Roleplay Profiles
I have a couple of my better roleplay profiles stashed away in here should I ever want to use the characters again. Korrye sin·cer·i·ty /sɪnˈsɛrɪti/ Pronunciation[sin-ser-i-tee] –noun, plural -ties. freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness.
sing·er /ˈsɪŋər/ Pronunciation Key Spelled Pronunciation[sing-er] –noun 1. a person who sings, esp. a trained or professional vocalist. 2. a poet. 3. a singing bird. ---------------------------------------  In the S h a d o w s
» Puppet Master ;; Korrye » My Mark ;; Pink & Black & Green
My so called M A S K
» Name ;; Vaan, Veronica. Nickname = Nica or Twig » Age ;; Twenty+1 » Gender ;; FEmale ♀ » Sexuality ;; Heterosexual » Occupation ;; Cashier at the local Starbucks/Singer by night
V: eracious E: laborate R: adical O: pinionated N: ice I: ntelligent C: alm A: rtistic
______Her own name written in an acronym balances out quite nicely who she is. A veracious, opinionated, radical, nice, intelligent, calm and artistic person.
At first glance to any passerby Veronica is a very quirky person who isn’t afraid to be adventurous. She loves to talk and say just what is buzzing around as a thought in her mind. It is in this way that she found her voice to sing. She stands up for noble causes such as pollution, endangered animals, trash and scum. She gives objects a voice that cannot talk aloud and is therefore quite a bit of an optimist. Actions committed by her can be labelled as radical because she isn’t afraid to go against the law. This means that she’ll take part in petitions, walkouts and pickets should she believe in the cause. Nica is never rude to a person she hasn’t met because she has no reason to dislike them. Should they disrespect her or do some sort of crime against her, you'll be on her hate list forever. It takes a heck of a lot to gain back her trust.
Her artistic side is always her music. Veronica isn’t afraid to start singing a song in public or scribble down lyrics on a napkin. Her voice is beautiful and very different then that of a typical female. When she sings her voice echoes her soul and her heart. Nica will pour her entire being into any song she sings because it is one of her beliefs that everything in life deserves equality as well as an equal chance.
Let the wonder that is a dream continue on through life...
______Her appearance is can be just as judgemental as her personality. Nica is a stunning beauty standing at 5”9 in height she is one to be marked as a hottie. Her hair is a thick mop on her head every morning until tanned by a mountain of products and water. After a twenty minute workout the locks are a wavy dark chocolate brown cut into weak layers to frame her face. Most days her hair is worn down so its full length, just past her boobs, can be flaunted. Her eyes stand out amongst her hair being that they are a deep teal. They can often be mistaken for blue but they never were even close to such a tone. Her face has always been flawless when it comes to acme but rashes do strike during the winter, blotchy patches of dry skin occur. A curse from when she was a child, Nica never a wore a scarf over her cheeks and now it wreaks havoc every time that a cold strike comes around. Her skin down is darker because of her European descent, a mixture of Spanish and British. Her lips are chunky, a gift from her mother and are roughly three tones lighter then her skin.
Her body type is skinny. Even when she was young Veronica looked wimpy and small. Later on in life it was blamed on a bad metabolism. Her parents had brought her to a doctor thinking that she was anorexic like her sister.
When it comes to everyday attire it depends per season. Nica has fashion sense and when it comes to clothing being purchased it all goes along to her personal style and not what’s ‘in’. What she wears is a pleasant combination between comfortable and fashionable. When it comes to shoes:
Summer: Flip-flops Spring: Flats Winter: UGG boots Fall: A combination of UGG boots or sneakers
Her choice for any kind of shoe has to be comfortable and unique looking. Her UGGs are her best friend, she has three pairs and all are the shorter ones. She loves to wear them because they feel like slippers. As for shirts she is never really fancy with it. She loves assorted t-shirts, layered tank tops and a hooded sweatshirt to keep warm. She prefers zip-ups so that she doesn’t have to worry about static in her hair. For pants in the summer she’ll wear nothing shorter then capris. Otherwise throughout the year she’ll be wearing jeans of varying colours and tones, sweatpants or her favourite camouflage pants. Lastly, one thing that she is renowned for are her unique socks belts and hair clips. Her collection is vastly huge and what she takes pride in.
