wow, my life sucks.
it's 1:15 am, and i'm full of diet mountain dew.
i think juju the sock eating monkey in eating my brain. that or he's punching me in the neck.
i'm not tired, i'm just bored as hell.
dramallama dramallama dramallama
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maybe if i put the socket wrench and fuse it with a 200 jump start and 600 volts with a protoplasm of the canus maximus and the sulfic acid contained inside a ribosome, mixed with some nucleatuc amenticed dinueculotides....... yes yes.... i see..... so the meaning of life is....... OH LOOK!!! A CHAIR!!!
You know what's scary? Before I made this signature, I hadn't made a new one since 2008.
Yeah, it took me that long to give a damn.
Yeah, it took me that long to give a damn.