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Light's Journal
A Log of my life and Adventures kept in my sketchbook
Log four:The monk, the ring, and the man with the silver gun
After five days on the road, Light finally reached a Monastery, belonging to an Order of monks that sometimes did trade with the temple that Light once lived at. Although the temple was actually a seven day trip from the temple, Light got lucky and hitched a ride with a farmer who was traveling with his livestock, that and Light got to use his werewolf form to travel at a greater speed when the full moon came around. When he finally arrived at the front gates of the monastery, a guard with a staff and black robes stopped him. "Halt, state your business" He said as he pointed the staff at Light. "My name is Light, and I am here to see high monk Zaldin 'Him being the only monk he knew'." He said as he as he adjusted the chest which was strapped to his back. "Ok, you may enter." He said as he lowered his staff and tapped it twice against the ground. The gates then swung open, allowing Light to enter the Monastery. Upon his entry, he saw many monks either training, cleaning, or building a new section of the monetary. He kept walking until he was standing in front of two great doors made of ancient oak. Knowing Zaldin must be inside, he pushed the doors aside, revealing a large room with a single pathway lit by small standing torches, at the end of that pathway was a single man praying over a statue, with a set of prayer beads in his hands. When Light approached him and tapped him on the shoulder to try and ask where monk Zaldin was, the man rushed with an unnatural speed behind Light and used the Rosary as a sort of garroting wire "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He said as he choked Light. Light managed to sputter out "Light...here to...see....monk Zaldin..." When the monk herd this, he immediately let go, letting Light drop to the ground, coughing, hacking, and wheezing. He then helped Light up and apologized "forgive my rash behavior, I am monk Leto, Zaldin's apprentice. But just then, another monk entered the hall and yelled out "LETO, SO THIS IS WHERE YOUVE BEEN!" Leto then turned around and said "High monk Zaldin, I can explain..." But before he could finish, He got cut off by Zaldin as he said "NO EXCUSES, oh and who is that there?" Leto then said "This is Light, he said he wanted to see you sir." Zaldin then looked down at Light and said "Ah...yes...I remember now, you live at the temple in the Eastern mountains, So what brings you here and how is my old friend doing?" Light then looked down at his feet and said "I came here seeking to open this chest, and my master is dead, everyone there died about 5 days ago." When Zaldin herd this he gasped "Everyone? That is impossible, there are others there that can rival some of my best students!" He said while trying to cope with this news. "Well its true, my master is dead and the temple burned to the ground, but he wanted me to have whatever was in this chest." He nodded and then said to Leto "Ill deal with you later, as for now I need to help this young man." He then led Light through one of the many doors on the left side of the hall. This door led into another hall with about 5 doors on either side. The monk then led Light to the 3rd door on the Right and said. "Stay here for the time being. I shall try to open this box." He then left and shut the door behind him. The room was an average size, with straw matting for the floors and a single cot on the floor and a desk with an inkwell on it. Light then sat on the cot and took out the few measly possessions he had with him. A paintbrush, a few vials, and a red marble that he had found while in town. As he stared at them, he thought "What could possibly be in that box?" After a while, Light fell asleep, he slept for what seemed to him to only be a few minutes, but was actually a few hours. He knew this when he noticed the room was dark. He then stretched and put the objects back into his pockets. Moments later, there was a knock at the door. Light got up and opened it, and in the doorway stood monk Zaldin with a horror struck expression on his face "I managed to open the box, and you won't believe this but its empty!" Light herd this and fell back. "Empty? How could that be?" But before Light could think any further, Monk Zaldin suddenly flinched and then put his hand to his chest, when he withdrew it, a blot of blood was visible on it. He then fell to his knees, followed by the rest of him soon after. Behind where monk Zaldin had been standing, stood a man with a spiky hairdo, and a silver gun with an overly decorated handle. "Ha...The old man didn't hear me, must be going deaf." He then turned and saw Light "Hey! Your that kid