______ Veronica was born on February 14th and named after her grandmother. She was second and final daughter in her family. As a child she didn’t have everything growing up. Her sister was three years older then herself and unable to handle the attention being taken away from herself. Nica was hit and pushed away by her sister as much as possible because of her sister’s constant need for attention. Being a good child, she never fought back against Hailey. Her parents were always pushed around and manipulated by their first child when she was young. But as Hailey grew up she was found to be less and less in the house. She turned to drugs to maintain a skinny figure. Veronica never kept up to her sister. She hated her for being so dirty and disgusting. Her parents were always silently proud of their daughter for Veronica accomplished quite a few things when she was young. She adored to sing and was apart of choir and ensembles. She had a job as soon as she could to pay for private music lessons to learn how to play the piano and the guitar. Her vocal training came next and by the time she was sixteen Veronica was already performing in local coffee shops. Her voice was beautiful and melodic. Hailey’s drug use and anorexia became apparent to her parents also when Veronica was sixteen. They finally stood up for themselves and confronted her. They had an intervention in which Nica chose not to be present. Hailey was shipped off to rehab where it was found that she was pregnant. An abortion was immediately performed. For Veronica she doesn’t even claim Hailey as her sister. The young woman was disgusting and always hateful towards everyone she met. It’s easy to understand that Veronica is the polar opposite of her sister, she would never make the same mistakes seeing their consequences.
Veronica moved out of her parent’s house when she was nineteen. Her sister had finally come out of rehab. Nica left when Hailey arrived and moved into a house where she shared rent with five of her best friends. Together they all began their lives together. Each one of them did something unique whether it was cheer leading, sports or being the smart student. Nica is currently attending a school of the arts where she focuses on her music. As a side job she works at the local Starbucks and does some local gigs around town for an extra buck. Hew family, besides her roommates, is her puppy Twig. An adorable beagle who lives at home with her and four others from the litter. All of the girls bought from the same litter as they all loved animals and wanted to have something in common.
» Quote Me ;; Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
» Likes ;;
• Music • Singing • The Piano • The Guitar • Starbucks • Chocolate • Homemade soup • Animals • Nature • Being Outside • The Sunshine • Hiking • Riding her bike • Walking her dog • Building sandcastles
» Dislikes ;;
○ Bad Singers ○ Wannabes ○ The Piccolo ○ Rats ○ Cherry flavoured anything ○ Carrots ○ Red Cabbage ○ Silence ○ Thunderstorms ○ Tornadoes ○ The dark ○ Being Alone ○ Encountering strangers ○ Large waves in the water ○ Having her space invaded
She has a dog from the same litter as five of her friends. It is a beagle and she has only had it for about 3 months making it 6 months old. She’s named it Twig, one of her nicknames from when she was younger because she was so skinny.
C A G E D no more
» Dreams ;; Songeur » My Heart ;; Sincerity
» Alter-Ego;;
______ Appearance (she is the one that is standing) wise much changes to Veronica. Her thick hair thins out and becomes jet black. and is always left down. A gold hairpiece ties back loose strands from getting into her face. Her body remains slender and tall but her skin becomes paler. Her ears elongate into those much like an elves and her eyes sharpen in gaze.
Her attire changes completely compared to her regular sense of fashion and style. A short and body tight white coat with black sleeves is the first article seen. The edges of the coat are black as well with gold stitching. Underneath her coat is a basic white halter top with gold beading. She wears black gloves that are long and reach partway up the length of her arm. For pants she wears a tight black pair that stretch well to make movement simple. For decoration, she wears a gold belt with beading to make it look more elaborate. For shoes she has black boots with a slight heel.
» Weapon ;;
A machete that is curved. She often refers to is as a curved cleaver. The blade is black with gold markings and patterns inlaid. The handle is small and black leather with a gold knob. She’s named is Icarus after a friend.
