Today has started off a blur day (A day which goes by, with nothing of memorable importance.) Nothing feels right on these kind of days. I constantly thrive for something to happen, but I never find it. I try to do school, but I can never focus on it. The text stares at me, as I do to it. Nothing is happening to me, though everything is happening to others. I have every excuse to be happy, and none to be sad. The things that make me mad or sad, are things I've done myself. I don't eat like i should, and cause of that I'm underweight and weak. I'm 6'3" and weigh 125. I'm constantly tired though and can't sleep till 3 most nights. I used to lift 12 pound weights and do up to 30 rips, but now I can barely do 15. When I do push ups i can hardly do 4, and I know thats not right.
Hokumori · Mon Feb 07, 2005 @ 11:54pm · 1 Comments |