Something Stupid...
Like the title says. So, I was just randomly clicking around tonight, poking around the exchange since I'm on and off questing for a jolly hat. It was then I noticed a thread made by someone on my friendslist, selling something. It had been a while since we last talked, at least the beginning of the year, so of course, I went straight into the thread, greeting him all hyper like, and was surprised when he greeted me all distant like. I asked him if he remembered me. He didn't. That kinda hurt, since all my time here, I remember almost everybody. It took a while, but he finally remembered me as the pillow fight lady. Okay fine, good. He went on to say he cleaned out his friendslist, and since he didn't really remember me or recognize my name, he took me off. Okay, that really hurt. I rarely clean out my friendslist, and when I do, it's rarely because I forget their names. I only remove inactive accounts, and only when there's no chance of them coming back, and even then I'm the stupid optimistic type who will just leave it there and wait and hope they'll show back up. I at least check their profiles before I do. But anyways. So now I kinda feel bad. Am I so easily forgotten? I know I kinda blend into the background, but still. I might just be feeling like bashing myself right now, but really. So I go on to say good luck selling and all that jazz, and not even a thanks. Most sellers at least say thank you. This, from the person who I donated to so long ago, gave him what he was questing for and didn't ask for anything in return. It's stupid trying to make a point outta that but its more of the fact that I'm a cheapass no matter what, and I did it, gave him something without wanting anything but a thank you. It's the principle of the thing! So. Ouch. But whatever, I guess. Hey, if anyone reads this far, leave a comment. I don't expect nor really want any commentary on that up there, so just say hi. Please?
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