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KotL: Terms Galore! [rpxp, mana, notes, and more!]
KotL Guide:

Title: KotL: Terms Galore! [rpxp, mana, notes, and more!]

Today I will be attempting to explain several of the terms and things you'll find lying around on KotL. For the most part, I'll be explaining rpxp, exp, quest tokens, mana pools, spells, skills, how to note, send stories, and what each channel is to be used for...and whatever else pops into my head while I write it out. If you've any questions or additional things you'd like added, send me a PM detailing it. ^^

Any instances of & & or & & you see should be removed when you go to type them on KotL. You don't really use brackets on there.

Rpxp: Roleplay Experience Points:
Rpxp may be gained through the IC [in character] chatter between your character and any other. Emotes are an additional way to gain rpxp, as are submitting stories. The amount you receive varies on content, length of roleplaying, and the levels of those within the room that you are roleplaying in. Say and emotes are to be used for in character chat only. If they find out you've been using it for ooc [out of character] chatter, it does say on the MUD that they can/will take away rpxp and that it can lessen the amount you receive, so let's try to stay in character for IC stuff.

Example of roleplaying:
emote bows to Rayna and says, "How are you this evening, Lady?"
shows as Lokiari bows to Rayna and says, "How are you this evening, Lady?"

Her response: "Why, fine, thank you, Lokiari. How about you?"

For that exchange, you can get roughly 24 rpxp, though it will occasionally drop to 7 or so - just keep chatting in say and emote to really stock up on your rpxp! You can buy plenty of great things with them.

To convert your rpxp into an item, go to the questor that sells it and say

convert rpxp &item&

convert rpxp handfasting

That spends some of my rpxp and purchases me a handfasting ribbon, which I may then present to any male or female I so desire.

Items with rpxp:
Among those items you can purchase with rpxp are -
House deed - 8,000
Handfasting ribbon - 750
Marriage Certificate - 2,000
EXP - ?? [This may be done only until fourth tier.]
Kingdom Ranks - Varies on how high the rank is
Religion Ranks - 1,000 to vow, varies afterwards depending on what your rank is

Experience Points:
You can exp through killing. Each kill brings you closer to your next level. Occasionally, you will need additional experience points to further your rank in kingdom or religion. To check on that type "score" and look at your kingdom and religion ranks. And that's about all there is to exp. ^^;

Mana Pools:
You see those multi-colored things after your "mv"? Those are your mana pools - each one represents a different pool of mana. The amount of mana pools you have available depends on class and I'm not sure who all gets what. To see how much mana from each class you've got type "score". Each spell you cast uses your mana - be sure to keep an eye out so you don't run out mid-battle. Priests, especially when healing need to be careful.

Now, to check how much mana a spell costs to cast, type:

Scroll down until you've found the spell you want - in spells it shows you the level of the spell, it's name, your level at it, and the mana cost. The last is the one you want to check right now. It gives you a number and a color - now you know how much of which mana it'll cost you to cast any of your spells. And you can plan ahead to accomodate.

Example of spells listing:
38 Cure Light 15 NOVICE light

What does that mean?
The spell is level 38 and above, is named cure light, its level is novice, and will cost me 15 light mana to cast.

Each failed casting also costs you mana - so be careful if you're not succeeding, you don't want to waste your mana down that way. To recover mana at an increased rate simply type "rest" or "sleep" - and check your condition to see if you're hungry. Eating and drinking is necessary to the game.

All right, you've learned about mana and you've got leveled and gotten all sorts of spells. Now what?


See how they're all at beginner? We want them at novice. To get your spells to novice, attend a trainer at any kingdom [more information on where they are at later] and practice. Practicing does cost silver, so be sure you've got enough to practice everything! If you want to be selective with which you learn and which you don't, type help &spell name& to learn all about it. Then you can decide if it's worth the money to learn it. And now to explain how to learn a spell..

practice &spell name&
prac &spell name&

practice cure light
prac cure light


Just keep practicing that same spell over and over until it says "You've learned all you can about &spell&" or something similar. Once you've done that, you can no longer practice that spell as it is at novice level. Do that until you've got all your spells practiced.

