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Domo Backpack ate my head....
Crazy adventures in this world we call, GAIA.
After I accidentally unstickied my Gaia Times newspaper thread in the Memorable forum. It got pruned....all the first issues were pruned. So, I thought I lost every interview then. Today, I decided to go looking through old files and lo' and behold I found it!

Hello Arwin smile
Sorry for the late reply. I am in the middle of moving + holliday stuffs, so wasn't able to check my mails as faithfully as I shoud have. In fact, I didn't have internet connection for the better part of the month sweatdrop

I'm not sure if it's too late or not, but I'll answer the questions you've asked ^^

1. How did you become acquainted to Gaia Online?

A: Originally me and the rest of XD guys talked about a lot of ideas while we skateboard every night. One of the idea was to start a small community sites for anime and game fans smile We started from that and added more and more ideas and eventually it became Gaia Online smile

2. People always ask what admins do on Gaia Online, what are your duties here in Gaia Online? ((HAHAHHAA! Let the World know!)

A: I designed the original site and forum design and layout. I also worked on visuals and concept of the site with the rest of the XD crew before too smile

3. InkPlus! An art site that I drooled over when I first saw it. Your artwork is beautiful!! How do you do it?!?! The coloring and everything.

A: Thank you very much for your nice comments ^^. Not just me, but everyone at Studio XD have been working in the comic industry for quite some times now, so I guess we are pretty efficient at our job by now. Also lots of Tacobell. Lots. wink

4. Did you ever expect Gaia Online to grow this big?

A: Well, we *wished* it to become big, but never imagined anything of this magnitude in our wildest dream. surprised

5. OKAY!! Out of curiosity, Do you an admin ever wanted anything in the store but can't buy it or find it (rares) I know I have....People need to know that you guys earn gold the same way we do! ((Optional))

A: Many people probably remember a naked admin for a while. That was me ^^; I was naked for a long LONG time to save up.^^;

6. Any secrets to share with us? Item updates? Features? Anything???

A: Well, only thing I can say for now is that Gaia is still in its infant stage where only small portion of our ideas have been realized so far. So as Gaia online matures and gains more audience, you can expect a lot more great things from Gaia online in the future. smile

7. What does CP mean??? I know it's your name blaugh

A: My name is Charles Park. But it was too long for me to spell so I use CP instead smile

8. I always ask admins this, How much gold do you have?

A: I have little mroe than 15K right now. Still poorest Admin I believe.

9. Finally to end this, O_o you're wearing clothes now....what made you convert to clothes wearing? whee

A: I heard too much tan is bad for you, so I got cloths smile Just kidding. Well, I was saving up for some nicer costumes, but my girlfirend asked me to put something on. She doesn't like to see me running around in Gaia naked. So I gave in ^^;

Thank you CP for answering my interview ^__^

Thank you so much for interviewing me ^^

1. When was Gaia Online created?

We started work on October 18 and the first stage of development ended at the end of Janurary, After some bug fixes and touch-ups Gaia was opened to the public on Feb 18.

2. Why did you create Gaia and how did it came to be? I remember you mentioned that you came up with the idea at a skate park.

We were having one of our nightly skating sessions when we thought of creating an anime resource site. We considered the importance of having a community and things got a lot more interesting when we came up with the idea of having customizable avatars and what we can do with them. ^_^

3. For those who don't know, your job in Gaia is??

I'm the left brain of the group, so work that involves the left brain is naturally my task. -_^ Stuff like financing, accounting, project planning, software (programming, administration, QA), hardware (installation, maintenance), statistical analysis, legal, and some marketing stuff. And as you know, I help moderate and answer questions on the side. Mainly I'm know as the programmer guy. ^^;

4. Who created the avatars, clothes and anything character related to Gaia?

We have CP, L0cke, Saka and Vo on our team so we're never short on creative ideas and art. Sprites are done by Vo and L0cke mainly, L0cke hit up on backgrounds while Saka handles character art such as the characters on the front page. CP and Long are the main contributors to the overall design of the site.

5. Do you sleep at all?


6. Any secrets you wish to share? Secrets meaning...Gaia updates and all those...things you wish to keep hidden until it pops up.

With all of us contributing continuously wtih ideas we have pages and pages worth of notes and drawings. Most of our ideas that we came up with back in October had yet to be realized because we lack the engineers to program them in. ;_; We never want to build any expectations because our plans changes so often because of situations and maybe trouble wtih software or certain limitations. Secrets? Well, since the buddylist, ignore list, and thread subscription are all going to happen on the profile page, we are essentially working on what will become the fundementals of the housing system right now.

