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<3 I want a penny heads up.
Second Chapter: Unexceptional
This is my second chapter. heart My computer finally worked for my benefits! It wouldn't let me email it to myself to post... xp

Critisism and tips are much appreciated.

At exactly six-oh-clock P.M. I got a phone call, from my parents. "Karen? I forgot to tell you. Were coming home in about a day." I heard my dad’s voice in the background, something about a darn map giving the wrong directions, right, it’s the maps fault.
"Are you going to be OK until then?"
"Yes, mom, I will be fine, where were you guys headed?"
"I was going with your father to a meeting, it’s a day drive and he got lost."
"I didn’t get lost." My father argued.
"That’s right dear, it was the map." There was deep sarcasm in my mothers voice.
"Take your time." This wasn’t a big deal, I’m old enough to take care of myself, I can handle it.
"All right dear, see you soon..." I heard a little bit of worry in her voice.
"I’ll be fine." I reassured her.
"Good-bye, honey."
"Bye, mom."
So, my house was going to be creepy and empty for a while. I hope I am ready for this, it’s a big house, that makes noises at night, it never scared me before, usually it’s comforting, but by myself, I wasn’t so sure. The hallway was a long way from the stairs to downstairs - where the only door to go outside is, and my room was on the end of the hall, maybe I will sleep on the couch. Would that be cowardly? Maybe it would be more scary. I will just have to wait and see, I will carry around my quilt. The one I got as a present, from my friend, the same one I put away, because of the pain, but maybe, just maybe because I couldn’t feel the pain when I thought of the past, maybe that would be the same effect. I dashed all the way to my room, stumbling a bit, my stairs were cluttered with junk. I scrambled into the closet and reached up into the shelves. There it was. The soft colorful thin quilt, almost a sheet, but very warm. He got it for my birthday, because I was always complaining on how cold my house was. He laughed. This quilt made me feel safe. But I had to put it away, I cried every time I held it, my parents were worried, and I certainly couldn’t have any of that. If I ever had to move around to get to a more safe feeling safe in the middle of the night, wrapping this around me would help me move. So I lied down on my bed, I was more tired than I expected.
Before I fell asleep, I swore I heard bells. Not the kind of bells that made a jingle, but wind chimes, yes, I heard wind chimes, wind chimes were always his favorite noise.
It was dark now, but I could see me standing in a middle of a room, and a faint voice.
"What do you want, Karen?" I stood there, not understanding what this calm voice meant.
"Karen, answer please."
"I don’t know what you mean." I told the truth, this dream would be over soon enough, maybe I can get a book to see what this dream meant. Sometimes there’s a subconscious reason on these things. I didn’t think he was going to talk again, so I wanted to start asking the questions.
"Where are you?" Even in a dream, there had to be a logical answer why I couldn’t see him.
"This is the only contact I figured to get to you."
"What?" Now I was officially confused.
"See you, Karen"
"Wait, don’t go, I need more time."
"I can’t help it, you’re the one who’s fading." I was about to argue, but I was suddenly in a bright room, my room. He was right, to him, I was fading. I woke up. Right when I thought I was about to get all the answers. But I did get some, I got the answer that there is something going on in my subconscious, because I remembered the voice, it was, Sams.