» Abilities ;;
Besides just singing she has the power of sincerity. She can make a person speak the truth by simply looking in her eyes. Besides having this power Nica has minor telepathy. For those animals who cannot speak she simply reads their thoughts.
» Attacks ;;
Along with the two attacks listed for Icarus, Veronica has no issues with simple combat. She is a very athletic and flexible fighter and quick on her feet at all times. She prefers to use her telepathy as a weapon more then Icarus. She loathes blood shed.
→Liar no more: This is an attack that digs down into the roots of her powers. By simply staring into the eyes of any person capable of speaking she can make then speak the truth. During this attack her eyes glow mysteriously and capture the attention of the person she wants to tell the truth. The victim falls into a trance and their voice will speak in a melodic monotonous tone, almost like a robot. Only when Veronica breaks her gaze from the victim will the attack finish and the person under her trance will not remember what they were speaking about.
→Control-freak: A ferocious and vicious way to take over a person is the basic way to explain what this attack is. When her telepathy is stronger she gains a strong grasp of this attack. She is capable of manipulating any living object through their thoughts literally making the person her puppet. Her eyes once again glow with she is performing this attack and the beholder does not remember any of what she makes them do. The after affects affecting herself are intense. She loses immense amounts of energy, slurs her speech and loses consciousness easily. As a whole her body because very tired and weak.
→Backlash Cast: Using her cleaver, whom she’s named Icarus, this attack is used during battle. She simply grasps her hand around the handle. Her eyes will glow as she accesses her powers before stepping taking a pivotal step. She’ll raise the blade over her shoulder and whip it hard. The blade with launch a series of yellow boomerang energy blasts that are directed by Nica’s direction of step. They swoop out and destroy what is in their path for as far as 100 metres. The further she wants for them to go the harder she has the throw her arm. The blasts return to the blade much like a boomerang would. The only bad aspect of this attack is that it is hard to have great accuracy with it. If the opponent moves fast then it has no use.
→Alteration: Once again, when her telepathy powers are stronger, Nica can literally alter a persons memory. She can add in her own thoughts, take away ones that belong to the victim or even add new ones. To perform this takes a lot of energy and once again wipes out her completely. She needs to have both of her hands of the head of the victim and it is guaranteed that there will be struggle. Veronica needs to break into their mind and get past their mental barriers before she can do anything. When she begins scavenging around it becomes very painful for the victim. They will experience a mental rush and extreme flashes of pain. Their body temperature will rise and they will resist and fight back against her. Veronica has no issues detaching herself from their minds but her body will feel exhausted once she has completed the task. Her eyes are always closed when she is performing and needs extreme concentration. The victim will always return to normal after she has finished but their thoughts will be re-arranged and most times have a drastic personality change. Veronica does not like to use this attack as it alters the other person.
→Cut throat: Another attack using Icarus, this one she uses as a finishing blow to any creature that should endanger herself or others. She simply launches herself and swings the blade across the flesh of the throat of the enemy. This will cut off several important main arteries but also wreak havoc on the victims breathing. They usually bleed to death as a result. Veronica prefers not to use this attack as she can most times using her telepathy to talk the person out of attacking.
» Image Song ;; I don’t need a man – Pussycat Dolls (I have it in my profile for reference.)
» Roleplay Samples ;; Oodles of Poodles --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Korrye ∑ο -- A BiRTH CERTiFiCATE iS JUST A PRETTY PiECE OF PAPER ;; Veronica Michelle Vaan
∑ο -- YELL iT TO MY FACE ;; Nika, Twig
∑ο -- COUNT ON YOUR FiNGERS && TOES ;; Eight + teen
∑ο -- HOW iT HANGS ;; Do I look like a guy to you? ♀
∑ο -- HOW iT SWINGS ;; I’m a girl on guy kind of person -> Hetero
∑ο -- ALL KiNDS OF TiNGLY ;;
► Chocolate ► Music ► The Beach ► Being outside ► Drawing ► Pencils ► Mints ► Roses ► Smoothies ► Dogs ► iPods ► Daylight ► Pepsi ► Cameras ► Singing
► Cats ► Schoolwork ► Reading ► Water ► Swimming ► The Rain ► Thunder ► The Dark ► Toffee ► Coffee ► Screeching tires ► Bears ► Camping ► Traveling ► Alcohol
∑ο -- WEAK iN THE KNEES ;;
Xenophobia: The fear of encountering strangers. Nika’s been handling this fear since she was 12 when an old man tried to pull her into the depths of his pick up truck.