7. Final question, Out of curiosity..do you have any gold? How many gold do you have? Feel free to answer this.

I have 18,000 gold right now after buying a few summer clothes. Since I'm an admin I can't really sell rares or uncommon for gold, or I might have a little more...

Thank you for your time and keep up your excellent work!

page 56

MWAHAHHAHAA! About time Arwen. stressed

Hello Ling,

I'm pming you today to conduct an interview! Please answer the following questions. ^_^ Some are optional.

1. How did you become acquainted to Gaia Online?

2. People always ask what admins do on Gaia Online, what are your duties here in Gaia Online? ((hahaha...let the world know!!))

3. I enjoy your artwork at your site, The Secret of 006. You're an artist and are you amazed at the amount of artists on Gaia Online competing against each other in the Art Arena?

4. Before Gaia Online became this big, did you expect it to grow into this large community?

5. Alright I've been wondering...Is there anything in the Gaia Stores that you, an admin ever wanted but can't get? I know you guys earn your gold like the rest of us...though some people don't think of it that way blaugh Hahahaa...Anything that catches your eye Ling?

6. Any secrets to share with us? Item updates? Features?

7. To end this...How much gold do you have? ((Optional))

Thank you Ling for answering my interview question.


Hello Ling,

I'm pming you today to conduct an interview! Please answer the following questions. ^_^ Some are optional.

1. How did you become acquainted to Gaia Online?

I heard about it a few days after the guys came up with the concept for it - a community site with gaming aspects. ^^

2. People always ask what admins do on Gaia Online, what are your duties here in Gaia Online? ((hahaha...let the world know!!))

I've done some item creation and artwork for the site in the past, but nowadays I do a lot of things that are behind the scenes, so to speak. sweatdrop I answer anywhere from 50-100+ e-mails a day, both activation and general inquiry, though moreso activation. I'm also somewhat of a PR spokesperson when the other administrators are busy developing new features. As much as we would all like to be in touch with our users, some of the admins find themselves too busy with site development and outside contract work to be able to interact with the community and know how they're feeling. So I try to involve myself with GAIA's community, subtlely, to speak for the users when we discuss site development.

3. I enjoy your artwork at your site, The Secret of 006. You're an artist and are you amazed at the amount of artists on Gaia Online competing against each other in the Art Arena?

Thank you. ^^;; Yes, I'm very surprised at how vast an artistic audience the Art Arena has drawn. I had no idea it'd become so popular.

4. Before Gaia Online became this big, did you expect it to grow into this large community?

Hehe, like the previous question, I had no idea the site would become this popular. Every day, my eyes bug out at the number of users online and the most users ever online. Whenever I feel less than motivated to get the day's work done, those numbers remind me of how many people enjoy the site and put me back in motion. whee

5. Alright I've been wondering...Is there anything in the Gaia Stores that you, an admin ever wanted but can't get? I know you guys earn your gold like the rest of us...though some people don't think of it that way Hahahaa...Anything that catches your eye Ling?

Aiyah... if "stores" and "can't" are the operative words, then no, there isn't anything that I can't get from the stores. If the question encompasses rare event features, then I really would like a fresh grass skirt. (Not a plea for donations, really!) xd

6. Any secrets to share with us? Item updates? Features?

This is the month of giving. GAIA has a lot to give this month. wink Happy Holidays!

7. To end this...How much gold do you have? ((Optional))

Hmm, 4881.

Thank you Ling for answering my interview question.

You're welcome! Thank you for asking! 3nodding

Heya Arwen,

I'd be glad to reply to your interview. 3nodding

1. How did you become acquainted to Gaia Online?

I helped create it. domokun

2. People always ask what admins do on Gaia Online, what are your duties here in Gaia Online? ((HAHAHHAA! Let the World know!)

Most of my duties on gaia are artwork related. I handle most of the avatar sprite work(items, avatars, etc) and the web design(web pages, banners, borders, buttons, etc) you see on the site. Aside from that, I dress up all the shop owners for the seasonal updates, go over any illustrations to make them fit in with the overall site design, answer PMs/emails when I have time, try to help out in Questions and Feedback, and do alot of backend data entry stuff as well as work with some of our sponsors. It's really hard to really put a finger on exactly what I do, cause there is just so much to be done and a lot of the admins' work overlaps. It really is a team effort overall. 3nodding

3. So, VO you seem to be a busy person as well. You're with Studio XD AND you help with Gaia Online. How do you manage to make room for both works you do?