(c)2006 Fallenlitttleangel


All day I went over what he said to me, maybe it was because I slept with the same quilt? Or I’ve been remembering the past? I wonder why I never felt that same pain anymore. It’s like he’s right here with me, but I know that’s impossible. He’s gone, forever, never coming back, even though he was my first friend. The only one I could ever trust with my secrets. I decided that’s why I had that dream, and didn’t go to the library just to check out a book about it, and get strange looks from the librarian. So it was a Saturday and I have no plans. What to do. I heard a light knock on the front door, I wonder who that could be, I teased myself, knowing it would be, Josh. He seemed to really want to be my friend. So I dragged my feet to the front door, still in the same cloths as yesterday, I hope he doesn’t mind. I opened the door, and was shocked that I was staring at a red head girl.
"He-hello, Karen"
"Good-morning" Was all I could reply. I really wasn’t expecting to see her, the rumors must have gotten to her, was this a prank? The people at school told her to play a prank and she can be one of them? I never understood those groups at school, I never really bothered.
"You looked surprised." She noted.
"I wasn’t expecting you..." I softly said, almost a whisper. She looked at me with a shocked face.
"Were you expecting company? I’m sorry."
"No, I wasn’t, just surprised is all." I disagreed. She quickly nodded.
"Is there a reason behind this visit?" I was honestly curious.
"Just to catch up, I missed the rest of school yesterday."
"That’s what I thought" even though I also thought she was ignoring me. I didn’t mention that.
"Aren’t you wondering why?" I was never one to ask question such as these, I always thought that if they wanted me to know, they’d tell me, and the fact that I never talked to anyone, no one ever really talked to me.
"No, it’s not my business." I quickly said.
"May I?" I suddenly realized that she was still standing outside, and I was being awfully rude.
"Oh, sure." She stepped inside and stared with her mouth flung open.
"Is something wrong?" I didn’t think there was anything wrong...a little cluttered maybe, but other than that, nothing.
"Karen, your house is huge!" She exclaimed. That was really bugging me, I didn’t know her name, was I just supposed to call her girl who looks like me? I don’t think so.
"Thanks" I mumbled. "I didn’t catch your name."
"Oh, that’s right, I’m sorry."
"Just tell me your name." I smiled politely not wanting to sound rude. She nodded.
"Serenity." She simply answered.
"That’s a lovely name." I complimented.
"I always hated it." She said with a squinted face. I smiled.
"I think you should be happy that you have a name." She laughed and looked at me curiously.
"Some thoughts you have there."
"I have time." which was true, when you don’t talk for six hours at school, there’s plenty of time to think. Mostly about school work, but, I had free time in those long hours. She started to roam around like she lived here.
"Karen, there is another reason why I came here." I looked at her, wondering what she would possibly want with me.
"Oh?" I questioned.
She whispered something under her breath. I waited for her to talk, maybe I was meant to hear that, but she wasn’t sure she should tell me.
"Excuse me?"
"I know you miss him, Karen. But it is time to keep your promise, that’s why I came here, I’ve been looking for you." I stood there, I wasn’t sure what my face was giving away. But I didn’t care. Could she know? I didn’t know her. I never told her a thing. Maybe this was a prank. I just learned her name! I clumsily walked over to the couch, and put my elbows on my legs and my head propped on my palms. I needed to think on what she could possibly mean. So I decided to ask.
"What’s that supposed to mean." I mumbled, not sure she could hear me.
"I think you know what I mean, Karen."
"No" I shook my head.
"I see he hasn’t got to you yet." She quickly whispered, I wonder if I was even supposed to hear it. So I didn’t respond, no need to start a fight.
"So, are you a pity friend?" She laughed.
"Heavens no, Karen." I had a strange feeling of confusion, and relief. She was more confusing than me, I think. Maybe I can’t think straight because I just woke up. Why was she up so early?
"Well, if you came here to confuse me until my head spins, you’ve done your job." I said, just to break the silence. She smiled.
"That’s good." She quickly commented, I laughed.
"I knew it." She joined in too. It surprised me on how long she’s been here, I thought it was merely five minutes, when it was a half-hour.
"I better be off, Karen." She muttered.
"Farewell." That wasn’t my usual good-bye. But I couldn’t think of any other thing to say. She nodded and headed for the door.
"Don’t follow the wind chimes." I stood there, speechless. What exactly is going on here? I wanted to ask, demand, actually, but the words were stuck in my throat. She left and shut the door, the door didn’t make a sound when she closed it. Silent, again. I wonder what time my parents would be home.

