Well, the hurricane didn't hit us too bad. We had a little leaking, but nothing that a little hole in the ceiling to let out all the water didn't fix (temporarily, that is). And maintenance has finally fixed everything that we've complained about regarding our apartment...except for the leak in our ceiling and the mold that I'm sure is growing in our drywall.

We did lose internet, though. And it's still out. And will be, for another 3 or 4 days. We have power, cable, phone, but no internet. How frustrating. Several of my classes require regularly checking online websites. But other than that, I guess I can't complain.

Watched the debates last night. We had 14 people over...so much fun. Of course we all made fun of Bush, and appauded Kerry, and then watched the Daily Show afterwards and thoroughly laughed and laughed some more. Kerry definitely won this one. I'm looking forward to the next debate.