I've Seen BETTER Days.
So like, lets see... I need to rant, and apologise to Tom.
First, with the ranting.
I had a blast at Cubr's, playing FF:CC, which reminded me:
And it made me happy, and inspired me to maybe play it some, so I wouldn't suck such s**t when playing with them.
So I go home and look for the ******** thing, and it's not in my room, not in the living room, not in my closet.
Hell, I didn't know where to look.
So it was obvious to me that I either let someone borrow it, or it was in Tiffany's hell hole of a room.
This being a couple days ago, I asked her if it was in there...
Because, I dunno if you've ever been in there, let alone LOOK for something in there, but let's just say, IT'S REALLY ******** MESSY. D:<<
{And it's one of those rooms where the keeper hides millions upon millions of things in boxes. Thus, making it look clean, while actually just making everything worst...}
She's all, "Nooo D: I don't haaaave it."
So I looked some more, and I still couldn't find it.
I asked her like, two more times, and she started saying stuff like, "I saw it at Toooom's house. Dx It'sss ovar theeeeere."
So yeah, she eventually convinced me that it MUST have been at Tom's house.
Today, Ryan and Tom bought FF:CC.
I gotta chance to go to Tom's house and check.
No, not ******** there.
And, on that note, I wanna apologise to you, Tom.
I pretty much interrigated you on that, thanks to my sister.
Sorry. D,:
But, once I got home, I was in such a great mood.
So I went through my closet.
Went into Tiffany's room...
Found, like... 8 things of mine, pissing me off further.
Then I started ravishing thorugh the different drawrs, and eventually found the game.
Needless to say, I'm pissed at my sister for this...
And for head-butting me in the ******** HEAD!
I'mma go try and NOT FAIL ALGEBRA II NOW.
Tom. :3
I've Seen BETTER Days.
So like, lets see... I need to rant, and apologise to Tom.
First, with the ranting.
I had a blast at Cubr's, playing FF:CC, which reminded me:
And it made me happy, and inspired me to maybe play it some, so I wouldn't suck such s**t when playing with them.
So I go home and look for the ******** thing, and it's not in my room, not in the living room, not in my closet.
Hell, I didn't know where to look.
So it was obvious to me that I either let someone borrow it, or it was in Tiffany's hell hole of a room.
This being a couple days ago, I asked her if it was in there...
Because, I dunno if you've ever been in there, let alone LOOK for something in there, but let's just say, IT'S REALLY ******** MESSY. D:<<
{And it's one of those rooms where the keeper hides millions upon millions of things in boxes. Thus, making it look clean, while actually just making everything worst...}
She's all, "Nooo D: I don't haaaave it."
So I looked some more, and I still couldn't find it.
I asked her like, two more times, and she started saying stuff like, "I saw it at Toooom's house. Dx It'sss ovar theeeeere."
So yeah, she eventually convinced me that it MUST have been at Tom's house.
Today, Ryan and Tom bought FF:CC.
I gotta chance to go to Tom's house and check.
No, not ******** there.
And, on that note, I wanna apologise to you, Tom.
I pretty much interrigated you on that, thanks to my sister.
Sorry. D,:
But, once I got home, I was in such a great mood.
So I went through my closet.
Went into Tiffany's room...
Found, like... 8 things of mine, pissing me off further.
Then I started ravishing thorugh the different drawrs, and eventually found the game.
Needless to say, I'm pissed at my sister for this...
And for head-butting me in the ******** HEAD!
I'mma go try and NOT FAIL ALGEBRA II NOW.
Tom. :3
.[ ].