Here is my quest log account, from start to finish in that order. - December 26, 2004

On June 2, 2004, I wrote::
Began construction of thread. Gold amount was zero (0).
On June 13, 2004, I wrote::
Began to fill out thread with quest information. Thread still not officially opened.

On June 14, 2004, I wrote::

Update :: Wow. Gaia unofficially stopped at 10:19 pm. So strange seeing everyone's thread frozen.

On June 15, 2004, I wrote::
Searched and posted links for charities. For most of them, I'm short on a requirement or two, but in the next couple of days or so, I'll be eligible and I'm looking forward to that! Also updated my gold amount to 2750 gold. ^__^
On June 16, 2004, I wrote::
I almost nabbed a :B bag. &.& I had just enough gold too, but someone beat me to it. Dang! Last night's looksie around the marketplace revealed that most people who have the brown paper bags want about 4,000 to 7,000 gold for them. There are a few with prices lower than that, but that's because they're in an auction and are days away from finishing up. Prices weren't much better this morning, although I did spot the one bag with a price of 3,000. If only I had been fast enough. So the quest continues, as does the apparent need to advertise that my quest needs more bumpers! &.& That's the next thing to work on.
On June 17, 2004, I wrote::
Whee! I'm almost close to buying a bag! I've got my sights set on the master bag, the one that contains all twelve bags. I've noticed there is one for 4,500 g and I'm hoping to buy it by the end of the auction. Currently I have 3,550 gold. Another 1,000 gold pieces to go! Here pinklinky, pinklinky, pinklinky!

In the meantime, I've requested some assistance from the Moogle Charity. I might be able to make the required amount by the end of the bag auction, since I still have some time to bump my thread.
This morning I was bumped by -Cardboard x Candy-!

As well, I turned down a request of 3,000 g plus the complete skeleton outfit in return for obtaining the prisoner's ball and chain and the shackles.

Anyway, that's a cap of this morning. I'm off to do some more bumping before school, and oh, thanks kindly as well to Quest Bumper!

On June 18, 2004, I wrote::

Still saving up to purchase the master brown bag, "the one that contains them all."

And right after I buy a paper bag, I want to follow that up with a random donation to one lucky thread bumper. I may have to play spin the bottle or pin the pin on the lucky bumper.

Got a chance to have the evening to myself - or so I hope. The weekend is here! Yes!

On June 18, 2004, I wrote::
Woot! Yes folks! I bought the master bag!

<center>I now have in my possession ::

Brown Paper Bag
Given Out with 1000+ Purchase from October 16 to October 31, 2003
Estimated value: 2,000-5,500?
Comments: Contains a choice of one of twelve faces.
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
One bag down and twelve more to go!

On June 18, 2004, I, for the third time, wrote::
Congratulations to Zyfusion, ~.Cherry Rose.~, and Quest Bumper! I couldn't award one without thinking of the other two, no matter which way I sliced it. So turned a blind eye to the notion of one winner and awarded all three of you on my success of purchasing a brown paper bag. It didn't feel right choosing any other way, and so I went with my gut feelings. Thanks again! Please note, there are twelve more chances of receiving a thank you award from me.
On June 19, 2004, I wrote::
Back at it again this morning, although I seem to luck out in being around when my other bumpers are around.

In addition to my thread, I'm bumping over at RunNGun)2( (the thread link is above in the Links post). I donated 25g to be eligible for his bumping contest, and no doubt I'll make it back with 25 bumps.

Undeniably, bumping has to be as exciting as developing a hemorrhoid. It doesn't help either when there's no one to bump with you. Bad enough when it's only one person, but two or more at least gives it a sense of company, even if no one is talking to the others.
Gotta face it though, not a lot of thought and effort goes into bumping. You click to post, you type in "bump" or whatever, such as the code for the bumping image, you press submit, and wait 55 seconds. Not exactly brain surgery. Do enough and you don't even have to type; simply paste your copied bump and away you go.
*sighs* Nope, bumping isn't the most engaging thing to do. But when on a quest, it's sometimes necessary. And maybe that's why some quests don't make it to the end. The monotonous feature of bumping gets a little wearisome.
On June 20, 2004, I wrote::
Been offered an opportunity to purchase a Monster Bag for 3300, and I'm going for it! ^^ The kind Dead Pirate is willing to hold the bag until I have saved up enough money to purchase it.