(c) 2006 Fallenlitttleangel


I walked over to my blanket, expecting something else to happen. This is all going way out of proportion, maybe this is pay back for not feeling the pain. I folded the quilt, stomped up the stairs skipping through the long hallway, into my room. The window was open and the curtains were flowing in the wind, sort of thing you see in horror shows, how ironic. This was my scary story, to me at least. It wasn’t exactly scary, but more confusing than anything else. I decided to tidy up, while I wait, no doubt my father would be in a bad mood when he comes home, for getting lost. So I better make it more easier for him. I cleaned the kitchen until I swore I saw it shine. I picked up all the cloths, washed, dried, folded. I mopped up and vacuumed. Organized the cabinets. Before I knew it, it was four-oh-clock. I’ve been cleaning all day, and realized I was tired.
I took a hot shower and put on the warm cloths still warm from the dryer, feeling nice with no wrinkles. My mom said they’d be back in about a day, did she count yesterday? Or did she mean she’d be back in about two days. How long was the meeting going to be? Why did I just now think of these questions? I had no real reason to worry, they were only lost, and they are adults, capable of taking care of themselves - I hope. For the first time in a while I walked down the hallway without stumbling over the cluttered mess on the hard, cold wooden floorboards, which was now gone. There was a cold chill in the hallway from my room. So I decided to close the window. The smell of fresh air was going to leave me now. Soon. I sat on my bed, not sure if I should go to bed or not. It was only a little past five now. It would be a shame to miss such a nice day, the wind gently breezing, little light showing, nice view of the sky though. As I looked out the window, watching how the light escaped my grasp for it to go to dusk. I remembered the words Serenity had spoken today.
Don’t follow the wind chimes.
That did nothing good. Now I was fully curious, something complete opposite what I usually was. But a lot has changed, so I shouldn’t care about the change now. I had to find out how she knew, I had to find out how that note got in my books, I absolutely had to find out what’s going on. This is my life and I deserve to know. So that settled it. When I hear the wind chimes. I follow them, either in my dream, or in reality. Which one? When I heard the wind chimes...I fell asleep. How does she expect me to follow them? When I fell asleep, all I heard was that voice. How did she know anyway. I tried to figure out a logical explanation, but got nothing. I thought back the first time everything started to change. Maybe I needed to be outside to figure this out. Maybe I needed to clear my head, but ignoring this is not going to help. For long years, I ignored everything going on in this world I live in, and it definitely wasn’t going to help at all this time.
I walked silently down the stairs to the front door, I took one step, and walked straight back in. There was someone in my yard.
I would of confronted the strange dark figure in the shadow of my tree, but no one was home but myself. I grabbed my jacket, and my shoes. What was I planning to do? Run away if the stranger came to my door? I went to the large window near the door. Pulled up the corner of the thick curtains. That person was still there. How long has that person been there? I would believe it was someone I know, but I don’t think that they’d bother coming to me at this hour, not that it was that late to, but just to visit me. Just like I called the person with the fear of coming near me, the dark figure took a step forward. Walking swiftly with a long dark jacket that nearly touched the ground, they had the hood up, I couldn’t even tell if I did know the person. I heard not one but two knocks on the door and the doorbell.
"Karen!" Called the stranger, glancing at the window. At least I thought the male voice called my name.
"Come on! It’s cold out here!" Who did this person think he was? But I did as the voice ordered, not sure why. I twist the lock and pulled the door. It was Josh. I looked at him with a curious look on my face.
"The one and only." He mumbled.
"Come on in, I guess." I wasn’t sure if I should. But I was very curious on why he came here. The only two people I could really call friends visited me on a weekend. This was new to me.
"Finally!" He took a big step in, and chuckled.
"Finally?" What did that mean?
"Finally" He repeated. "I get to see what your house looks like inside. I saw how big it was on the outside." He nodded and looked like I was missing an inside joke. "There’s rumors about this at school too."
"Great." He chuckled.
"Don’t worry, there not as bad."
"There’s worse?" I groaned, if I was going to participate in life now, I didn’t want to go on explaining on how they’ve got the wrong idea, if I talk to any of them anyway. He started to glance around.
"Clean too." He mumbled. "Must have maids." He said it so low, I didn’t think I was supposed to hear it. But I corrected him.
"I’ve been cleaning all day." I explained.
"Why?" He looked at me with true curiosity. "Do your parents pay you for it or something?"
"No, but they’re lost somewhere, and decided to clean up a little for them."
"Lost?" He laughed.
"You’re taking this nicely." I noted.
"It’s funny." He blurted.
"I mean, don’t they have a driver for their limo?"
"How many rumors are there like this?" We just had a big house because we all like privacy, nothing really more than that. He looked at me wide-eyed.
"So, your saying that they’re not true?" He sounded astonished.
"Yea." I simply said. "Is there a reason behind this visit?"
"Not really. I just wanted to stop by. I didn’t know you couldn’t handle social visits." He smiled. I glanced towards the door.
"How cold is it outside?"
"Freezing." He forcefully shivered.
"Baby." I lightly giggled.
"You go outside and see for yourself then." He challenged.
"Only if you come with me." He rolled his eyes.
"Fine." We walked outside. He was right, it was cold, but not freezing.
"Had enough?" He was using a teasing tone.
"I’m perfectly fine, the weather is nice." I casually fibbed.
"Just you wait." We walked further out by the tree.
"It’s warmer behind the tree." He mumbled. "The wind can’t touch you there." He smiled triumphal as he won a prize for finding this out.
"How long did that take to figure out?" I teased.
"Long enough." He teased back.