Well, Studio XD is basically comprised of all the Gaia admins, so I wouldn't exactly consider them seperate. But yeah, I'm busy most of the time as I'm also working fulltime in the comics industry. As for making room for everything... it's all about scheduling and motivation. Seeing everyone's positive response to Gaia really helps me work harder for the community eventhough my work on Gaia isn't what's paying my bills.

4. Did you ever expect Gaia Online to grow this big?

We all knew that we would attract a certain crowd, though I can speak for all the admins when I say we never expected Gaia to grow this big this fast. eek

5. Okee dokee...is there anything in the stores or rares ect...that you ever wanted? But you can't afford to get it? ((Optional))

Actually, I'm saving up for a set of those stylish winter clothes that I created. sweatdrop

6. Any secrets to share with us? Item updates? Features?

Hehe. Nice try Arwen. wink

7. I remember you fixing the elven ears for some hair styles. (THANK YOU) And I was wondering, will there ever be a dark tone elven ear? I remember you saying that they may become automatically matchable to everyone's skin tone. Is this true?

Eventually, we will have that ability. However, there is a lot that still needs to be done on Gaia. For now, there are only a few items that require that change in the system, so it is low priority for now I'm sorry to say. sad

8. I always ask admins this, How much gold do you have? ((Optional))


9. Finally to end this, You like sandals?

Who doesn't? Hehe, but IRL, I either wear my skate shoes or my stylish boots(which is also in the Gambino store). Another side note, the sandals that I put on my avatar are modeled after the one's Saka wears IRL.

Hello L0cke! It's time for a Gaia Times Interview!!!
hehehehe answer freely!

1. How did you become acquainted to Gaia Online?

2. People always ask what admins do on Gaia Online, what are your duties here in Gaia Online? ((HAHAHHAA! Let the World know!)

3. Your art site DAMAGEd...The first time I visited it was a few years ago and the layout is very different from sites I've visited. WELL DONE! uhhh who's that in the Chicken suit and why is there a Chicken? sweatdrop

4. Did you ever expect Gaia Online to grow this big?

5. ALRIGHT! Out of curiosity, have you ever wanted an item here in Gaia but can't get it because you don't have any gold for it or it's too rare to get? ((Optional))

6. Any secrets to share with us? Item updates? Features? Anything???

7. Where did you learn to draw!!?? crying

8. I always ask admins this, How much gold do you have? ((Optional))

9. Finally to end this, What do you think about those groupies following you? Every admin seems to have a groupie.... whee

Thank you L0cke for answering these question ^_^

Also, funny issues O_o;;

- The Yakuza formed.
- The FIST formed.
- The Guild of Shadows Formed.
- The Dark Parliment Formed.
- The BoxerShorts Rebelion Rebels all pants
- The Soldier of Love and Rose Petal Knights out to protected.
- The Warrior Monks Assembled.
- The Red Dragon Syndicate formed.
- The Masquearade Formed.
- The First Elven Guild formed in Gaia runned by Takobaka.
- Princess Rini's Valiant Knights formed.
- The Save the Bananas formed
- The Vampire Guild formed
- The FIRST Annual Gaia Ball runned by Misao
- The FIRST Pink RARE box debut. Contains Red Rose Corsage & Black Bow Tie!
- The Guild of Shadows appointed sdeleven as my official ninja backpack protector ^_^ Also Nu Blaze...sticks around for unknown reasons. O_o
- Maru Takahashi, battle in The Ocean's Edge between GPD, random people, people involved with the MIB.
- Heartless, Maru Takahashi consumes the hearts of Jang, Nyami, Ma, V Star, and BlueLeroy with his 'black heart consume' spell. it feeds on self doubt, depression, and sorrow......and makes the victim Maru's slave. Maru is bent on the destruction of the MiB, and eventually making Gaia the domain of the hearless.......
- Battle went on forever to recover his heart from the Ocean's Edge to the Cemetary. Involvement of the Gaian Army and the GPD resulted in The Forsaken Son making his very first appearance.

