the thing we all argue about and have no answer for, IS THERE A GOD?
Truth is we will never know, and wars will rage over this one subject till the end of time. why you may ask, well its because its a natural instinct to beleive we were placed here for a reason, some people explain it by saying "All we do, is an action of god, for he is us and we are him", while others say that we evolved from lower life forms.
P.S. I am only 15 and have figured this out, and how long have people been trying to figure this out?
More truths later
King Monom Community Member |
Community Member
You know I've actually been thinking about this- Ever read from Frogotten Realms? Well, it has occured to me that while they worship the supposed Goddess of Chaos, Drow aren't terribly chaotic- it's like Jack Sparrow says, "you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for because you never know when they're going to do something incredibly stupid"(Or something like that)
But I suppose Lloth chose the drow 'cause she likes evil and humans wouldn't all worship her, and what God wants to look after a race that won't necessarily worship them. Which brings us to another interseting point- if the Christian God is as great as people say, why would he want us to worship him? Wouldn't he be moire humble, and making someone worship or they'll punished, well that rather goes against the rest of CHristianity's doctrines. Not like most Christians really follow those doctrines.
Hm. I have rambled.