Title: FLY, DANGIT! Score: 8.0287 Total Ratings: 215 Total Comments: 48 Rank: 124 Comments you received deathandcrimson clever use of the cane 3nodding
Silverhill Dude that is too funny, and ever so original.
Rinku-San wow...thats really awsome good job man and keep up the good work!!!
Papillon_suki Amusing!
SRH-CPoc Ha Very original tho... 7
Banana.Trigger i like it ^~
Mahonroimoriancamer Haven't lost your touch, I see. 10/10 ^.^
imnotyoucrazy Oh!... much cool.
jtyf2 well... this is good
Sotur very nice. and original!!! PRAISE THE LORD, ORIGINALITY IS NOT DEAD YET!!!
penecillian Hmm... this is funny WOOT
Xenilos Cryst I don't find it to be all that... But its new.
Lil OG n
quest_mule_06 lol xd That's cute!
JizzleFoShizzle LOL
Catherine Parrish Ahh!... much joyful 9/10
misssarahble lol
Corey~was~here nice 9/10
eckzbeekay 10/10!! Very original cool
Gulila lol that's hilarious. i love it!!!!! 10/10
zeekybookeydoo lol nice
Athena_Sazuki I was looking at other people who had a UFO and yours seems to not be floating like the others. I noticed that if other people didn't notice. 9 for you!
scarierthanfiction this is beautiful
PineappleStain Lol. 7
Dunpee ROFL smile
Chad Van Grimgravy lol!!! nice
ayame_dolphin_16 nice use of that cane!! and the description is hilarious!! u get a 10
ember goddest ugly
brokencloud cute and clever. smile
marcphoe haha clever XD
TomoshibiFighter ^_^! very colorful
JBFaerie LOL, I like! 10!
Inubelle~ cool~! XD
moong 10 heart
OSAGIEMAN funny and cool 9/10
PanDa_Behr lol, nice use of the cain! 10/10
SexiBeam ahaha! 10!
TwilightXIII Awesome! It's very creative.
.Green.Tea.Pocky. Nice concept and execution. 9/10