eyes ((Looks like a Lion)). Long sharp teeth, Long black bull horns with smaller set of horns just below.
Warrior: Proficient in duel-wielding axes, has a riffle but much prefers to be up close and personal with his targets. Seen smashing things with a Hammer.
Stubborn, aggressive, stand-offish, prideful. Being Blood Legion, Loki enjoys battle and will rush head first w/o thinking first. Hates having to wait and will often break from the group off on his own to take on 5-10 enemies on his own before the rest of his party give in and join him. He can often be reckless but knows his limits and won't always rush in when he knows he won't stand a chance when alone. His main hand axe was used to slay a phoenix, the fires of the bird still linger on the blade, never going out no matter how hard it is swung. Like Eilouned's pistol, his other ax is made from Amberite and a fossil of a butterfly found in the sands of Dry Top. His rifle and hammer are both standard Lionguard weaponry which he looted from the bodies of some Lionguard he found miles away from Lions Arch.
((I also have big brown hawk wings on him as well to be sorta griffon-like so those can be optional))
Serana Swiftshield

Female Charr
5'11 when standing upright, 5'6 when hunched, Cheetah print fur with long hair in multiple braids and emerald green eyes. Short horns that bend back.
Guardian: Uses a mace and torch but will shift to wand and shield when attacking from range.
Quick witted, keen sense of awareness. Serana is small for a charr and was often talked down to by other charr for not wanting to rush into battle, but prefer to be more supportive while also taking hits for others even if she doesn't do as much damage. Because of her slender form and quick to respond to aid others, she received the surname Swiftshield when she started her own warband, the Shield warband.
((Loki Ning))

Male Charr
6'3 when standing upright, 5'10 when hunched, yellow short fur with brown hair like a lion's mane with redish orange eyes ((Looks like a Lion)). Long sharp teeth, Long black bull horns with smaller set of horns just below.
Warrior: Proficient in duel-wielding axes, has a riffle but much prefers to be up close and personal with his targets. Seen smashing things with a Hammer.
Stubborn, aggressive, stand-offish, prideful. Being Blood Legion, Loki enjoys battle and will rush head first w/o thinking first. Hates having to wait and will often break from the group off on his own to take on 5-10 enemies on his own before the rest of his party give in and join him. He can often be reckless but knows his limits and won't always rush in when he knows he won't stand a chance when alone. His main hand axe was used to slay a phoenix, the fires of the bird still linger on the blade, never going out no matter how hard it is swung. Like Eilouned's pistol, his other ax is made from Amberite and a fossil of a butterfly found in the sands of Dry Top. His rifle and hammer are both standard Lionguard weaponry which he looted from the bodies of some Lionguard he found miles away from Lions Arch.
((I also have big brown hawk wings on him as well to be sorta griffon-like so those can be optional))
Serana Swiftshield

Female Charr
5'11 when standing upright, 5'6 when hunched, Cheetah print fur with long hair in multiple braids and emerald green eyes. Short horns that bend back.
Guardian: Uses a mace and torch but will shift to wand and shield when attacking from range.
Quick witted, keen sense of awareness. Serana is small for a charr and was often talked down to by other charr for not wanting to rush into battle, but prefer to be more supportive while also taking hits for others even if she doesn't do as much damage. Because of her slender form and quick to respond to aid others, she received the surname Swiftshield when she started her own warband, the Shield warband.