I'm bored, do it...if you dare (dun dun duuuun ) |
Getting to know you quiz- This quiz is for the terminally bored. You'll get your gold, and it'll give your friends something interesting to read about you. And who knows? You might even learn things about your friends, too. Things that are basically rude or bizarre to ask if you don't get an appropriate opportunity. Answer the questions if you feel so inclined. Enjoy! &3
1.) How old are you? * 16. 17 on december 25
2.) How tall are you? * 6'0"
3.) What's your first name? * Matthew
4.) Where do you live? (Whatever you're comfortable with.) * New York state
5.) What color is your hair? * Dark brown
6.) What length is your hair? * really kinda short
7.) What hair style to you have? * Ceasar cut
8.) What color are your eyes? * Dark Brown, just short of black
9.) What color is your skin? * alittle tanned...but mostly just pale &.&
10.) Do you wear nail polish? If so, what's your favorite shade? * No
11.) Do you wear makeup? How often and how much? * no
12.) What color best represents happiness to you? Why? * Green, its a calming color ^.^
13.) What color best represents sadness to you? Why? * orange (don't ask me why )
14.) What color best represents love to you? Why? * white, again don't ask me why &.&
15.) If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you choose? What would you do there? * Japan. Because I love the culture and all of things they have there that we get like 3-4 years later xP
16.) Do you think you're a charitable person? * Yeah, a little to much some times :B (I'm not a push over though )
17.) Describe yourself in three words. * thoughtful, caring, tired.
18.) What's your favorite thing to do on Gaia? * slots, collecting items and avi art.
19.) What's your least favorite thing to do on Gaia? * debating to much lol
20.) Who is your favorite Gaian shopkeeper? * The house robots &3 (another don't ask kinda thing )
21.) Who is your least favorite Gaian shopkeeper? * Sasha. She's an air-head.
22.) Are you single? (On-line relationships don't count for this question.) * No.
23.) Do you have an on-line "relationship?" * No.
24.) Are either of these going well? * Yes.
25.) What sort of pet would you like to have that you don't? * Wolf dog 4laugh
26.) Do you have any family pets? * one dog and a cat.
27.) Do you have any pets that are just yours? * nope
28.) What does your "family" consist of? * my mom, borther and my girlfriends family (sister and everyone else are stupid and full of themselves )
29.) What are your living conditions? (House, apartment, trailor, tree, blah.) * House.
30.) Do you have a roommate? If so, do you get along? * No
31.) What would you like to be your future occupation? (Dream job.) * Aerospace engineering
32.) Do you already have a job? If so, how's that going for you? * yes, it sucks...I hate it, but it gives me money.
33.) How much jewelry do you tend to wear? * two necklaces, thats it.
34.) What's your favorite book genre? * total fiction and sci-fi for this one xD
35.) What's your favorite movie genre? * foreign films
36.) What genre of music are you most likely to enjoy listening to? * I'm mainly into trance, Jrock now sweatdrop
37.) If you could be reincarnated into any animal (fantasy, real, whatever) what would it be? Why? *A Bird, a hawk mostly....I'd love to fly.
38.) Do you consider yourself to be religious? Spiritual? * I'm a born and raised Pagan.
39.) What is your favorite sport? * Hockey if anything.
40.) What are you most likely to do to kill time? * play videogames or gaia
41.) What's your favorite food? * Muffins (if those count )
42.) What's youre least favorite food? * yams and cranberry anything D:
43.) Do you consider yourself to be a fascist? (Try to persuade people into your way of thinking in somewhat extreme ways. Including threatening them with eternal damnation, poor social life, etc.) * Not really.
44.) Do you consider yourself to be communist? (Everyone should get equal rights and equal pay, and everybody's the same in society no matter what they do.) * Would seem nice....for like 30 seconds stare
45.) Who is your favorite person in the past or present? Why? * I agree and like people in the past, but I have no fav.
46.) Are you interested in current world problems? * To a point. (agrees )
47.) Are you a good student? * Moderately. if its math or Bio....not even close to interested much. (those two subjects are to boring at times and move to slow )
48.) Are you interested in the personal lives of celebrities? * I honestly could care less.
49.) Do you like to wear things in your hair? (Ponytails, clips, flowers, whatever.) * nah
50.) Do you act in stereotypical ways for your sex? (Boy/Girl) * Rarely, I'm told I'm to abnormal of a guy to be classified as one. razz
51.) What is your favorite dessert? * Ice Cream (born weakness )
52.) Are you stubborn? (Have a tendency to think that your ways are the best ways, and that's the end of that.) * I'm about 50% open minded. If I'm sure of myself I'm very stubborn. But if someone can persuade me otherwise, I'll calm down. (agrees, but on some topics..... ninja )
53.) What mood are you usually in? * happy (I hate to be sad or depressed..theres to much in this world )
54.) What's your favorite sort of weather? * Sunny.