Ocean's Edge: Involve in the fight.
"Nyami, Alpha, V. Knight, Mr. Ma, Jang, Lizzy, Bruce, EZ Mac, Maru, Baby D and Night everyone that I forgot to say night to!! "

- After Maru disappeared The Forsaken Son Appeared along with The Joker and many others. Most notorious is The Forsaken Son. He blew up Military Bases and Police Departments also destroying the watch towers and surveilanne areas of the Gaian Army. The GA Watch Tower had to be rebuilt nearly 8 times.
- The FIRST Gaian Air Force created around the beginnings of March or April was attacked so many times by TFS that defending their jets and mobile suits were impossible.
- The Gaian Navy was attacked a million times that they too could not keep their defense up.
- GPD HQ was the center of attention when The Forsaken SOn was finally captured...but dew to unknown circumstances TFS escaped and caused havoc amongst the Barton Streets.
- The Gaian Army and GPD went out on the streets trying to capture the wanted man. A bounty was placed.
- Yaguya Jubei of the Master's Clan attacked the Gaian Army after the General of the Army General Guardian said something to him that he had worded incorrectly. Yaguya Jubei attacked the GA until General Guardian apologize. Things ended with Jubei sacraficing himself. Masters Clan ended.
- Zekie gave up his leadership of the Yakuza and transfer all power to Waruko the Oyabun.
- The creation of The Cliff of Woe and Angst protesting rares and uncommons.
- Moonstar Inn again gets attacked by The Forsaken Son, after a aero space satelite fired a laser towards his current location.
- Cemetary Battle, GPD soldiers and GA officers trying to contain TFS...but instead came in contact with TFS's mini me. =_=
- Gaian Navy was attacked...jet missing and stolen. End of the Gaian Navy.
- The Gaian Air Force ended as well.
- The General of the GA goes on leave.
- Gung-ho Guns blew up the Gaia Times Office
- Gaia Times Inhabitant protected the office, patton got injured.
- The Yakuza HQ got attacked/blown up
- Yakuza members plus Oyabun went to the Gung-ho Guns HQ to have a BBQ, retaliation.
- Gung-Ho GUns disbanded and some members vanishes.
- Found out that The Night Syndicate is home of many members of the Dark Parliment (they shall remain nameless). Has a lot of delicious cookeis. O_o
- The Yakuza Oyabun goes on a vacation and appoints Arwen as temporary leader.
- The Elven Guild leader leaves Gaia appoints leadership role to Arwen.
- The Forsaken son made his appearance after a long break. Appeared changed but...spoke too soon..Moonstar Inn blows up and Patton & Jamie Davenport shows up injured/dead.
- The Yakuza Oyabun comes back takes back leadership role.
- Gambino Island introduced around April or May
- Trade system implemented.
- Oh one more thing...Prof. Octavius Otavol Phd is that damn annoying scroll king =_= created two clones...Happy Shem and Professor Arwen PHD.
- That is all I could remember....These are the most important RP events in Gaia I have ever experienced..now its nearly impossible to do so.


~He's only attacked military and police targets. Did you notice that?~
The Forsaken son

I don't know why he's doing it. He always rants about protecting the meak of Gaia. Something about loving the forgotten children of Gaia.

Read the Oceans edge!! Pages 69to 104...

Manage to make this pic...XD
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

V. Knight
So..tell me about the story of why Maru hates the MIB and captures everyone that seems to work for the MIB.....Thank you...do this when you have time.

Well the story with Maru starts from when a girl named Yuri came back in time claiming to be the daughter of Bubblegum and me, and later Lizzy and me. Then some cyborgs followed her back in time and one of them poisoned Mr. Ma and he disappeared into a vortex that the cyborgs first appeared from. Later after some searching, Mr. Ma returned and was evil. He had the soul crystal of Lizzy and my future son and fought against us. At that time he also convinced Jang to join him and that was when Maru showed up for the first time.
He was trying to make Jang one of his heartless and cursed him with his dragon form. I started getting in his way at that point, after I defeated Mr. Ma, and I believe at that point he considered us enemies. During Ma's defeat the soul crystal was borken, and my future son's soul was cast into the body of Mr. Ma thus the fact that you here him call me and Lizzy, mother and father, and we call him son. At one point Ma was rebeling against me because of some prank that was pulled and it looked like someone was getting fired.
As he ran off Maru started another fight in which he infected Nyami with darkness and BruceLeroy as well. Ma then threw himself off of a cliff and was missing for some time. I went out to search for him after the battle while I was still badly injured and had to confront some of Maru's heartless. After the short fight I was lost at sea and ended up on a mysterious island, leaving Lizzy in charge. After a small off shoot they were able to find me again.
It was upon my return that we found Ma again but he was already infected by the heartless. Maru then attacked V Star after she came in contact with Ma while he was infected. Seeing V Star get caught drove Bruce to allow himself to be caught. And everything came out to the battle that you witnessed tonight.
At first Maru was only going to be going against Jang I believe but after we proved what a threat we were to him he decided it would be best to take out the entire MIB. And now he is our greatest foe and one we have yet to defeat. I hope I was able to answer your questions and if you have any more please don't hesitate to ask. ^___^ And I always check out every issue of the Gaia Times now. Keep up the great work. ~__^

V, Knight
Arwen wrote:
*gets up from the sand and walks towards V. Knight*
May I ask a question? ...why is everyone after Maru?

