Here is my quest log account, from start to finish in that order. - December 26, 2004

In the morning of September 18, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 44 )</center>

Edit :: I've worked out the cost of obtaining the Santa, Elf, Reindeer, Gift, and Snowman outfits: 11,337 gold for base with the extra Santa items ranging from 3,950 to 7,900 gold. If I go after everything, it would be approximately 15,287 to 19,237 gold!

Edit #2 :: I now have 1,200 gold. I'm good for today and tomorrow. Now I begin for Monday.

Edit #3 :: 4 hours on Gaia = 200 gold.

The first part of the log up to and including August 22, 2004 is two posts below this post. Apparently, there is a message post character limit.

In the evening of September 18, 2004, I wrote::
A big THANK YOU to Lais.
She once came by to bump my thread and I was very happy to see her. Well, tonight as I noticed that I was less than 100 gold shy of meeting my gold quota and doing well, she came by and donated 250 gold to me.

I put more pressure on myself to finish this quest as quickly as possible and it's absolutely delightful to receive help like Lais' and boombaibe's and all my other donators and bumpers. You people are all wonderful and so kind to assist me!
Thank you! :3
Edit :: With Lais' donation, I choose to hit 7,920 gold. Yup, that moves me another 1% closer. I've really made some progress with my quest today and I'm impressed. I hope I can do as good tomorrow as I've done today.

In the morning of September 19, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 43 )</center>Up a wee bit too late for me last night. Couldn't get up as early as I wanted, which kind of bites because of the homework. *looks at pile* Meh. Today's forecast is continous homework with interdispersed amounts of bumps.

I did really well yesterday. Without Lais' donation, I made 475 gold on my own. That is good! I've reset "Today's Gold" back to 0 / 400, because there's no way I'm thinking, "Oh, goody! I made 75 extra gold yesterday, that means only 325 today!" stare No! What of Monday? School!

In the evening of September 19, 2004, I wrote::
@.@ Been on Gaia since about 7:30 this morning, with about two hours off. Oodles of homework, which is why I haven't been very talkative today. Simply lurking, bumping a bit here and there, but mostly clicking "Next" as its the simpliest. @.@
Earned 475 gold to make it up to 8,400 gold. I'm over the 2/3 mark for another bag. So cool. No doubt I'll earn another 100 gold, if not more as I still have piles of homework. Oddly enough, it'll actually be nice to be at school tomorrow. That'll mean I'm not on Gaia, which after this weekend, I feel I deserve.

And now, back to the books.

Edit :: I surpassed the extra 100 gold that I thought I would earn. And then kyai_subiachi donated 100 gold. THANK YOU kyai_subiachi!!

OMG! That girl's been on all day! Sweet angry cheese! Gotta help put her out of her misery!

Edit #2 :: Oh, yeah. Added some more gold. Final count to come later.

Edit #3 :: Final count: 850 gold; 8,700 gold in total. Yup, I only have 300 gold left to earn and I've got another bag.

In the evening of September 20, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 42 )</center>I didn't mention yesterday that I found a blue giftbox. I haven't opened it yet and am wondering if it's worth opening. I suppose I could, although I could try selling it for 5K. 5K would come in handy. ^^
I know have enough for another bag! Woot! Bag prize to be awarded tomorrow. Everyone who has bumped so far are eligible. :3
I've earned 300 out of 400 today, which isn't bad. I don't know if I'll be able to earn the other 100 or not. It's in the air at the moment. I did really good yesterday, but I paid for it today. @.@ Headache, but the homework helped in that area. In any case, I'm very happy with how this quest is going lately. It's doing well and at the current rate, I'll be done before Hallowe'en. That'll give me a little break to save up for a clothing article before beginning my Christmas Charity Quest.

In the morning of September 22, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 40 )</center>I wasn't on yesterday due to not feeling good. I'm on this morning, but not on the computer that has my bumper file.

Monday's grand total of gold was 300. Yesterday's grand total of gold was 0. Today's grand total of gold is . . . not determined yet.

Stopped by The Official Quest Guild and discovered a neat little surprise.

Edit :: Congratulations to zinn-chan! She is the latest winner of my paper brown bag quest! Thank you very much for bumping my quest thread!

In the evening of September 23, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 39 )</center>Congratulations Kiyura on finishing your quest for a #0000FF Complex Shirt! I was by the guild this evening and noticed that Kiyura was shy of only 450 gold. Well, holy crappers! Lately I've made over 400 gold a day (which isn't because it's easy, it's merely a feat I've been able to achieve through a lot of persistence) and I am ahead on my own quest, so why not?

And I'm back at a lump gold sum of 9,120. The 500 gold from yesterday included that 120 for my next bag. By my calculations (which could be off, but oh well), I"m shy of having 125 gold to fill my quota for tomorrow. Not bad at all! On Sunday, I figured by Thursday I would be behind and need to do major catching up. This is not the case and that's very uplifting. ^^
I will aim for 525 gold tonight, simply because it'll cover for Friday and Saturday. That should put me about where I was earlier today. ^^ No big at all!
Oh, and welcome back Quest Bumper!

Edit :: Meh. Okay, 525 is a big . . . for this evening. -_- Too tired. Will resume tomorrow. Earned 75 gold, leaving 50 gold for tomorrow to be filled. Whether I earn 400 gold for tomorrow and possibly 400 gold for today remains to be seen. No guarantees, but I should be able to gather 400.
In the morning of September 24, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 38 )</center>Note to self: never, ever take any night classes. &.&;; I couldn't do well in them to pass by the skin of my chin! *sighs* I become so challenged after nine. o.O
Aside from that, I thought I had something a little more . . . interesting to say, but I guess I don't.

And that's as good as it gets. Until this evening, everyone have a fabulous day!

