The Many Faces Of Joey Longshot
This is me...
Joey Longshot
You wanna know who I am? Just read the title of the journal. I'm a Christian above all... Well, the term Jesus-freak probably describes me better... and I'm engaged to Kaila Longshot (what-a-beauty). Curently, I'm a college student in pursuit of my dream job, a videogame designer... Now, I might be Joey Longshot, but I dress my avi up as many different characters that I have created. I made this entry to show off some of my creations. You see, I'm an artist. I have a very creative mind, and not only will I come up with an outfit, I also make a back story for each one. This is how it works... This journal entry is sort of a "table of content" if you will. Listed below are the names and silhouettes of the many faces of my avi. If you want to see what they look like or read their story, check out their coresponding journal entry. The easiest way to do that is to go to my journal's archive (just ignore the dates of the entries)... I am still working on writing many of their stories, but I do have them in my head... Also, I might not have all the items for some of these characters, so you may not actually catch me showing off some of them, but I still wanted to get thier stories down anyways.
So at that, I will leave the rest of my story to PM form (just ask), and my character's here. Check it out...
The Messenger
Black Jack
Joey Strange
The Pirate of Pirates
The Musketeer
Imago Dei
The Gaurdian