To memorize your spells, merely sit and memorize.

memorize &spell&
mem &spell&

If you'd like to see how many more spells you can memorize or see which you've already memorized, type "mem". Once you've memorized all the spells you want or can, stand up, stance up, and you're ready to go off and cast. To forget any spell you've learned, merely forget it. xD

forget &spell name&

And that's it!

mem cure light
forget cure light

Easy as can be. ^^

You've got all those skills, just like you've got spells at beginner level, right? Well, while you're at the trainer, let's get the skills trained. Type "skills" to see which ones are at beginner level and you can train to novice. Do the same thing you did with the spells, except put the skill name instead. And you don't need to memorize these, either.

prac stake

All spells and skill progress up to the level of grandmaster through use. The more you use it, the more it improves. Using spells improves spellcasting and sorcery, using a wand or scroll improves those, and so on. In a fight, the more you bash or kick if you've the skill for them, the higher they rise.

Questing and Quest Tokens
Want to quest? Then head to a questmaster from any of the kingdoms and use the command quest request. After that, to check on how much time you've left or what your quest is, type quest time and quest info, respecticely. Upon completion, return to the questmaster and type quest complete.

To see their list of quest items and how much they'll cost you in tokens [as well as what type of tokens they'll accept] type quest list. If you've enough tokens to purchse an item, type quest buy <item>.

Say I'm at tarsin's, and I need a quest. We'll pretend he's just said I can't quest yet.

I type: Q time
I see: Less than a minute remaining until you can quest.

Once it says "You may now quest again"..
I type: Q request

And off I go, to get the item or kill the mob directed. While on my way, I forget where I'm going.
I type: Q info
I see: Where I'm headed and what I'm after

But I don't know how long I've got to go, so..
I type: q time
I see: You've got 10 minutes remaining.

I complete my quest and return to Tarsin.
I type: Q complete

And receive the tokens and gold or silver for the job.

From Tarsin, in Murkwood:
Accepts Emerald Tokens.
25 - Wooden Stake [can be used to kill vampires, but MUST be blessed or it will not work]
250 - A potion of mass healing
1000 - A bottomless bag
1500 - A snow staff
1750 - spiked shield
2500 - a whip of water
3000 - Mox emerald
3500 - Siren Shield
4000 - Cloak of Silence
4500 - a sword of nature's might
7000 - breastplate of the woods

Katha, Tolin Questmaster:
Accepts topaz tokens.

100 Ointment [heals scars if you can find a player's Healer!]
1000 remove hunger
1000 remove thirst
1000 add strength
1000 add intelligence
1000 add wisdom
1000 add dexterity
1000 add constitution
1000 add agility
1000 add luck
1000 add leadership
1000 add perception
3000 mox topax
4500 chasmic axe

Brolin, Klevnone's Questmaster:
Accepts ruby tokens.

200 scroll of the dragons
1500 spiked bracer of might
1500 a battleaxe of flame
1750 tower shield
2500 a broadsword of chaining
3000 mox ruby
3500 frostfire shield
4000 some gloves of the warrior
4500 jagged bone club
7000 some warrior plate
8000 deed to a home

How to write notes:
Note commands:
note to &recipient&
note &reply #& [replace reply # with the note number that you are replying to]
note subject &subject line&
note + [adds a line]
note - [removes a line]
note clear [clears a note you've been working on]
note &format& [allows you to set the format to a specific width]
note show [shows the note you're working on]
note post [sends the note]

note to Rayna
note subject Hey
note + Hey there
note +
note + What's up?
note +
note +
note + See ya later!
note + -Lokiari
note post

Shows as:
"A new note has been posted."
Rayna recieves a message like this:
Hey there

What's up?

See you later!

Say I wanted to respond to a note, I'd use this:
note reply 1
note + &insert cool text here&
note post

The person I was responding to would then receive their original note, with my response tagged at the bottom in bright green.

If you want to forward a note, use the command: note forward #, with the # sign being the number of the note you want to send.

Other nice commands, to use for notes.
note list [shows every note you've received]
note list # [with # being the number of the last note you saw, it shows all since that #]
note read # [with # being the number of the note you want to read]
note catchup [marks all notes as read]

If you simply want to read each one begin with oldest going to the newest simply type "note".

NOTE: All "note" commands may be used for the following boards: news, fun, idea, story, and barter.

If you submit a story, be sure to check if you've received rpxp for it! If it says you can get some type "story getrp #" with # being the story number you want rpxp on.

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