hello fellow gaians, and welcome to the story of my life. of course im not gonna actually tell you the story of my life because that would take to long, but I can give you a basic rundown. SO HERE GOES.
Well I grew up in a pretty good house, I was always bounced around between my parents, because my mother would always hold me over his head and blah ******** blah. So then mom got divorced from the best thing that ever happened to her and sent me and me to my dads, and my 3 siblings (At the time) stayed at the same place. Later on in life we were all reunited in a magical city, where we were happy and things were good and you didnt have to worry about anything... Then my mom met that demon she is about to divorce now and then she sent us all packing to our dads right before summer vacation. Then mom had a bad history till now.
I moved with my dad, went to middle school, met leon became brothers, went to high school, switched high schools, got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea,fell in love (yet again stare ), met another best freind/sister,Graduated high school, starting planning for college. So now I get to the now instead of the then.
Well dad has spent the past 18 years in burning black ashy hell, with this biatch named cherri, well I and all my freinds (and I know you guys agree with this) hated her a**. I'm not gonna totally describe her but I can say that she was mean,drunk,selfish,and just downright evil. So then dad about 2 months ago finally breaks up with this stupid b***h for the 3rd time and this time it stuck, and met somebody awesome. This person dad met, ended up being the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just in the first 2 nights she was there we sat down and had a heart to heart convo that I hadnt had with the previous girl for ohh lets say MY WHOLE LIFE. I got closer to her in 2 weeks then I did in the whole almost 2 decades I knew that other stupid b***h. So life was freakin great man, she knew everything about me, I told her I loved her and we started to actually basically become family..... That is until recently and more accurately this morning.
Well this morning was as usual (because of my dads stupid habits he has) an up and down thing, u know one minute he's a ******** a*****e, and then the next he's all cuddle cuddle im actually GONNA BE A REAL FRIGGEN MAN!!!. Basically a Jackyl and Hyde concept with him. So then I go to bed and everything seems ok... I wake up and dad is yelling at the top of his lungs at her, and screaming she's gone,she's gone (in that stupid ******** southern accent). So then the next thing I know she's packing a duffle bag with clothes and she's coming to get her s**t in 2 or 3 days. stressed stressed
So I arrive at now at this moment in time, I am in such hell it is almost unbearable I can feel the heat of the flame on my skin, it burns so bad. So now she's living with this guy who is basically like a 2nd father to her, and she's coming to get her stuff in the next 2 days or so. So bascially right now im listening to my god forsaken sorry excuse for a father, talk about how he didnt do anything wrong, and if she'd just apoligize she would have a place to go. I cant begin to tell you how much I royally loathe my father right now. I really really hate this, and I'm not exactly sure on the full extent of how this going to affect me yet, but I hope I can remedy it. So that has been my screwed up day in a nutshell, so now im going to make something to eat, and call my mom and try to distract myself some more.
Thank you very much for listening (or reading in this case) and I very much look foward to the next entry.
Good day,
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My life stories...
This journal describes the screwed up things that happen to me, the good things,and the bad things. Read on.
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