Been quite a while since I've updated Mr. Journal Yeah, over a month you stupid head! >: O
I had no inspiration
A lots happened since the last update
I still want a Wii
I got ahead in FFXII
But still haven't beaten it
Ain't played too many games lately except LEGO Star Wars II with my little brother
I've been doing more stuff on the computer.
I've been thinking about changing mah username, though.
Ya' know, to somethin more
If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in a comment, kthx.
I love the DI/MCs this month
But then again,
So do most peeps, yo.
My favorite is the Winter Rose.
It's got some pretty dangnabbit snazzy poses.
I like the vine one, best.
It's spiffeh.
I'm questing for Fuzzy Penguin Slippers.
So donate if you can
Plehz? =D
It'd make meh rehlleh rehlleh happeh
But you don't have to.
Ya know
Like if you're questing or don't have any spare gold
You don't have to donate gold, though
You can donate items, too
So, chyah.
I've actually been listening to podcasts, yo.
I'm only subscribed to one, though 'cause it's awesome!
It's Uncompressed.
It's sexeh.
So go listen to it
I've got new song obsessions!!
What are they, you ask?
Pretty Fly(For A White Guy) by the Offspring and Here(In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye -courtesy of mah homeh, Pumpkin King ((not exact username))-
Fergalicious has grown on me, too
It's just so damn catchy.
I absolutely adore the music from .hack//ROOTS.
It's all so freakin sweet.
ALI PROJECT is awesome
GOD DIVA, KING KNIGHT, and Junkyousha no Yubi are mah favorites.
I watched an episode of Powerpuff Girls Z
It was
I love the artwork though
It's adorable.
That's been my like, word.
Adorable and snazzeh.
"Ah, you touched my tra la la. Mm, my ding ding dong."
Kitsune_Shiraishi and Kathry know
That songs weird, though.
Really weird
But it's just so damn catchy
Like Fergalicious.
I want some ginger ale.
It's yummeh.
I miss the Canada Dry brand ginger ale, though.
I think Canada Dry got bought by Schweppes, though.
Canada Dry was sooo freakin tasty.
Schweppes is
I guess.
Dr Pepper is da shiz, though.
Roxas is still sexy
Ain't nothin changed 'bout that.
I want KH2: Final Mix to hurry up and come out
>: O
It's gunna be awesome
'Cause there's gunna be extra scenes.
And you know who's gunna be in some of those scenes?
My icon on YIM is awesome.
I love Star Wars.
And potatoes.
Go to mah profile!!
I have a wall of icons
They're awesome.
~~Comment, too~~
And comment this, too!
Even if you don't have a username suggestion
Yepper doodles.
Bye bye!
Been quite a while since I've updated Mr. Journal Yeah, over a month you stupid head! >: O
I had no inspiration
A lots happened since the last update
I still want a Wii
I got ahead in FFXII
But still haven't beaten it
Ain't played too many games lately except LEGO Star Wars II with my little brother
I've been doing more stuff on the computer.
I've been thinking about changing mah username, though.
Ya' know, to somethin more
If you have any suggestions, leave 'em in a comment, kthx.
I love the DI/MCs this month
But then again,
So do most peeps, yo.
My favorite is the Winter Rose.
It's got some pretty dangnabbit snazzy poses.
I like the vine one, best.
It's spiffeh.
I'm questing for Fuzzy Penguin Slippers.
So donate if you can
Plehz? =D
It'd make meh rehlleh rehlleh happeh
But you don't have to.
Ya know
Like if you're questing or don't have any spare gold
You don't have to donate gold, though
You can donate items, too
So, chyah.
I've actually been listening to podcasts, yo.
I'm only subscribed to one, though 'cause it's awesome!
It's Uncompressed.
It's sexeh.
So go listen to it
I've got new song obsessions!!
What are they, you ask?
Pretty Fly(For A White Guy) by the Offspring and Here(In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye -courtesy of mah homeh, Pumpkin King ((not exact username))-
Fergalicious has grown on me, too
It's just so damn catchy.
I absolutely adore the music from .hack//ROOTS.
It's all so freakin sweet.
ALI PROJECT is awesome
GOD DIVA, KING KNIGHT, and Junkyousha no Yubi are mah favorites.
I watched an episode of Powerpuff Girls Z
It was
I love the artwork though
It's adorable.
That's been my like, word.
Adorable and snazzeh.
"Ah, you touched my tra la la. Mm, my ding ding dong."
Kitsune_Shiraishi and Kathry know
That songs weird, though.
Really weird
But it's just so damn catchy
Like Fergalicious.
I want some ginger ale.
It's yummeh.
I miss the Canada Dry brand ginger ale, though.
I think Canada Dry got bought by Schweppes, though.
Canada Dry was sooo freakin tasty.
Schweppes is
I guess.
Dr Pepper is da shiz, though.
Roxas is still sexy
Ain't nothin changed 'bout that.
I want KH2: Final Mix to hurry up and come out
>: O
It's gunna be awesome
'Cause there's gunna be extra scenes.
And you know who's gunna be in some of those scenes?
My icon on YIM is awesome.
I love Star Wars.
And potatoes.
Go to mah profile!!
I have a wall of icons
They're awesome.
~~Comment, too~~
And comment this, too!
Even if you don't have a username suggestion
Yepper doodles.
Bye bye!
Community Member