In the morning of September 25, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 37 )</center>And another day begins.

In the evening of September 25, 2004, I wrote::
Booyah! Tomorrow's quota (gotta get a new word for that term) is accomplished. I managed to stay on this morning long enough to earn 350 gold. For some reason, it seemed rather easy this morning. One time, all I needed was ten minutes and I had 25 gold. It doesn't go very far in stores, but put with many other 25 golds and voila (imagine accent going into the air on top of the 'a')! A lot of golds that can do a lot! Well, okay. Only buy stuff, but still useful.

Today's gold: 400. Covers: Monday.
In the morning of September 26, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 36 )</center>Nothing like a major thread spruce up to feel good all over! Whee! I've placed the bumpers in a thread of their own; removed the post "With the Money I Saved, I Could Have Bought . . ." since I'm earning 400 gold a day, not 240 gold plus the extra 10; placed the page claimage awards into the bag awards and thread luck post; and filled out the bumping contest and prize thread. Oh, and I also cleaned out the link section and moved those who are questing up to the top. Whee! All nice and pretty now!
Now for the disheartening news. Once again, I tried to figure out how much I have covered last night. It don't matter what night it is, I simply shouldn't do it!

Edit :: I sneaked in my 200 gold for the morning. Now I can go work my butt off!

In the evening of September 26, 2004, I wrote::
Wholey moley! &.& Lag!! Noooo!

Congratulations to MeOfManyNames! You have claimed page 300 and it looked like you had some competition too!

Other good news is that I'm a third of the way to another bag! Whee! 1,080 gold towards the next bag, bringing my total to 10,080.

Edit :: Gaia is being very funny with the bank tonight. Evil little thing!

In the evening of September 27, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 35 )</center>Yay!

The Official Quest Guild isn't working for me. I can see that people have posted, but when I go into the threads, there are no new posts. o.O The system accounts for them, but I can't access.

Edit :: I have my 400 gold in for the day. I didn't feel like bumping and I cannot access any new posts at the guild, so . . . I went marketplace shopping!

In the morning of September 28, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 34 )</center>Yay! Gaia is doing better and so is the GGN area too! Woot!

And now to do some gold collecting.

In the evening of September 28, 2004, I wrote::
I'd rather be anywhere but on Gaia tonight.

Yes, I'm having a quest off-day. I set myself up to achieve a certain amount of gold each day. I haven't quite got there yet and the last 100 gold has been a struggle. I could have easily have signed off at 200 gold and thought, "Well, MeOfManyNames donated, so I'm in the good."

But I've really used up my will power to remain on Gaia this evening. I believe I'm about 100 gold shy now, which is good. I may, or may not, collect it. Anything I don't collect tonight will carry over until tomorrow. I've made that promise to myself and I don't want to break it. The only time I won't carry over is when I've over-achieved my daily quota. Anything extra is great and the next day I start out earning 400 gold all over again.
I'm so glad I'm not questing for a costlier item, like an OMG or sash or Jacked-up Pants, although the latter will come up next year. I will definitely enjoy my break after I finish this quest. The next quest in November and December will definitely be more enjoyable. Not so much pressure and whatnot.

And there was something else I wanted to say, but I can't remember it now, so it must have been a lie.

I've noticed that I'm nearing 50% of my remaining quest funds. I've read somewhere that when over 50%, I should request my thread be moved to the Wanted forum. I'm not sure how applicable that is to my quest, so I'll take it to mean that, yes, I fall under that condition. When I earn enough for my fourth bag, and pending any bank problems 'cause I don't want anything going "Oops!" on me, I'll be unloading my gold and picking up my bags. I'll still aim for 400 gold a day to finish up the 12,000 remaining quest goal, but I won't have to worry about the 50% issue for a while. At least, until I've earned another two bags.

And yet my mood is still not uplifted.

Edit :: I accomplished my goal and done a fair amount of bumping. I'm very happy I can go to bed without having tomorrow be any more challenging than it needs to be. All that's left is to close off the bumps I have waiting in line to do.

In the morning of September 30, 2004, I wrote::
<center>( Day 32 )</center>No entry for the log book yesterday, although I sure could have. My intentions were to collect 425 gold and earn another bag. However, it seemed a bit on the pointless side to knock myself out in that endeavour when the bank wasn't even working.

Today's plan is to finish off the 425, preferably in the morning. Once that's done I can begin work on my new item.

I officially scanned in my new item yesterday and am currently working on it. First step is to fix up the line art a bit. It shouldn't take much more for today, especially since I did a fair amount last night. Colouring should be a bit faster because layers are a wonderful feature.

Edit ::Well, the bank is up and running and for the most part, the trades have gone through. However, because I was leary of the bank being all that effective, I cancelled a held trade and only put a little bit of money in a new trade for a paper bag, while putting the rest of the money in another trade that was already on hold for me. The money and bag came through all right. And then I made another and that was okay too. So I went back to the other holding trade to take the money out of there and complete my bag purchases. Gone. All of it. Shoot! I got the bags, but my beneficiary didn't get the gold!

But it does suck to see 10K vanish when it shouldn't have. Oh, well. No use in getting upset, is there? Really, would it do me any good? No. The system simply has to remember me.

<center>I now have in my possession ::

: P Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

XD Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004

0_0 Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
In the afternoon of September 30, 2004, I wrote::
I've begun again. Kind of. I'm writing off the 10,800 gold pieces that I lost this morning. I still hold out hope for it, but in the meantime, it's damage control time.

Yeah, I can do it!

A big THANK YOU to Lord Braska!

My goal for today is to get myself back on track. I'm going to try and reach up to 6% by the end of the day, which will be pretty early because of a big day tomorrow.

End of second part of log's second half.