that the boss is after! Wow, Ryu's gonna flip when I tell him about this!" Light glanced at the man in confusion and said "Who is Ryu? And why did you kill monk Zaldin?" The man then glanced at him and Laughed. "Thats none of your business, and I'm following orders." Light herd this and got angry. "YOU MONSTER!" He said said as he drew the paintbrush and grabbed the bottle of ink off the nearby desk and used it to attack the man. But before he could even hit him, the man fired off a shot at his feet, causing him to lose balance and fall back. He then said "Your out of your league kid, now wait here like a good little brat while I finish my job." The man then shut the door and jammed it with a with a piece of metal. When Light herd him leave, he went for the door and tried to open it, but couldn't. Without a moments hesitation, he broke it down with his brush by summoning a tendril to break it into splinters. He then ran down the hall and out the door where he found Leto being pinned by the foot of the man with the gun as he said "Where is the treasure vault?" Leto then said "I shall not tell you, even if it means my life, I shall protect the magic treasures!" "Wrong answer..." Said the man as he put the barrel of the gun to Leto's head. Light saw this and used a tendril to hit the man in the head, which caused him to crash to the floor on his chest. He then rushed to aid Leto's aid. The man then got up and felt his head, he then looked at his hand and noticed his head was bleeding very badly. Trying not to collapse from blood loss, the man steadied his arm and shot an oil lamp that was hanging from the ceiling, which caused a barrier of flames between the man and Light. "Not bad kid, but your still miles off from defeating me." He then ran through the front door while saying "My name is Vincent...Remember it!" Eventually the flames cleared but the man was long gone. Leto then said "Thank goodness he didn't find the vault, it could have meant the deaths of many people if he did." Light nodded his head in agreement. "Leto then said "I saw monk Zaldin head to your room before the intruder came, where is he now?" Light herd this and sighed before saying "I'm sorry Leto, the man killed him after he told me that he had opened the chest." When Leto herd this, his eyes grew wide and distant. He then started to say "No, that can't be true, monk Zaldin could never lose to someone like him, tell me your lying!" But Light just closed his eyes and nodded in disapproval. Leto then fell to the ground and started to cry. Light decided he shouldn't get involved so he went to check on the chest that monk Zaldin had opened prior to his death. Light found it in the room with the lid open, and nothing was inside. However, on the very bottom, painted onto the chest was a transmutation circle. "Hey, this is a false bottom, which means there may be something in here after all." Light then took out his brush and positioned it above the circle, just as his master had taught him, he then then put it so that the bristles touched the middle of the circle. Then, all of the sudden the brush slightly sunk into the false bottom and the circle started to glow blue and eventually turned the whole bottom blue. It then disappeared and revealed its hidden contents. Inside the compartment was a black leather notebook, a scroll, a little box, and a note. The note read "Dear Light, If you get this, one of these two circumstances has happened. Number one, you have come of age. Or two, unforscene circumstances have caused my untimely demise. Either way the three objects in this chest are for you. The notebook is full of old magic paper that can be used as a medium such as what you do with your paintbrush. The second is the only known record of how you came to be in my care. And the third is inside the box, it is a sacred treasure that will allow you to harness the power of your werewolf side. I am very proud of you Light, you've been like a son to me, so take great care, and may the gods look over you. Your master-Mage Kaito." Light took the box and opened it, inside was a silver ring with little runic symbols embedded all around it, Light then put it on and felt a slight bit of pain, but it went away a few seconds later. After that, the whole monastery had been alerted of the intruder, and a search for him ensued, but he was never found. The next day, after a bit of interrogation so that the monks could have a description of monk Zaldin's killer, Light decided to leave, his objective now was to find out what had caused caused his village to be destroyed, and how that that man knew his name. But with all this on his mind, one thing was clear, someone, he didn't know who, but someone was going to pay for these deeds.

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