Screeching tires: She’ll wince and become shaky and scared when she hears it or anything sounding remotely like it. It reminds her of the car accident that killed her parents.
Allergic to bees: If she’s stung then she’ll go into anaphylaxis shock. She carries an epi-pen with her everywhere. The allergy was discovered when she was 9 and she stepped on a honey bee with no shoes on.
Bad luck. It’s who Nika is and has the misfortune of explaining better then anyone. When she was born she was an accident and doomed from her very birth. Her mother and father were forced to come together. She was a teen pregnancy baby. Her mother had been a cheerleader. Her father a hardcore soccer player. Both ended their careers for their baby and hated her mere existence from the very beginning. Growing up was hard. Veronica lead a very independent life. Her parents clung to each other but not to her and it wasn’t until she turned 8 that they really began to see that, hey this child of mine isn’t going anywhere. But as soon as they loved her the true troubles began. When she was nine years old and carelessly playing in a park she stepped on a honey bee. Her body went into anaphylaxis meaning that her foot swelled to the size of a cantaloupe and her throat sealed itself off. Off to the hospital she went to find out that she had a severe allergy to bees. An epi-pen was given and the words ‘be careful when you’re playing outside’.
Life went on. Nika worked hard in school and did her best to perform her best. She was a high B student, reading was hard for her. You might call it mild dyslexia. When she turned twelve a whole new eventful year began. 3 months after her birthday she was walking home from school and a guy pulled his truck up to the curb and tried to snag her. It was a good thing that she was smart enough to kick him where it served him right and memorize the license plate numbers. He went to jail for attempted kidnapping.
At thirteen she had troubles ‘fitting in’ as her family began to move around a lot. Her father was now playing on a pro soccer team and her mother spent a lot of time with her. She experimented with hair colours and makeup before finding that her natual dark brown hair suited her best. Clothing was always enough to cover her unlike her mother. She preferred to not look like a whore. In school she was always the floater. Capable of going group to group and knowing everyone well as friends. This proved to be a good tactic until she turned fifteen and she was told to choose. She went with her group of athletic friends. Veronica was talented, much like her father, at soccer. She pursued the sport and played it hard. Her grades went up so that she could get into a variety of soccer camps throughout the year.
But a terribly accident happened when she was seventeen. She was driving home with her parents from a soccer game. It had been provincials and their team had placed second. It was late at night, the family having partied with the team until dark. Around nine o’clock their car was struck by a drunk driver and tossed into a rivene. The screeching of the tires awoke Veronica from a dose and she remembers it to this day as her mother screamed for their lives. Both of her parents died and Veronica lived. She suffered a shoulder injury but otherwise she had been fine. Recovering from the loss of her parents had been difficult. The lucky thing was that Veronica’s parents had had life insurance and many other things set up upon their death. She was sent to her godparents, good friends to her father. The press promoted her father’s death as his athletic career had been phenomenal. Nika was sent to a variety of shrinks and other people in attempts to help her get over the loss of her parents. For awhile the media followed her but they soon lost interest. At eighteen she was sent to Harrington. Her godparents wanted nothing more to do with her so they paid for her to be sent away. She comes to the school still reeling from her past. Can a school help a person heal? Well we’re about to find out….
