From this point on, I am declaring myself the center of the universe, and it is your responsibility to follow my will, and I have scientific evidence to prove it. Welcome to my world, Neo.
What is existance? What proof do you have that the universe as a whole even exists? Can you see it, feel it, smell it, taste it? Of course you can. You are given skills of observation. And the human brain interprets these things and manifests it into such a dense mass of stimuli that it forms into conciousness. The ability to choose between more than one thing... Or does it? How do you know that you have a concious?
Simply put, you don't. You only think you do. You were created to think you do. By what? Observation. Lets say that you are the only person in the universe. Pretend for a moment. No physical body. No anything. Unaware. The way the universe should be. Blank, and without life. There is nothing of any substanance, no matter where you search. It simply doesn't exist. Nothing does. Not even yourself... Until all of a sudden, you are made aware... but what is there to be aware of? Your brain would have to observe something. But there's no reason for anything to exist. Existance of matter in itself is flawed.
Scientific theory says that matter has been around for forever. Entropy proves that it would degrade over time. No matter what, the universe would be disentigrated because of it's infinitely past origin. Therefore, we can assume that everything you've ever learned is false. All of it. none of it is real. Everything is flawed. This is the nature of the real world. Earlier I said that observation created concious, in this universe. But this universe is flawed. Therefore, you are not concious at all, or even alive for that matter. This universe is fake. So we must find a new way to explain everything. All our known dimensions, every plane of existance, must be redifined. What brought the universe into this flawed existance?
People look at the formation of our concious as an if->then situation. Universe stimuli CAUSES observation and concious. This is backwards. Everything can be explained by reversing the equation. Concious creates something to observe. One such as myself, thinks themself into existance. What he or she observes becomes real. It is only real as an observation. I observe that this computer I type on exists, therefore it is something tangible in this flawed universe, all created around a simple observation. Those with observation do not observe what is already there, they create it through their observation. Therefore the universe has manifested itself around my concious.
I think. I see. I smell. I hear. I taste. I feel things. And you think you do to. You think you think. But you don't. I simply observed you to believe that you think, yet you are incapable of any function outside of what I observe you to be doing. Therefore, all the replies that I get for this only exist because I observe that you type and reply to this. Everything is a manifestation of the observer.
When a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound? Simply put, the tree doesn't fall. It exists in two states, fallen and unfallen, until one with a fully functional concious such as myself walks into the forest and observes that it is either fallen or unfallen. The outcome depends on observation.
Let's say there is something known as XARTOPHIN. It exists outside of observaton. Therefore it is not. If no one could ever see it, it does not exist.
Here's the key. I said "no one". The oposite of "no one" is "anyone", meaning that anyone could have the power to create through observation. Right? How do I know it's me? Because I'm the only one who I can prove has a concious. But I can't prove it to you. So there could be others, just no way to prove it. It could be in everyone, and the powers cancel each other out, creating a world that sucks where no one is extraordinary in a collapsing universe of entropy in which everyone will eventually perish. Perhaps I'm not even with the power, just created to think that I have it by one single being, who holds us all at bay with a limited concious. Such person could be GOD, someone capable of observing everything at once preventing things from getting too out of control.
If you knew everything though, would you be stuck? Would you not know everything that would ever happen? Nope. Because their are quarks in the universe. Random, controlled by observation. They're position depends on how you observe them. They cannot be charted, because they are soo small. Their velocity and position can be independently calculated, but both cannot be calculated at once. This allows the observer to determine their nature, the fundamental concept behind this entire theory, proven on the subatomic universe, the very thing that weaves everything together.
From the smallest subatomic particles to the release of gamma bursts that destroy solar systems in faraway galaxies, they are all controlled by observation, either by you, me, or a GOD, and the rest of us are only thought to think that we have control, but we do not for real. I can only see what I think, not you. I feel special, considering that everything I concieve is from inside this one being, I can't tell if anything else has power or not, so I must assume that this body, this universe, is only something here for me to observe. Maybe all of us to observe. But remember, it's those observations that control the fate of everything. Easily this entire plane is on the verge of slipping from existance, as observations fade. If I died, you may no longer be here as I went on and my subconcious created a new univers. Or perhaps if it is your power, you'll die and I'll cease to exist. We just have to wait and see.
Either way, if it is you, which I doubt since you cannot think in any way that is detectable, be careful what you look for, as it just might fall into your lap through the power of your subconcious one day. Though I can only assume that such is only possible in my observations. Perhaps, even, one could observe that the power belonged to someone else, to pass it on and keep the universe stable for another generation, and the fate of the world is transfered from one generation to the next [possibly currently even in me] until we all fall out of our state of being.
Something to look foward to.
You now believe that you are enlightened. Too bad you are incapable of thought.
This was written by Awiergan and iI give him FULL credit for it
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