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Fluffy's Random Journal
Random stuff
don't let meh be bored... it took me 3 hours to finish this
First part: The basic ^ _ ^

1. Are you a boy or a girl? buy
2.And do you like girls, boys or both? girls
3.Do you have an actual boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
4.Do you have a crush on someone? yes
5.How long have you been with your gf/bf? ((if you dont have any, then how long have you liked your crush?)) 4 months
6.Where did you two first meet? school
7.How was it like? Was it love at first sight? friends at first
8.Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
9.Had you met over the internet before? If yes... had you started going out online before you really met each other, and how did you meet in RL? nope
10.Are you in a long-distance relationship? nope
11.Do you believe in online/long-distance relationships? not really, most of them don't last

Second Part, let's be a bit more personnal ^_^

12.What was your first impression of her/him? kind, cute, quiet
13.When did you realise you like her/him? middle of the school year
14.When did you really start liking her/him? when I asked her out
15.When did you start going out with her/him? (( if you haven't yet, tell us if you think you will or not )) May 14, 2006
16.Did she/he ask you out or did you do it yourself? messa did it myself
17.Did you already kiss? yes
18.How was it like? Did you make the first move or did she/he did it? I liked it more then I thought I would :XP:
19. Is it your first gf/bf? no... third
20.Are you his/her first gf/bf? nope
21.Have you ever spent a night together? uh... depends on what ya mean by night together...
22.If you have, do you... regreat it? *points to question above*
23.If you have not... do you want to? maybe
24.Do you think it has made/will make you closer to each other? *points to the posts before*

Third Part, let's talk about your perfect gf/bf...

25.does the physic matter to you? not really
26.If yes, why? ((if no, just bump ^_^ )) bump
27.If no, why? ((if yes, just bump ^_^ )) it doesn't matter what they look like, it's their personality and the way they treat you that really counts... but good looks is a plus mrgreen
28.Do you need someone who can protect you? no
29.Do you need her/him to get along with your family? I don't really care
30.Would you break up with someone if your parents didn't like them? no, I don't care what they think
31.Would you rather date someone six years older or six years younger than you? six years younger
32.Do you really think a perfect gf/bf exists? yes

Fourth Part, let's talk about your gf/bf or Crush

33.How much older or younger is she/he compared to you? 6 days younger blaugh
34.Hair colour? brown
35.Eye coulour? blue
36.Astrological sign? Scorpio
37.Do you really care of astrological signs? no
38.Skin colour? O.o racist o.O
39.Religion? dunno & don't care
40.Piercings or Tattoos? none
41.If yes, where? ((if no, just... jump )) bite
42.Glasses? no
43.Chest hair? wtf?!
44.Do you know where her/his birthmark is ((if you know if she/he has one))? nope

Fifth Part: Is she/he...

45.Humourous? yes
46.Patient? idk, kinda
47.Affectionate? yes
48.Sarcastic? a little bit
49.Protective? idk O.o
50.Expressive? sometimes
51.Caring? yes
52.Talkative? Quiet? Quiet
53.Outgoing? Shy? uh... O.o
54.Romantic? sometimes
55.Sentimental? yea
56.Jealous easily? probably, I don't know
57.Do you like when she/he is jealous? if he gets jealous, yes
58.Do you think her/his jealousy shows how much she/he cares about you? yes

Sixth Part: Her/his skills

59.Can she/he cook or bake? Have you ever eaten something she/he cooked? I dunno
60.Can she/he dance? Does she/he like it? dunno
61.Btw, do you go dancing often? I can't dance
62.Can she/he sing? Does she/he do it often for you? dunno
63.Does she/he play any instrument? I don' think so
64.How is her/his handwritting? pretty good
65.Can she/he write well? yup
66.Does she/he make you laugh often? yes
67.Is it important for you? Do you like when she/he make you laugh? yes
68.What is her/his talent? making me laugh... and other things...

Seventh Part, What do you like about him/her...

69.what is so special about the things she/he does? O.o o.O
70.Did she/he give you anything for Valentines Day? messa no know her that well then
71.What was it? nothing
72.What part of her/him do you like the most? her personality, her beautiful blue eyes
73.Is there anything you admire about her/him? hmm... yes
74.If yes, what? hew beutiful she is, her personality, hell, everything :XP:
75.If no... HOW SO ??? *points to question above*
76. what part of his personality do you like the most? caring
77.What made you love her/him so much? personality
78.What do you think makes her/him like you? I have no clue... I'm not likable
79.Is she/he okay with showing her/his love in public? dunno
80.Does she/he express her/his love for you? yes

Eighth Part: Things you dont really like... though you love her/him

81.is there anything you dislike about her/him? her insecuraty
82.If yes, have you told her/him? in some way
83.I will stop that part here, cause I dont like it... anything else to add?? nope

9th Part: Let's share things you did together...