As for the new Gaia look, I like it. It seems to bring a whole new feel to the website, like it's fresh out of the box!

Anyway, on to some more questing!

On June 20, for a second time, 2004, I wrote::

<center>I now have in my possession ::

Brown Paper Bag With Holes
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
Eleven left to go with one waiting in the wings!

On June 20, 2004, I wrote::
Slowly, but surely I update my thread.

Congratulations to Shabunni for winning last round's award hand-out for me obtaining another bag!

Congratulations also to Quest Bumper for the being the first person on page 50.

A big Thank You! to bubbletea4me for donating 200 g to my quest!

Another thank you to my fellow bumpers, all of you!

That then concludes my congratulations and thank you's. I'm amazed at how far I've come on my quest. Two bags with one close at hand; I honestly didn't believe I'd be able to pull this quest off, but now that I've finished 2/13 of it, it doesn't seem that hard at all. Of course, this is my first quest, so maybe I shouldn't talk until I've done a serious, really hard quest!

On June 22, 2004, I wrote::
Woke up extra early so I could do some bumping before the day got started. &.& Oi! How early! I'm thinking all those "die" messages should be gone from Gaia, what with yesterday's downtime. Yet, Beatrix still doesn't like me! &_& I don't know; I thought we were getting along really good. You know the saying, "Water under the bridge." Yeah, well, apparently those past issues aren't water under the bridge. ^.^;;;
Everything's updated and there's currently nothing more to write about, although if I sit here long enough, I'm sure my sleepy head could think up something. ... Okay, it can't.

On June 24, 2004, I wrote::
Not very many bumps yesterday evening, but at least I updated the front part of the thread. I think I had too much sun and hence wasn't worth much by the end of the day.

On June 28, 2004, I wrote::
. . . that I came back from the dead!

I am now caught up on the bumpers and their total. Thank you to all who bumped while I was AWOL. That was very nice of you and I highly appreciate it. Sadly, I had my first person who thought nothing of it to swear in my thread.

And now back to more bumping.
P.S. Thank you to Atlamtima for being my third donator. I've adjusted your bumps, so when you come on next time, resume at bump 55, please!

On June 29, 2004, I wrote::
Kind of up early. Would have been up earlier, but couldn't make it. ,&.&, I'm determined to earn the remaining 600 gold today, although that may be really pushing it for today. I could potentially be away from the computer - the actual house in fact - for most of the day. Hence, my reason for getting up so early . . . even if it really isn't all that early. &.& I'm very close to finishing my third leg of this quest. I want to finish it by today; however, more realistically, it looks like tomorrow will be the day.
So far, General Cluster, the load balancer, is somewhat good to me. Oddly enough, I couldn't access Zyfusion's quest thread. Will try that later. Saves posts lickety split, even though submitting an adjusted, previous post isn't much faster than a snail racing down a salt strip.

Edit: Gained access. Only had to change the server from "ian" to "www." Ian must not be doing too well this morning. Poor fella. Sick or simply jealous of General Cluster moving in and taking over!

On July 1, 2004, I wrote::

<center>I now have in my possession ::

Monster Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
Congratulations go to l-i-m-e for winning this bag's prize! I will be going to the bank shortly and sending the monies to you! Thank you for bumping my quest thread!
Those who have bumped and those who will bump, you are all in the list for the next bags. So if you've bumped before and didn't win the last three times, fret not for you have another ten chances to win!

I was pm'ed by a fellow Gaian and he offered me the remaining ten bags at 3000 each. I figured this was a good opportunity and would save me from lurking around the marketplace to find bags and perchance losing a chance at purchasing a bag due to lack of funds. So from here on in, I will be going towards the grand total of 30,000 and buy all the remaining bags at once. In relation to the bag prizes that I hand out, I will still make ten separate draws and not one big draw with ten winners.
Earlier today I was offered a chance to buy Jack's Anger at 16K. I'm sure I've seen it cheaper, at about 12K or something like that. Anyway, seeing as I had just purchased the Monster Bag and will soon be giving out l-i-m-e's award, I certainly had no 16K on me!

