A heart can only shatter so many times.
i would like to give a few words about relation ships...its life as to whether on one moment you love each and the next you dont...it just natural so dont moap over it. Grin in an odd way as to say "thank You"...the one who dumped you may be confused but you will not be...think of it as shakles being unlocked..you are now a loner (singal), so enjoy it... the world is overflowing with posibilitys. Yes i agree the first time all you wanna do is cry and cry and cry untill you become cold and heartless toward that persone or never stop being upset when you see them. you feel shatered as if you can no longer live...Or at least i did the first time. What it is is actually your love for them being broken..You were so sure they would never leave you only because you were told so. truth is, nothing last forever, and if it dose its nothing short a miricle. If your a teenager your life will be filled with the love and heartbreaks of a relationships in your life. the first time you feel shatered, the second you feel the same but slightly less emothional...the third time you crya little or just frown, the forth time you just walk away angry...and usually the fith time you walk away smiling now being only friends with each other. You see a heart can only feel shatered so mant times. every time it repares it hardenes another layer...untill no heartbreak can hurt you but only alow you to exsplore more posibilities.