- You Are The Key Character "It's what I was meant to do."
You are the true enigma. No one knows much about you, you do not understand much of yourself, and your life seems to carry no purpose. Yet regardless of everything around you - everyone knows that you are here for some reason, even if no one yet knows what that is. Things seem to simply fall into place for you. Almost as though some force is working either through you, for you, or around you. No matter your troubles, you have been sent here to unlock something. This is your destiny.
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 IceHidden nature, a shell of fear. You are a lonely person, just like darkness. However, you are simply afraid of failure. You are not content with your loneliness, you wish for more. You are a kind hearted person, but you don't let people see it. Every now and then you slip and end up showing your other side, but when people question, you return to your solid form. Please, come out of your corner. The world holds much love for you too.
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Ageha-kun · Thu Aug 31, 2006 @ 09:56pm · 0 Comments |