*Blinks a little trying to get her into focus* Arwen... Oh, hey... Maru huh? Well we've been after Maru... cause he is the enemy of the MIB. He's tried to capture... Jang and Nyami's hearts... as well as taken three of our friends... from us and turned them to his side. We can't really say... why everyone else is... but EZ mac here is helping us... and we ask that other groups please refrain... from interfering as this is an... MIB matter.

Maru comsumes hearts......so far, he has got Jang, Nyami, Ma, V Star, and myself with his 'black heart consume' spell. it feeds on self doubt, depression, and sorrow......and makes the victim Maru's slave. Maru is bent on the destruction of the MiB, and eventually making Gaia the domain of the hearless.......

His magic and be fought an countered. depending on situation, some characters succumb to the magic, others deal with it.

Maru Takahashi
::rises from the ground::

because they are scared to live life arwen, it's as simple as that

Maru comsumes hearts......so far, he has got Jang, Nyami, Ma, V Star, and myself with his 'black heart consume' spell. it feeds on self doubt, depression, and sorrow......and makes the victim Maru's slave. Maru is bent on the destruction of the MiB, and eventually making Gaia the domain of the hearless.......

His magic and be fought an countered. depending on situation, some characters succumb to the magic, others deal with it.


Arwen note pad log 04/24/2003
During the thing at the Barton Town cemetary the Gaia Police Department or...The Batman saw Maru Takahashi flew by there in the sky...called the Gaian Police Department to the scene...battle breaks lose with V Star...trying to get pink box from her...pink box I think has her heart in it...not really sure...didn't find out what the pink box was...battle breaks lose...in the cemetary.........I appear saw...V Star and the GPD fighting hard...using weapons that doesn't seem to touch her...didn't get injured...only tied up...then...helicopter came..piloted by......someone......then Batman told everyone including myself to get on the heli...everyone got on the heli...I didn't make it...Batman activated something..that paralyzed everyone...I wasn't paralyzed..because I was above ground trying to get on the helicopter..but got hurt..everyone...well three people were uncouncious...V Star woke up...something happened...can't recall memory.

After that...BruceLeroy came by...Heartless mode...I'm guessing just like V Star...Bruce saved the uncouncious V Star...GPD lost them...
Later that evening...I went around Gaia...saw Maru at the Oceans Edge..battle was wage...against EZ Mac and ..Jang and...V. Knight and everyone else...I was there...because I'm a journalist...need to get info on the Heartless and Maru...Got involved...

Oh the memories heart

User Comments: [10] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 10:16pm
It makes me wish I was more community oriented when the site first began. @w@; Rather, I was the standard newbish 14yr-old spammer and bumper...

*stalk* ninja

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 10:22pm
That was fun to read >w< I miss Gaia Times ;~; Arwen, interview admins again!!!

Kathleen Starr
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 10:32pm
I vaguely remember this! xd But, I did remember the interviews, but why is L0cke's blank?! crying I must be blind, if I can't find his answers.

whee Thanks, for sharing some good 'ol memories. heart

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 11:43pm
It seems that L0cke knew about the "reason why I'm asking them that question." In other words, Desna organized a gift giving thing back then to the Admins. And >_<;; he read my interview but didn't respond to it XD

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 01:30am
o.o; You all were sneaky little devils back then... xD lol

Makes me wish I had checked out and joined the site when I first heard of it from L0cke's site... D;

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 30, 2006 @ 02:57am
interviewing admins now and comparing them... that would be cool biggrin

techno toy16
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 03, 2006 @ 04:24pm
Awwe, well at least the others responded, 'eh? xd

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 05:35pm
eek AND I was the only one that thought the admins had a million or more gold... XD

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 09:30pm
*le sigh* Dang, that entry brings back memories. Pity those days have blown by, but at least the community had lasted for much longer than I could have ever expected.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 10:09pm
Sweet gaia in its youth. Oh the memories i carry from that time.

Community Member
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