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The war
Elli didn't go to school that morning. she walked into the fields. having the power of fire. a horse came up to her already saddled. she mounted. "easy girl" she said.
The neko ran as fast as his legs would carry him. Blood ran down his side, and he skidded to a stop on a riverbank. He crouched down, aware of the danger he'd just gotten himself out of. He gingerly touched his wound before staring at the crystal river and his reflection. Those ears.... were so much trouble. The water was paradise, and he took his time drinking. Axel was faint from bloodloss.
Elli sensed him and ran to him. "OMG! its a cat demon!" she yelled. she walked toward him. his wound she thought.she got out some badges and wiped water on it.
His eyes widened, and he backed away, staring at her. "H-Hey! Woah now, do you just go around poking at people's wounds...?!" Axel quickly recovered before sitting there, his head cocked to the side. "Eh.... A girl in the middle of nowhere... Shouldn't you be in school or something? Oh, forget it..." He drank a bit more, allowing the water to drip through his fingers.
"hey i least i saved your life cat demon!" she yelled. " and i don't" she threw fire be side him as a warning
"...Eh... I didn't ask for help.... I'd have been just fine...." He looked at the fire absentmindedly before blowing it out. "...Sure. Of course you don't." Axel froze, his ears twitching slightly. There were noises behind him, and he looked back behind him. "...."
" i don't what?!" she yelled. she looked up. "hide" she whispered.
He didn't need to be told twice. Although he didn't want to trust this stranger, he had no choice. He scaled a tree, pinning himself expertly against the trunk as the Pet Agency people came out. "Hey, girl. Have you seen a neko around here? We'll pay you if you bring him out.... He couldn't have gotten far....." Axel held his breath, praying that this chick would spill.
"ok first what the heck is a neko and second get out of my forest no stuipd creture roaming my forest." she yelled. "NOW GET OUT" she sent them away.
"....Are they gone...?" Axel peered out from behind the tree, only to see no one but that girl. "Maybe you aren't such a weirdo after all.... Name's Axel.... and I'm the neko they want...."
"Elli and i know what a neko is..." she said. 'hes kinda cute' she thought.
"Just making sure...." He stretched, leaping from the tree and landing neatly on his feet. "So, what are you doing all the way out here, Elli? Don't you go to that... prison... thing...." The neko was at a loss of words. What was that thing called again...?
"PRISON?!" she yelled. "why would think THAT?!?!" she stood calmly. "its called a school and no i am not going back!"
He blinked. "But... isn't that what it is...? A prison? You go there against your will, so it's a prison.... So... where you going to go, then? You can't just run around a forest all the time, you know?" He wasn't a master when it came to girls, but he didn't mind being around this one. In fact, he actually enjoyed her company, which was saying something.
"i'm sorry to say axel, but i really don't go there" she said.
"Huh? What the heck are you even talking about? Females make no sense at all, I guess...." He turned his back to her before it finally sank in. "Oh god, ugh! You just scarred me for life, you sick little girl!"
"how the heck did i scared you for life?!" she yelled. she took hold of his sholder and flung him around. his eyes glinted in the moonlight.
He let out a cry of surprise. "I DON'T KNOW!!!! I REALLY DON'T KNOW, BUT I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!"
she didn't know what to calm him down with so she finally made her move and kissed him.
His eyes got even larger. "Mmph....?!" He really had no idea what to do. His first kiss was taken from him.... and he hadn't the faintest idea how it happened. Axel slowly closed his eyes, and akwardly kissed back.
she pulled away and turned around. "i'm sorry" she said as she was mounting her horse. she put her horse in full speed and ran out of the forest
He stood there, blinking. "Wha...? Why'd she run off...? And why'd she kiss...." His cheeks turned crimson, and he decided the forest wasn't that safe any more. The city would be harder to get around in, but if it kept him alive, he didn't care. He ran quickly through the woods, dodging trees with ease. He eventually settled in a tree near to a school building, falling into a light slumber. If schoolkids screamed, he'd run. Easy as that....
"what are you doing here neko!?" elli yelled. she looked up. "you know what put this hat on and mount my horse
He screamed and fell out of the tree. "Uh...." Axel sat up, still half-asleep. "Falling out of a tree, seems to me." Stretching, he took the hat and put it on. "Bossy, aren't we?" He climbed on anyway....