∑ο -- DEALiNG WiTH iT, DAMNiT ;;
I’ve never had a good thing happen to me…
Her appearance is can be just as judgemental as her personality. Nika is a stunning beauty standing at 5”10 in height she is one to be marked as a hottie. Her hair is a thick mop on her head every morning until tamed by a mountain of products and water. After a twenty minute workout the locks are a wavy dark chocolate brown cut into weak layers to frame her face. Most days her hair is worn down so its full length, just past her boobs, can be flaunted. Her eyes stand out amongst her hair being that they are a bright green. Her face has always been flawless when it comes to acme but rashes do strike during the winter, blotchy patches of dry skin occur. A curse from when she was a child, Nika never a wore a scarf over her cheeks and now it wreaks havoc every time that a cold strike comes around. Her skin down is darker because of her European descent, a mixture of Spanish and British. Her lips are chunky, a gift from her mother and are roughly three tones lighter then her skin.
Her body type is skinny. Even when she was young Veronica looked wimpy and small. Later on in life it was blamed on a bad metabolism. Her parents had brought her to a doctor thinking that she was anorexic.
When it comes to everyday attire it depends per season. Nika has fashion sense and when it comes to clothing being purchased it all goes along to her personal style and not what’s ‘in’. What she wears is a pleasant combination between comfortable and fashionable. When it comes to shoes:
Summer: Flip-flops Spring: Flats Winter: UGG boots Fall: A combination of UGG boots or sneakers
Her choice for any kind of shoe has to be comfortable and unique looking. Her UGGs are her best friend, she has three pairs and all are the shorter ones. She loves to wear them because they feel like slippers. As for shirts she is never really fancy with it. She loves assorted t-shirts, layered tank tops and a hooded sweatshirt to keep warm. She prefers zip-ups so that she doesn’t have to worry about static in her hair. For pants in the summer she’ll wear nothing shorter then capris. Otherwise throughout the year she’ll be wearing jeans of varying colours and tones, sweatpants or her favourite camouflage pants. Lastly, one thing that she is renowned for are her unique socks belts and hair clips. Her collection is vastly huge and what she takes pride in.
V: eracious E: laborate R: adical O: pinionated N: ice I: ntelligent C: alm A: rtistic
Her own name written in an acronym balances out quite nicely who she is. A veracious, opinionated, radical, nice, intelligent, calm and artistic person.
At first glance to any passerby Veronica is a very quirky person who isn’t afraid to be adventurous. She loves to talk and say just what is buzzing around as a thought in her mind. It is in this way that she found her voice to sing. She stands up for noble causes such as pollution, endangered animals, trash and scum. She gives objects a voice that cannot talk aloud and is therefore quite a bit of an optimist. Actions committed by her can be labelled as radical because she isn’t afraid to go against the law. This means that she’ll take part in petitions, walkouts and pickets should she believe in the cause. Nika is never rude to a person she hasn’t met because she has no reason to dislike them. Should they disrespect her or do some sort of crime against her, you'll be on her hate list forever. It takes a heck of a lot to gain back her trust.
Her artistic side is always her music. Veronica isn’t afraid to start singing a song in public or scribble down lyrics on a napkin. Her voice is beautiful and very different then that of a typical female. When she sings her voice echoes her soul and her heart. Nika will pour her entire being into any song she sings because it is one of her beliefs that everything in life deserves equality as well as an equal chance. Her second chance at life started immediately after the accident when she woke up in the trauma room.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Edge {Behind The Scenes} Reflection: Korrye Eluminate: 009999 & 888888 + Add a hint of Black Say Hello: Aleks Tracia Seniti Revelation: ○ I AM a dirty killer capable of so much more… >> Edge Young Blood: Twenty-6 Ex's and Oh's: I am FE m a l e ♀
We Ain't Nothin' But Mammals: I’m a girl on guy kind of person. ________________________________ >> H e t e r o s e x u a l
Save Me From Myself:
○ Music ○ Card Games ○ Guns ○ Dogs ○ Swords ○ Painting ○ Chocolate ○ Acting ○ Video Games
We're All Theives:
○ Cats ○ Reading ○ Dumb People ○ Skanks ○ School ○ Suck-ups ○ Seafood ○ Writing ○ Talking ○ People who talk too much ○ People who talk down to her ○ People who disrespect woman
Tell Me Baby:
To keep it short and sweet there is a phrase that describes her best. Sweet and Sour. If you play her way, if you aren’t stupid and if you don’t scream when some one raises a gun to your head, then she won’t be the b***h. However, when you do everything that she hates she’ll be on your a** with a gun at the back of your neck. She isn’t hesitant to kill. She keeps to herself, not really one to speak more then the necessary. She doesn’t start the conversation unless she needs to. Her voice reflects her mood, her tongue and accent are sharp when she is annoyed, paranoid or just plain angry. Being who she is and given her profession she’s one heck of a cold hearted person. She’s also your model actress, diving into a given alias or role when it is needed. But just because she pretends to be other people doesn’t mean that she loses herself behind the mask.
