:1st topic:
Pick One:::
1) Long Life or Short Love? Short Love
2) Good Dream or Bad Reality? Good Dream
3) Intellect or Beauty? Intellect I suppose...
4) Love or Money? Love
5) Friends of Family? Friends
:2nd topic:
1) Person in the World? (not an actually person) Bear!
2) Artist? Vincent Van Gogh
3) Writer? Poe
4) Type of Food? Italian or Mexican
5) Expression? razz
6) Hobby? Poetry, Photography, Dance, or Doodling
7) Website? Um... here or DA
icon_cool.gif Class? Lit or Anatomy
9) Moment? I guess my first kiss even though it wasn't perfect it was nice...
10) Sport? to watch: Football to play: soccer
:3rd topic:
Would you/Have you ever:::
1) Go dancing in the rain? Yes, at school lol
2) Sleep with a stranger? No sry
3) Get a tattoo on a dare? Yes
4) Cry over someone? Yes brittany, and candace when she call me that time...
5) Listen to a strangers problems? Yes
6) Give to charity if you got rich? Yes
7) Streak? I bet you wish right? Sry no, Maybe one day smile
icon_cool.gif Skinny-dip? No
9) Love someone you barely knew? No
10) Sing on tv? I guess lol
:4th topic:
Love, Lust...Have you ever???:::
1) Had sex? No, virgin mary razz
2) Fallen in Love? I thought I was...
3) Had your heart broken? Yes
4) Who is your ideal man / woman... What are they like? lol um... can I leave it at tall dark and handsome?
5) Have you done anything sexual with out ever having sex (traditional sex? (ex: oral) Sry boy no, reason because I guess I've never been that close to ne one plus it's no something to be taken light sry...
7) Met your perfect match? If I have I don't know it yet
icon_cool.gif Daydreamed about someone constantly? yes lol
9) Worn lingerie for someone? lol hummmm yes but thats nonya biz...
:5th topic:
What was your worst/best:::
1) Kiss? ooh um best: Alex worst: idk that would be mean to say...
2) Food you've ever tasted? best: chocolate!!! worst: oysters
3) Show you've ever watched? idk weird huh?
4) Dream you've ever had? best: sry not going there... worst: aww it was sad I actually woke up crying sad it sucked.
5) Person you've ever met? best: Both of my best friends emotion_hug worst: Alex
6) Thing you've ever done? um... sry I think I should keep that to myself
Anyone who takes this survey please send it to me :ish curious:
Also, please add on 1 question or topic... I will fill it out after I get 3 responses...
1)Are you afraid of the toilet? No...
2) tell a secret you were sworn not to? Yes
3)lied to help a friend? Yes
Luv alwayz,
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Your not an ugly person your just a pretty monkey...
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