55.) What's your least favorite sort of weather? * Unnecessarily windy, snow filled.
56.) Too hot or too cold? * Too hot
57.) Ever had any serious dental work performed? * I had some serious dental work on one tooth with no pain killers &.&;
58.) Is there anything weird and awesome about you that makes you unique? * um (runs in the family) I can unrap kiss candys and tie knots in cherrys.
59.) Do you have any hidden talents? * above.
60.) What's your favorite sort of game? * Videogame. action and mostly RPGs
61.) Do you take quizzes like this often? * I try to avoid them.
62.) What's your favorite beverage? * Milkshake
63.) What age would you most like to stay for the rest of eternity? * I'd never want to stay one age forever....I don't want to live forever, I'd get bored xD
64.) If you could be in a band, what type would it be? * techno or dance, I think of some seriously good beats....but I never act on them (my friend who is in a band steals a few here and there )
65.) Do you swear often? * at times
66.) Do you use a lot of slang when you speak and write? * Not really, I'm only know for spelling and grammer erros when writing fast.
67.) Are you a Grammar Nazi? * once and awhile with some people, but not mostly.
68.) Did you know that Wikipedia isn't a reliable source for information because it can be editted by anyone? * Yeah. I've figured that out the first time I had seen that and some kid changed a definition of a word. (I forget what )
69.) Did you giggle when you got to this number? * nope
70.) What kind of clothes do you like to wear? * Soft, comfortable ones. Black full cotton shirts are my fav.
71.) Do you wear shoes with laces, velcro, zippers, slip-ons, or just sandals? * shoes with laces
72.) Are you selfish? * To a point. I don't care about people that have little or nothing to do with me, or get themselves into problems because of their own personal choices. If I get really close to somebody, I always put them first, however. (just edited a small part of that one )
73.) Are you rude, and uncaring over whose feelings you might hurt with the things you say? *That I will only do to one person. and I have my reasons for it.
74.) Do you have a happy life? * yeah, though I am always tired, and over worked...I love my life.
75.) Are you on any medication? Have you ever been? * Nope and I don't plan to be.
76.) CDs, tapes, 8-tracks, vinyl records, iPods, or MP3s? * MP3, cds are to much some times...I hate ipods and the other two, just wow is all I have to say.
77.) Did you know that the US Constitution doesn't even apply to you until you're 18 years old? * Yes. but with new laws and rights acts...a child technically has more rights than an adult under the consistution.
78.) What's your favorite country? Why? * I don't really think I have a favorite country...
79.) Have you ever won any type of contest on Gaia? * Just one avi contest.
80.) What is your favorite "Monthly Collectible" for this round? * The hair, I've been waiting for an (full) elemental item to come out sense 2003 xD
81.) What were you like when you were a little kid? * Quiet. unless I was sugar high then loud and annoying &.&;
82.) What's your favorite candy bar? * Snickers
83.) Have you ever undergone surgery? * nope
84.) What happened on your most memorable night? * I fell asleep on a beach with my girlfriend in my arms.
85.) What is your favorite memory? * (corny) every moment with my girlfriend.
86.) What are some of your favorite smells? * new books, caramel, Ice Cream (:B ), fresh morning dew, my girlfriend after a shower in the morning.
87.) What's your favorite messenger? *I dislike them all D: &
88.) If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? * Buy a house, good car, pay my way through college and all of the rest will become a nest egg for when I need it.
89.) Do you know the person who sent this to you very well? * I know you some what....
90.) Do you know a lot about how to move around and perform important tasks on Gaia? Including through other Gaia-associated sites? * Yes. I do.
91.) Do you prefer the company of boys or girls? (Friendly sort of thing. Not TOO friendly, mind you.) *Girls, more interesting to listen too, while boys tend to either not talk or just talk about sports and games (you know it gets boring after awhile )
92.) Who is your favorite Gaian? * KK.Trin all the way <3
93.) Is there anyone that you hate? *no
94.) If you had to spend a year on an island with one person and ten items, who would it be and what would you bring? * My girlfriend, a water purifyer, an informational book about nature and how to use random things to make useful things, flint, a bag of assorted seeds, a first aid kit, a rifle, a handgun, bullets, a good hunting knife, and a wet stone.
95.) Are you a clean person? (Shower as often as necessary, wash your clothes, and keep your room tidy.) * I don't always have the opportunity to be a clean person. so when I can ._.;
96.) Have you ever tried to scam somebody? (Not restricted to Gaia.) If so, did you get away with it? *never even wanted too.
97.) What is on your mind most of the time, in your opinion? * my Minku
98.) Are you a pervert? * To an extent. I can if I want to be.
99.) Are you often bored enough to take quizzes like this? * no, just today.
100.) Was this a fairly decent "get to know your friends" quiz? * yeah it was a good one.
Affliction of the mind · Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 03:23am · 6 Comments |