"yes" she whipsered. elli turned the horse around andhead to her house. "i live alone" she said entering it.
He was puzzled as to why she agreed with him, but didn't voice that. Axel jumped off the horse, and stared at the house. "Nice, I guess...?" The neko scratched his head before following her. "Why do you live alone...? That would get lonely..."
"no not really." she said. "i like to live alone..." then tears sprang in her eyes. she ran into her room leaving him alone
He cocked his head to the side, his eyes closed. "She doesn't like living alone.... although she may say she does...." Axel crept closer to her door, putting his ear on the door.
"why the heck do i love him." she asked.
He blinked. She talking about me? Nah, course not....
"hes a neko!!!" she yelled.
Axel's eyes widened. Wha...?? The neko lost his balance from the shock, and he fell to the ground with a loud thump. "Oh.... crap...." He got to his feet, scrambling away from the door and sitting on the couch innocently.
elli not hearing it came down stairs. "you know don't you?" she asked quietly.
"N-NO!" he replied a little too quickly. The neko looked around randomly, then stood and ran over to the clock. "Wow, would ya look at that?! It... uh, tells time!!!"
she grabed his sholder and sat him down in a chair. "tell me now, you know don't you!" she growled
He looked around for escape routes, but saw none. "So.... who's the neko? I've never met any other nekos but myself and...." Just one look in her eyes told him that it was useless. He may as well tell the truth. "Yes, I know...."
"crap" she said pacing. "i'm sorry, you think i am a creep all you want."
"Nah, girls are like that, I guess. They make no sense, so you aren't a creep. You're weird... but normal for a female, I guess." The cat pulled off the hat, scratching his ear thoughtfully. "And plus.... It beats you trying to sell me to those crazy guys, right? So I guess I'll be all right with it."
she was still pacing around. "oh this si bad!" she yelled. ((can he fall in love with her))
((He will, just give it some time.))
"Hey, if it's any consolation.... You are kinda cute." Axel smiled at her.
elli stoped "what did you say?!" she asked
"I said you are kind of cute. What?" Axel sat there, clueless. "Are you mad? Should I have not said that...?"
"I knew it! You are mad! I'll never say anything like that again, I'm sorry!" Axel stood, turning to leave. "I'll go to the woods! Yeah, then you won't have to put up with me!!" He was clueless, as usual.
she walked up to him. 'my love' she thought. she turned him around again.then this time started to make out with him
His eyes widened as he felt his lips make contact with hers. He closed his eyes, kissing back happily.
this time she didn't let go
Axel was the one who let go of her, his cheeks crimson. "This is... uh... moving pretty fast...." He turned from her again, his ears dropping slightly. He was embarassed that he was making out with a human.... If his family knew, they'd be annoyed. After all, he was the human race's toys... and most nekos despised humans for that.
"i'm sorry"
"Don't be.... I'm just... not sure... about this... That's all.... I mean.... I guess... I just don't trust humans well, I suppose...." The neko sighed, sitting down on the couch again. "They... hurt me...." He quickly perked up, laughing. "Haha, I'm such a dork! Whining over the past.... Heh..."
she looked out the window
He crept behind her. "Sorry... I really do like you, though..."
she rested her head on his sholder
He sighed, holding her close to him. He enjoyed the way he could feel her heart beat... "..."
her heart beat got faster and faster
He frowned. "Are you all right...?" Axel was worried about her...
"fine" she said
He nodded, and he kissed her neck softly. "I'd better go.... I don't want to be any trouble..."
"your not"
"But... if those guys come again..."
"they won't"
He frowned. "I... think they will... They're really after me...."
she sat down. "why what happened in your past"
"When I was a kid.... They caught me and my family to be sold as pets. My parents were sold off, but I wasn't old enough or something.... Then... I was about to be sold to this rich old lady, and I ran.... Those freaks have been after me ever since, especially after the company went bankrupt due to lack of choices. No two rich women want to own the same thing...."
"...and now they're trying to make me go back to save their throats. I don't know... they've shot me before... What about you? Why do you live all alone...? You don't like it, I can tell."
she smiled. "my brother murdered my parents and now he is afterme. he wants the money i have." she said.
Axel blinked. "But wouldn't that mean that even while your sitting here, he's trying to find you...? Come on, you have to leave right now!" He grabbed her wrist, trying to pull her to her feet. "We can't stay here, you're in trouble..."
