At 12 am rite on chinese new year my nose was bleeding non-stop for about a hour and I kept coughing. I really thought I was dying. x_X but I'm still here.
Okay here's the story if anyone cares,
Last night near midnite, I was lying in my bed ready to go to bed. The neighbor was cracking New Years firework when my nose suddenly started to run. I thought it was one of em normal stuffy noise issues but when it kept leeking down my throat for 10 minutes, I decided this isn't normal. I got up and walked over to the tissue box and grab a tissue a held it at my nose so it wouldn't leek out of my nose since I'm sitting up. When I removed it about 1-2 minutes later there was a huge clog of blood on the tissue and I freaked out. sweatdrop I was like "Goodbye world, goodbye everything I love, I'm dying. Woopy. xp ," Then my other nostrol started to bleed and I wiped it with my other hand. So I had to wash it off but my cousin was in the bathroom so I was jumping around outside with blood on my hands. It was funny when she got out. She freek out cuz there was alot of blood all over me. domokun then she dragged me back to my room and made me lay down so the nose bleed would stop. It did an hour later with alot of coughing and bleeding. now wasn't that fun. mrgreen
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