84.What was your best memory with her/him? Not saying
85.Do you often go out with each other? we see each other often
86.What was the best thing you did with each other? Not saying
87.What was the worst? O.o
88.What was the best thing she/he ever gave you? her love
89.Do you give things to each other often? O.o
90 If you have spent a night with each other, how was it? how long did you wait before? you're a pervert -_-
91.Does she/he write letters or e-mails or texts to you? Do you do it as well? we PM each other

Tenth Part: Random questions... still about your love

92.do you have a lot of pictures of her/him? nope... but I want some... and I will as soon as I get a phone
93.Is there anything you want to tell her/him but couldn't? no, I tell her everything... EVERYTHING...
94.You can say it here if you want. o.O
95.Is she/he on gaia as well? yes
96.If yes, are you afraid she/he will see your answers? nope
97.Do you think that Quizz was annoying? Do you regreat it? no
98.Is there anything you regreat about her/him? no
99.Do you tell her/him often that you love her/him? yes
100.Tell her/him here that you love her/him, if you want... I love you so much Candace...

11th Part, Online relationships:

101.Are you in one? no
102.If yes, when did it start? not in one
103.Was it love at first letter? not in one
104.If you are not in one, could you be? no
105.Do you know a lot of people who are? no
106.Do you think you can really fall in love with someone you have never met? depends
107.Do you think people who are in online-relationship are really serious? nope
108.Do you think it can work out? nope

12th Part, Long-distance relationships

109.Are you in one? no
110.Do you know many people who are in one? no
111.How far does your gf/bf live? 10 minutes away if you walk
112.Do you think even 5 min away is too far away? no
113.Could you be in one, if you are not already? nope
114.Do you think love can last, even if you see each other only twice per year? no... usually it doesn't
115.What would you miss the most, if you were in a long-distance relationship? Idk, even though I was in one

13th Part, Hearing and Saying " I love you"

116.Do you need to hear "I love you" a lot from your gf/bf? no, but I like to hear it
117.Why? Idk
118.Do you like better when your gf/bf shows you her/his love instead of saying "I love you"? yea, most of the time
119.Do you feel nagged if you hear it too often? nope, not at all
120.What is "too often" for you? never
121.Do you think you say it enough to your gf/bf? yea, lol
122.Do you feel you have to answer "I love you too" everytime? nope, but I like to
123.What about saying "I love you" to your family? O.o I hardly see them
124.Do you like better texting it, writing it, than really saying it? saying it
125.Would you break up with someone who doesn't say it at all? no
126.Do you often say things like "I miss you" or "I need you"? sometimes
127.Do you think it shows you are weak if you say "I need you" too much? nope

14th Part, What you would accept or not...

128.Do you believe in the statement "Once a cheater, always a cheater"? no, people deserve a second chance
129.Would you forgive your gf/bf everything? yes, unless it's really REALLY bad
130.What would you never be able to forgive? cheating
131.Could you forgive having been cheated on? nope
132.Would you accept to do everything for her/him? yes, if they didn't cheat
133.What would you never accept? nope
134.What is the most difficult thing you have done for her/him without regreating it? idk
135.Do you think you have to take care more of your gf/bf than of yourself? yes
136.Would you give up your actual life for the person you love? yes
137.Would you give up everything for that special someone? yes
138.If she/he doesn't like your parents, would you accept it? maybe, depends on how much I love 'em
139.Is there anything you have always wanted to do with your gf/bf/crush but will never be able to? nope
140.Is there anything you don't want to do with the one you love? nope

15th Part, Soul mates

141.Do you believe in soul mates? yes
142.Do you think you have found yours? yes
143.How can you be sure she/he is/would be your Soul mate? it's just a feeling
144.Do you know people who, you are sure, found their soul mates? no
145.What is the thing you absolutely need in a gf/bf? Love
146.What is the thing you could never bear with? dunno

16th Part, Money in the relationship

147.Do you think money matters in a relationship? no
148.Do you care about the prize of a present from your gf/bf? no
149.Do you like better a cute present than chocolate? okay then O.o
150.What would be the best present for Valentines Day? dunno...
151.Do you like Valentines Day or do you think it's stupid? I wike it
152.Do you usually share the prize of what you do with your gf/bf ((like going to see a movie, eating in a restaurant))? I would
153.Do you think the boy has to pay everything? yup
154.Do you feel bad when your gf/bf pays for you? yup

