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yeah no one reads this thing.. but i'm gonna still put crap in here anyway :D
( ..)
i went to the store the other day and got teddy grams.
i highly appreciate teddy grams. i ate the whole box in one day ^^
i'm going to quaker camp, july 16-22. here are me and kaite's plans of havoc
1) me being as gay as i can be
2)crazy canadian traditions
3)saying jebus instead of jesus
4) leaning over to the person next to you during the service and saying "i'm horny" then resume to 'pay attention'
5) Crazy occult lady and her tarot death cards
6) "Greetings, fellow Truth Seekers. You may address me by the title Fatso, or Fatso The Lesbian, if you prefer. However, I am not technically what could be deemed a "lesbian" since I still feel a slight gravitational pull towards the c**k, but I'll mostly stick to the X-chromosome end of the pool when in need of squelching my sexual desires."
7) both wear buddist t-shirts the same day and just talk about budda the whole day. then the next go "budda who?.... i love jeeebuuuus!" xD
8) the time warp and emo train.
thats what we have so far, any other suggestions?
Community Member
The first day you should carry around a video camera and an upside-down phrase book and walk around trying to interview people in Norweigian.