(c) 2006 Fallenlitttleangel


"No fair." I complained.
"What?" He looked astonished.
"You have that nice warm coat, while I have this thin lousy jacket." He laughed.
"And you’re calling me a baby?" He shrugged out of his coat.
"Here." He suggested. Holding his coat by the collar, and it was touching the ground now.
"I was just playing." I rejected. He rolled his eyes.
"Sure, your just scared that I will bug you on how you can’t handle the cold." He flashed a warm smile. I could see his wrist, he had a watch.
"What time is it?
"A little after Six. Why?" I must have looked upset. For the words coming out of his mouth. "What’s wrong?"
"Just curious where my parents are." And it was true. And that I shouldn’t have to go to bed this early.
"I’m sure they’re both fine. Just give them a little more time." He put his coat back on. "But my parents on the other hand. Will not except that I was here so long."
"Kay." I was lost in thought. And wasn’t quite sure what we were talking about anymore.
"Later, Karen." Oh, he was leaving.
"See you."
I saw him walk off while the wind got a little more forceful. I stumbled to the door. Locking it behind me. So this house was even more empty now that I cleaned it. And even more creepy. It was a nice evening, two people I know and now care about visited me. And I got information. Not much, just enough to make me curious, and appear in the real world. And make me think harder than ever on what it means. I can’t wait to try it out. How can Serenity not expect me to try what she told me not to? That’s perfectly illogical, I mean, how she knows what dream I had, and about Sam. If that was the case. I wasn’t completely sure and I knew there was no logic in it. But I started to gather that there wasn’t going to be much logic where this was taking me. So I better play along and pay attention. I had a funny feeling that if I wanted a normal life, I wouldn’t go through with this, but I never thought of my life as normal. So why turn back now? That settled it. Whatever this is, it had something to do with Sam, after long while I actually had something to do in my life and to my surprise, the thing that upset me most of all. I went in my room, I wanted to see the note again, I wanted to see if it was the same handwriting, maybe I just imagined it because I dearly wanted something so badly, that’s why there was no logic in anything - all in my head. I searched in my pockets and everywhere in my room, it was there. Right where I left it. The words written on it, and the handwriting I remember. Now that I had proven myself wrong, I wanted to go outside and think, the first time I tried I got a visitor. So I had to try again. I got this sudden urge, every muscle telling me something I needed was outside. When I walked out it seemed as reality hit me. The outside air always helped me decide from fiction and what’s happening now. I didn’t lock the door, I wasn’t going to be gone long, and if my parents came home, they wouldn’t have to unlock it, most likely they’re going to want to rest.
When I got back to the house, everything looked too dark for real life. I walked in, not having to worry about being locked out. The whole house was pitch black. It made me feel uncomfortable, the house wasn’t welcome. I wanted to turn on all the lights in the house. But my parents taught me it wasn’t wise to use energy when not needed. I switched on the light in the room I was standing in and saw my reflection sitting on a chair. I jumped back, gasped, and fell down. It was, Serenity, inside my house. She chuckled.
"Did I scare you?" She seemed quite amused.
"Not at all." I mumbled. I saw she was carrying a bag.
"Night bag." She explained my curious look. "I can’t go home, can I stay the night? Please?" I couldn’t just leave someone out if they can’t go home.
"Of course you can, Serenity." She gave me the most grateful look I ever received.