17th Part, Being away from each other

155.Do you usually talk to your gf/bf every day? yes
156.How often do you see each other? often
157.How often do you really talk to each other? dunno
158.Do you IM a lot? no
159.Do you text a lot? no
160.If you can't see each other one day, would you be worried? no
161.And would you IM or call? no
162.How long can you last without seeing each other? I can't go that long... gonk

18th Part, Nicknames

163.Do you have cute nicknames for your gf/bf ((or do you have secret ones to talk about your crush to your friends?))? no gonk
164.If yes, what are they? crying
165.If no, would you like to have some? yea
166.Do you have plenty of things only you two are able to understand ((like inside jokes or that kind of things...))? yes
167.Do you think it's a way to be closer to each other? yes

19th Part, Wedding section...

168.Do you believe you will get married? yea
169.Do you think that your actual gf/bf/crush is the one you will marry? I hope so
170.Do you want to get married in a Church? no
171.Do you want to have a big wedding or a small one? small... with just friends and family
172.If you are a girl, do you want to marry in a white dress ((If you are a boy, do you want your future wife to wear one))? uhh... I don't know
173.Do you believe marriage is a proof of love? yes
174.Do you think you have to stay a virgin until your marriage? depends on how much you love the other person
175.How would you feel it your gf/bf didn't have the same point of view about that? Would do what she wants to
176.Do you think sex is important in the relationship? no
177.Would you leave someone if it wasn't working in bed? no
178.Would you be able to marry someone whose religion is not the same? yes

20th Part, Family Relationships...

179.Do you think it's important to get along with your gf/bf's family... ? idk
180.Do you get along with them? yea... I hope so...
181.Do you get along with her/his siblings? idk
182.How would you feel if you didn't? I don't know
183.Would you be able to live with her/his parents? O.o
184.Would your family accept anyone, as long as you love her/him? I think so O.o
185.How would you feel if her/his family doesn't accept you? sad...
186.Do you think love is more important than family? sometimes...

21st Part, Friends Relationships...

187.Do you know a lot of her/his friends? idk
188.Do you get along with them? maybe?
189.Does she/he know a lot of your friends? yea, I don't have many
190.Does she/he get along with them? sure?
191.Do you think it's important to keep your own friends? yea
192.Do you think it's important that your friends know her/him? yes
193.Would you leave your friends for the one you love, do you think love is more important than friendship? yes, but not by much

22nd Part, The things you have in common...

194.Do you think you need to be somehow the same with your gf/bf? we have to have some things in common
195.Or do you think that the opposiste attracts? maybe
196.What do you have in common with your gf/bf/crush? we are both perverts
197.Do you think you need to know someone before loving them? yes
198.Do you think a girl can ask out a boy, do you wish it was more acceptable for a girl to ask out a boy? I think girls can ask out guys
199.What is the thing you did with her/him and will never forget ((in a bad way))? ninja perverts
200.What is the thing you did with her/him and will never forget ((in a good way))? a lot of things ninja

201.Do you consider yourself still Available? nope
202.Has there ever been an Awkward situation with her/him? uh... idk
203.What does Annoy you about her/him ? nothing
204.Do you think Age matters? no

205.Do you call her/him Baby? no
206.What's his/her Best feature? eyes and personality
207.Do you remember her/his Birthday? yes, November 13, 1992
208.Do you have a Box with all of your souvenirs from your bf/gf? no

209.Have you ever been Cheated on? yes... my first girlfriend... but who gives a damn
210.What's her/his favorite Color? umm... (what IS your favorite color, Candace?)
211.Have you ever been to the Cinema with her/him? once.. with her sister and mom ninja
212.have you Cried often because of her/him? no
213.Have you Cried often over her/him? no

214.Do you like better spending Days or Nights with her/him? both
215.Has she/he ever Drawn something for you? no
216.Have you ever been Disconsolate and she/he anyway managed to cheer you up? no... messa not sad @ all (if that's what it means)

217.Do you often go out during Evenings? uh... no
218.Do you think you could still be with her/him even if you could talk only with E-mails? yes

219.Would you like to have a Family with her/him? yes
220.What's her/his Favorite band? AC-DC? (is it? mine is either Slipknot or Metallica)
221.Have you lost Friends because of her/him? no
222.What made you Fall in love with her/him? her personality

223.Do you Give things online to her/him? (Like if its his/her bday, would you give her/him a gaian item?) yes
224.Do you like Giving or receiving better? giving

225.Have you ever been on Holidays together? no
226.What's so special about her/his Hair? the blonde in it... it looks good
227.Are you specially Happy with her/him? yes
228.Do you have any Habit with her/him? no O.o

229.When was the first time you said “I love you”? And the 1st time she/he said it? May 15, 2006...
230.How did you feel when she/he said “I love you” for the first time? I was really happy
231.Who is her/his Idol? idk O.o
232.Tell us one of your Inside Joke... nope (idk, maybe... oh yea, PINK!!! but it's not really a joke...)