On July 15, 2004, I came back "from the dead" and wrote::
&&.&&;;; Dang it! I finally can get on with my computer and Gaia is funky. To post one message is like a hit-and-miss adventure. Occassionally I hit it, but more often it's a miss.

As far as my quest goes, it's been a slow process. A major part of the reason is that I thought I would have more time now that it is summer. "Not so," said the parental units. Dang! Then there's been the issue of the last few days of my computer not hooking up to Gaia. Either I don't get it or I receive a database error. Both of those conditions have seriously cut into my bumping time. In addition, I have the lovely situation of one out of three posts not processing. Before it was the lag after processing and now it is like a lag before I receive the page to type my message. Major bumper, but I'm sure this will all settle down by the week's end, yes?
^.^;; Maybe?

A big round of thanks for my bumpers. You guys and gals are the best! If not for you, my quest would be in trouble. Thanks a million! You're wonderful!
And with that, I'll try to bump some more. Kudos to pooo108, who seems to have no trouble bumping today. Way to go, pooo108!

On July 16, 2004, I wrote::
Despite the rollback, my thread came out all right. Phew! I'm glad I don't have to re-write yesterday's entry. Everything else seems in order too. I've been able to make back some of the money lost by bumping, so not too much of a set back. Last day's problems were a good wake up call that I should save a back up copy of the first page. It would suck to re-do them, although granted, I wouldn't need to re-do all of them.
Everything has been updated. pooo108, you're at bump 31. You bumped '12' twice. When you return, please start at 32. And that's about it for announcements. Yeah. Nothing new to report, save for a prediction that I'll be able to buy one bag by the end of next week. I might have been able to have done it this week, but the problems logging on and then the rollback to July 14, it's a no-go. I have faith in next week!
On July 26, 2004, I wrote::
I squeaked in another bag in my collection! With all the changes happening with Gaia and the connection problem, I was slow in earning my bag. However, I've made it and that means one less bag to collect. Woot!
<center>I now have in my possession ::

^_^ Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
Congrats to Korden, who won this bag's round!
And now back to some more bumping!
On July 31, 2004, I wrote::
Booyah! Thanks ever so much to Koji Bob's incredibly generous donation, I know have another brown bag!

<center>I now have in my possession ::

&.& Brown Paper Bag
Found In: Brown Paper Bag
Estimated value: 2,000-5,000?
Last Checked: May 14, 2004</center>
Congratulations to JelloPie, who won this bag's round, the fastest round ever!
With Koji Bob's donation, I've altered the bumpers list structure. Instead of the top five, it's the top seven. *looks at Arz Arcanum* This is to make it easier for you, Arz, because, yeah, the other list is really long.

On August 22, 2004, I wrote::
Yes! I'm almost to the mid-way point for my sixth bag! I was going to write earlier today that my goal is to reach 1,440 (6% of total quest monies); however, I've already reached that. A loftier goal would be to reach 10% or 2,400. I'm not so sure about that. Perhaps if some Gaians, who are feeling generous today, are to come by and help me, then I can see that goal as being realistic for today.
The reason why I believe it's lofty is because I'll be away for two weeks starting tomorrow mid-morning. No Internet connection at all! And today is packing-and-pick-up-those-last-minute-items day, which will making being online a challenge. However, I intend to try my hardest and be online as much as possible, even if I have to be away from the computer for twenty or so minutes at a time.
So, for today, my gold goal is 1,680. Another 240 gold pieces to move me up to 7% of total quest funds needed. That is realistic and I believe I can achieve it. With luck, and I've got my fingers crossed, I'll wake up early enough tomorrow morning to earn an additional 240 gold pieces. That would certainly make my day to have 1,920 before I leave for my trip. I'd be over the half-way mark and it be so easy for me to accumulate the remaining 3,00 for a sixth bag. I'd like to have that bag by the eleventh of September.
Edit: Fix number calculations. ^^;;; A sure sign it's too early for me when I can't figure out the right gold amount! ^^;;; Ah well, the day will improve from here on in.
End of first part of log.