To My Best Friends In The World DigitalBunny101...
DigitalBunny101, billiejoeshottie1, Hitome378, ryoblackheart, pinkpixie101680.
You are my true friends and nothing will get in the way of our friendship.
This journal entry is devoted to my friends and if you agrie I am your friend please leave a comment.
our lives may not be perfect but we can always count on our friends to be there for us when we are down.
we will be friends forever and even if I dont remember your name I will always know who you were and that you were my friend.
I am the kind of friend you can trust with anything any secret you tell me I will keep safe.
we may fight a little and I may not talk to you much but we will make up.
I may not talk to you in a couple of years and we may grow apart but you will still be my friends.
we may forget each other but we will not forget that we had a friend that you could trust and that you enjoyed talking to them because they would understand if you were sad or happy and that they helped you when you were in truble.
when you are sad I will cheer you up, when you are happy I willbe happy, and when you are mad at someone I will help you get revenge, or just make you feel better.
I just wanted to let you know that even when you feel all alone there is someone who cares about you and is thinking about you right now and will undsand you so call them and talk to them. Cuz I just wanted to let you know I will be your friend forever, and you can always count on me to be there.
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