233.Do you often Joke about her/him? no
234.Has she/he ever given you Jewelry? no
235.Have you ever given her/him Jewelry? no crying

236.Is she/he Kind? yes
237.Have you ever Kicked anything because you were angry with her/him? no
238.Do you think it's important to stay with the father/mother of your Kids? if you love them
239.Do you Keep everything? ?? O.o

240.Is she/he your Longest girlfriend/boyfriend? yes
241.Love or Lust? love
242.Do you find her/him Lovely? yes
243.Any Laughable memory with her/him? yes
244.Do you think your Love would Last even if you couldn't meet her/him for one year? yes, but I hope that never happens crying
245.Has your Life changed since you have been going out with her/him? Or since you fell in Love? yes ^_^

246.Have you thought of Marriage together? I have redface
247.What is your Most Missed Memory? dunno
248.What is the last Movie you watched together? John Tucker Must Die... 'twas funny

249.What's your favorite Nickname for her/him? And the one she/he has for you? she don't have one crying
250.What's her/his favorite Number? O.o
251.Do you sometimes whisper her/his Name, when she/he is not with you? I think about her
252.Do you have a Number that reminds you of her/him? no

253.How Old are you? 13... almost 14
254.How Old is she/he? 13... almost 14
255.What's your favorite Occupation together? dunno
256.Before going out with her/him... was it Obvious that you loved her/him? idk

257.Do you have a Passion in common? dunno
258.What is the Part of her/his appearance you like the most? her beautiful face and extravigant (sp?) eyes
259.Do you want your gf/bf to be Perfect? no
260.Do you like talking about your Past with her/him? I would... if I remembered anything...
261.Do you have a Pic of her/him in your Purse/wallet? no crying

262.Do you often Quest for him? wtf?!
263.Are you Quiet when you are hurt? yes
264.Do you often Quibble each other? wtf?!

265.Do you have one Regret about her/him? nope
266.Tell us something Random about her/him? she says "lol, nice" a lot online
267.What Reminds you of her/him? a lot of things
268.Is she/he your Reason to smile? yes
269.What is your most Romantic memory? not sayn', that's between us rawr *bite*
270.What is your most Romantic place? dunno

271.How many Siblings does she/he have? I think 2 to 4???
272.Would you choose someone Smart but ugly, or someone beautiful/handsome but unable to have a conversation? idk O.o... but I am ugly
273.What is your love Song? dunno
274.What Shoes did she/he wear last time you saw each other? dunno... i don't pay attention to shoes
275.What Season did you meet in? fall
276.Are you Stuck with her/him? what do ya mean by struck?

277.Do you think you can really Trust her/him? yes
278.Do you remember the Time when you first met? no
279.Do you like watching TV together, or do you like better going out? going out
280.Do you Think it's important to Tell her/him everything about your life before? ...

281.Have you ever seen her/his Underwear? ...
282.Are you Unconvinced about your love for her/him? no
283.Does she/he have any Unhealthy habit? dunno

284.Ever been on Vacation together? no
285.What is the Vegetable she/he loves the most? dunno

286.Do you consider she/he is your World? yes
287.Any Wish you want to share? dunno
288.What is her/his Worst habit? dunno
289.Any Worst memory you would like to tell us? nope
290.Do you think Weight matters? no
291.Have you ever Woken up in her/his arms? no... but I wouldn't mind it... redface

292.Do you talk to her/him about your eX-gf/bf? idk O.o
293.Ever spent Xmas together? ((YEAH I found a second question with an X!!!)) no

294.Year everything started: 2006
295.Has she/he ever Yelled at you? no
296.If Yes, why? If no... just bump ^^ bump

297.Have you ever been to the Zoo together? on a school feild trip
298.What's her/his Zodiac sign? scorpio
299.Is she/he Zany? wtf?!


Now... as I said... never let me get bored again... and I mean NEVER!

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