"i don't care anymore. i deserve to dei" she said pulling back.
"NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE!!!" He had tears in his eyes now, and he glared at her. He didn't care what it took, he was going to get her out of there.
"i'm not going anywhere!" she yelled
"Fine!" he retorted. "I'm leaving!" He ran out the door before she could stop him, and he dashed from treetop to treetop, leaving her behind.
a man named dentae steped infront of him. "neko! have a seen a girl named Elli!?" he yelled
Axel froze. "A what? An Elli? What the heck's an Elli?" Even though he was really ticked off, he wasn't that heartless. Now we're even.... and I don't even have to talk to her ever again.... His heart hurt a little at the last thought, but he didn't show it.
"axel!" elli yelled then froze.
He looked back at her, then the man. He put the puzzle pieces together, and rammed into the man. "RUN!!!" He forcefully pinned the guy to the ground, and he struggled to keep him down.
"stuipd neko!" he yelled and threw him off. he went after elli. he grabed onto her and put a knife to her throat.
He let out a cry, and got to his feet, dashing towards them. He sank his teeth into the guy's throat. "Hurt.. her... and I'll... kill you!!!"
he droped the knife and elli and threw him off. blood gushed out and he dead in a matter seconds
He stepped back, staring at the dead man. His blood was still in his mouth, and Axel started to shake. "I-I... I didn't... I..."
"you killed him" she said. she ran back into the house crying.
He fell to his knees. He had killed him. He didn't mean to, but he did. The neko stared at his hands, which were stained crimson. "I'm... a monster... I... hurt her.... and I took a life..." Axel stood, looking in the direction she had run. "I'm sorry.... I won't... hurt you anymore...." The neko bolted, fighting back his own tears.
"finally hes killed i won't have to worry about him!" she yelled
He didn't hear her.... He was covering his ears, curled into a little ball. He stared ahead vacantly, wondering how he could do such a thing. He had killed someone... The neko let out a soft sob, terrified of what just happened.

she found him. "axel" she said softly."come one you didn't mean it."
He didn't look at her. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry..." Axel burried his head in his knees, not wanting to have to look at Ellie.

"well i kinda thought it was sweet" she paused then raised his head. she kissed his lips feeling them touch.
He blinked, stunned. His mouth was bloody... and she still kissed him anyway. He closed his eyes slowly, enjoying the moment.
she let go wiping the blood off. "no matter what or where you are i will always love you." she said. "you saved my life."
He blushed, and he stood up quickly, embarrassed. "Um... I uh... feel the same... and... Erm.... I-It was nothing..."
"thank you"
He turned around, still confused. "Huh? For what?" Axel truly was a dork.
"saving me!"
"Eh, it was nothing, like I said.... I'll always protect you, all right...?" The neko laughed absentmindedly.
she nodded
Axel held her tight, and he closed his eyes. "Sigh...."
elli pulled away and ran into the forest. she wanted nothing to do with him cause she had a secert of her own. elli was a neko her self. "NO!" she yelled
He blinked, then ran after her. "Elli?! What's wrong!!" He dashed after her, and when he finally caught her, he wheeled her around to face him. "Elli, what's going on...?"
her ears hung from her hair. she cryed into his sholder.
"Huh...?" He hugged her tightly. "So.. you're a neko too.... It's okay.... Ssh...." He kissed her ear gently.
"i put a spell on me and the only reason i live alone becasue i put a barrier on;y nekos and i can past" she said. "sorry i never told you sooner."
He was silent. "Don't apologize, I understand.... It's hard being a neko... Everyone's either out to get you or doesn't care..."
dentae came up behind him, as said eailer he came back to life. elli scearmed
He turned around, hissing. Axel pushed her farther behind him, and he stood his ground. "I'll kill you again and again..."
"you won't have to, give me the neko and i will finish her off for you" her brother said
"I was talking to you, b*****d. You'll have to kill me first if you want her!!"
"yes i know." he said. and lunged at him. he held a knife to his thoght. "you maek a move my dear sister and your little pet here gets a slaughter"
He froze. "Run.... Ellie, run, don't worry about me, just go!!!"
"no!" she yelled. she lunged onto her brother and took the knife out of his hand. she slit his thoaght and he was truely dead. "mom, dad" she backed away crying.
Axel touched the cut on his throat. It wasn't too terribly deep.... he removed his hand, and the wound was gone. He wrapped his arm around Elli, trying to calm her down.