(c) 2006 Fallenlitttleangel


"Your not even going to ask why I can’t go home?" I shook my head no. "Now I see." I didn’t understand that.
"What?" She chuckled by my confused reaction. "I don’t understand." I tried again.
"Thanks for the shelter, Karen." She changed the subject, so I played along.
"No problem." I offered little conversation, what were you supposed to do when someone stays the night?
"You can take your things to my room."
"Lead the way." I motioned her up the stairs and down the hall. I stepped in, she followed and shivered.
"Karen! You’re rooms freezing!" I closed the window earlier, it wasn’t cold to me, she must be sensitive. So I walked to my closet and grabbed my most favorite of memories, I took out my folded quilt, she stared at my quilt wide eyed.
"Karen...please, put that away." Her voice was faint, weak. She stepped back. I was too curious now to hold back anymore questions.
"Please..." She begged. I did as she said.
"There." Hoping I would get a reason.
"Thanks..." she mumbled.
"Serenity, calm down, you’re paler then anything I’ve ever seen." Even the whitest snow couldn’t compare. What was so frightening about a quilt? Serenity stood up and took a deep breath. I decided to let her decide when to talk about it. I waited for another topic to ponder upon. I realized, Serenity, was thinking about something very deep. So, I would have to think of something, to snap her back to reality. "You hungry?" It worked, her head shot up.
"Starving." She had on a huge smile.
"Great, then, lets go to the kitchen." I smiled in return. Without a word, she was out the door, and dashing through the hallway.
Serenity ate, like no one I’d seen before. It seemed like she could eat everything in the kitchen and still be starving as she put it. She finally got full, she said. I didn’t even bother on trying to make me anything.
"Thanks, Karen."
"No problem." I mumbled. A disturbing silence filled the room.
"Karen." She sighed. I looked up, to see the expression on her face.
"Yeah?" My question was unenthusiastic.
"I wish I could tell you, but, I’d get in trouble."
"What are you talking about, Serenity?" She wasn’t making any sense.
"I’m the newest, and, I don’t think I can keep this secret for long." She looked at me with desperate eyes. What was I supposed to do?
"You can trust me..." My voice trailed off.
"I know, I just can’t trust them."
"Who’s, them?"
"A gang...I guess..."
"A kid gang?" Just as I first thought.
"No, definitely not kids."
"Serenity, stop it, you’re confusing me."
"No need." We stared at each other for what seemed forever. What’s she talking about? This isn’t making sense. None of it, I thought my life was simple enough, not normal, but, after my friend disappeared, I thought all sense would come back
if I ignored life, it did, for a while. Now, it’s all drifting apart.

(c) 2006 Fallenlitttleangel


We both went upstairs. "Are you tired?" It was getting late.
"I’m not going to sleep, Karen."
"Then what are you going to do?"
"For what, exactly?"
"To see if something happens."
"Something, like, what?"
"If something happens to you."
"I’m capable of taking care of myself. It will feel weird knowing someone’s watching me, anyway."
"Have you heard them yet?" Serenity whispered as there was a room full a people who could hear.
"Heard what?" I used a normal tone.
"Never mind." She quickly looked away. I nodded, not knowing if she saw me or not.
"If your not going to sleep, neither am I." I got her attention.
"Why not?"
"I told you." She made a pout, but quickly took it back.
"But I need to see." She used a begging voice.
"See what?" My tone gave out my confusion.
"If he comes." She told me in a low whisper, almost sounding as if she shouldn’t of said anything.
"Who comes, Serenity?" I was whispering too. She shook her head.
"Never mind, Karen." She looked at me. "I think you should go to bed."
"Not until you tell me."
"Tell you what?"

(c)2006 Fallenlitttleangel


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jan 07, 2007 @ 04:35am
Wow this was really interesting!!! xd 3nodding whee Karen, Serenity, and Josh are all really believable and interesting characters!!! I can't wait to see what happens next! I really want to know what Serenity is going to tell her! Nice work! All of this was really good and also really surprising. it's like i didn't know what was going to happen next! Keep writing! xd 3nodding blaugh

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