This is where I write useless information and rant about random things because some things in life need to be ranted about. I have had a couple requests to write all of my rants down and publish them due to my ability to make even the smallest detai
Phones are bad for your health
Apparently, todays rant is about my friends' ability to not use the phone. So I have concluded: Since nobody uses the phone to ever tell me when they are coming over, they must believe that using the phone is either A) Cancerous B) A drug of some kind C) Tapped by some Arabs.
Now, why have I come to such a conclusion? Continually, every day, a certain young man named Tyler likes to appear at my door at the ungodly hour of 12:00 noon. If anyone is like me, that is three hours before the 'day' starts. Who is even awake when the sun rises? Who I ask you! Nobody! That SHOULD be the answer, so why are these people showing up at my house at noon? I don't know.
Let us look further into this unnatural phenomena. The phone could be cancerous. They have said many things before the cell phone and telephone were cancerous. Like Peanut butter. If peanut butter can induce cancer, then perhaps the logical leap to make any kind of phones is still present in peoples brains. Sure, all of them waves floating around make for an exiting idea of brain wash, but only cheerleaders are unmimmunized to those.
Perhaps people are concerned that if they use the phone too much, they will become ADDICTED to said phone! Soon people will be going to OTA meetings ( over talkers annonymous ) with cheerleaders! Perhaps that is the FEAR behind calling people before coming over to their house? I know cheerleaders are so perfect they are scary, but damn!
But then there are those patriotic nuts who are so scared and delve their hatred so much in the Arab race simply because TV tells them too. Ihave nothing against any race, but I can understand the fear of having phones tapped. Some things are best left unsaid, than be tapped and recorded, right? WRONG! Use the damn phone! They don't care about who you have phone sex with your retarded gun toting weirdos from the bowels of the Deep Dark Dork Forest! Curse you!
So the morale of today. If you wish to come into my home, pick up the phone, and give me a call. 483-27#$ that's all I ask. If you find any OTHER reason not to call me before coming over, do not expect me to be happy. You know how I am ( or should know how I am ) before my first cup of coffee.