You Don't Know:
She was born an accident, her mother a hore in modern day Colombia. Being the woman she was and the life she lived Aleks’ mother dumped her into a trashcan and left with 30 pounds baby weight never to be found. A young emigrant found her and took her in without even notifying authorities. She did not want for this child to be in the system. The emigrant left Colombia with her new baby heading for Spain in Europe. It was there where she was raised. Aleks only knew herself as Spanish, she only learned that she was Colombian when her mother was on her deathbed. By then she was 15. At 16 Aleks was diagnosed with Dyslexia, a trouble in her mind to read and write. She left school. She was never the happy go lucky kind of girl, she was always hard and cold. She just didn’t have the heart and chose wisely those she wanted to respect. In short, her respect was only ever given to few people. She lived on her own for awhile, living in a dim and rundown apartment. She had few things with her, few clothes. She was dirt poor with enough money in her bank account for meals. It was then that she played cards with herself. She dealt poker, blackjack, solitaire. She picked up card games just by watching the old men in the parks and sometimes she would sit with them and learn. Cards where her only friends.
She was 17 when she finally got in trouble with the law. A man attempted to break into her apartment and rape her. Out of self defence she killed him, castrating him with a candlestick. She felt no remorse, no guilt. The emotions just never kicked in. Sadly she was caught for the murder, charged too but being charged as an adult put her into court. She was on trial when her bail was paid. A man approached her. He looked tired, old and worn with time. He explained his position to her. He was a man who had been thrown out of the American government. He was supposed to be within one of their unknown detention centers off the coast of Hawaii doped out of his mind because he knew to much but instead he’d escaped. He talked to her a lot, just talking. Aleks was unsure of the old man until he offered her a place to stay before revealing that he had paid her bail.
He needed some one, somebody to train. He’d just picked randomly really but he found her unique. As he talked, Aleks talked. She told him how she had felt when the man had bled to death before her. How the cops had wrenched her down on the floor and felt her up like she was a whore. She was angry with them, angry with the way that the police dealt with woman. And so she agreed. He took her with him into Rome, smuggled her in. He still had friends in high places after all those years.
When they arrived he dumped her on the doorstep with nothing but a rucksack and told her to call him when she was done. She was 20 then. It took 5 years for her to learn from the master, the man who trained her like a man. She learned elite combat skills and weapon training as well as tactics. For the first year he had sat her down in front of a screen and flashed pictures rapidly through a slideshow. He taught her to react quickly and to become a killer. He gave her instincts and knowledge of the inside of the governments and how the police and law enforcement worked all over the world. She was 25 when she finished and called him. But his phone didn’t work, the man was long gone. She did her research, the Americans had killed him not three weeks before her release. So what’s a person to do with so much training? That was five years of her life out the window. So she caught up with times, found herself an apartment in Rome. Then she got an offer. New York. So she left. The adventure begins upon arrival… {Tell Me More, Tell Me More} Anatomy of a Scene:
I gotta give you credit Cramp Your Style: Dark Chocolate Brown Suddenly I See: Hazel Break the Skin: I’m Latino - Dark Look At Me: 5”11 – 128 pounds
Let Me See:
○ Pet Dog. ○ Lots of money. ○ Speaks Spanish, English and Italian fluently. ○ Dresses according to her mood. ○ You really don't want to piss her off. ○ Italian Accent
Posted by: Korrye Wed Oct 11, 2006 @ 11:39pm