"i....killed....him before this time it realy" she growled. her ears went back.
He blinked, slightly startled at what she was snarling at. Was it him? Or the memories of her father that made her do so? He couldn't say.
"father did like him the best cause he was human!" she cried. she fell down and started to cry. "i have nobody who loves me!"she ran back into the house.
Axel stood, running after her. The door was locked, so he sighed and went around the house. "All right then.... I'll come to you." He akwardly started to scale the house wall, trying to get into Elli's room.
all the windows were locked expect her room. she cryed into her pillow.
He opened the window, landing silently. Axel walked over to her and sat down on her bed, looking at her. "I love you...."
she didn't answer cause she was sleeping. she turned over.
He sighed, looking down at her. "I'll tell her when she wakes up, I guess.... I can't bring myself to wake her up..."
she started to groan as if having a bad dream. "no....don't kill them, they don't deserve it." she said. "i detested, depised you and now you are going to die DENTAE!" she started to yell
Now he wanted to wake her up... Axel shook her softly. "It's just a bad dream.... He's dead.... Aw, come on, don't scream...." He pinned his ears to his head, the noise bothering him.
she stoped. she sighed and woke up. "oh axel...." she said.
"...Um, about what you said earlier.... I love you...." The boy blushed a dark shade of red before kissing her on the cheek.
"i love you too" she said. she sat up.
His face lit up. "Haha.... I'm glad...." Axel stretched slightly, he hadn't sleep well in quite some time. But that was to be expected... he was on the run a lot. The boy looked at her quietly.
she laughed. "lets go to sleep." she said and layed down.
He lay down beside her, half-asleep as it was. "Sounds... good to me...."
she sighed silently falling asleep.
He fell asleep soon afterwards, his ears twitching occasionally.
morning came and she woke up. her brother gone in bed with her love. they were not bf and gf. so she go tup getting ready to cook breakfast.
He sat up, yawning. "That was a nice nap.... Huh? Where'd Elli go?"
((Um, I'm confused about this.... Are they related...? Your last post confused me.... sweatdrop ))
elli was down stairs in the kicthen.
((Whew, I was about to say....))
He walked downstairs, spotting her. "Elli... What are you doing up so early?"
((what?! lol))
"cooking." she said. she started to stir a pot.
((I was about to say ewwww.....))
He stood behind her, sniffing it. "Smells nice.... What is it...?"
His face lit up. "I love fish!!! Is it done yet?" Axel leaned over her shoulder, trying to get a better look. "Is it...?"
"no now stop" she said laughing. "it will be ready when its ready."
He stood there as patiently as he could, but.... He still kept glancing towards the pot. "But... I'm hungry..."
she was still laughing. "no butts GOD" then she put it on a plate and handed it to him. "here"
He tore at the fish, leaving behind only bones. Axel licked his lips happily.
she purred and went up stairs
Axel watched her leave, uncertain if he should follow. "Elli...?"
she didn't answer
Axel frowned, and rose to his feet. He ventured upstairs, knocking on her door. "Elli?" It's still hard to believe that she's a neko. She even purred... I don't know why, but she did....
"yes?" she called. she opened her door.
He blinked. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay... and I wanted to thank you for the fish.... It was really good..."
she purred again. "thanks"
He blushed. "Y-You're purring...." Axel seemed to become preoccupied in a stray sting on his shirt, and started fiddling with it. "U-Um, darn string..."
"i said i was a neko!" she yelled. "and yes i did! nekos are cats are they not!?"
"Yeah... but... WHY ARE YOU PURRING?!"
"i don't know"
Axel blinked. "Huh, I always have to be happy...." He rubbed the back of his head, apparently losing interest in the subject pretty quickly. He didn't purr often anymore, since he was being chased. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had purred. It seemed so strange that he even did at one point in time.
elli just looked at him. for the first time, she was ready to really kiss him. "i um....ok" she said trying to figue out a way to do that. she was not very fond of men but he was the cutest of them all. she had not been on dates or had boyfriends for she was different and her friends knew about her being neko but thought it was pretty cool. she hasn't got caught or anything but knew what it was like to be chased.
He rubbed the back of his head some more, unaware of what she wanted to do to him. He was still preoccupied with the purring issue. "I don't even think I remember how to purr at all, now that I think about it...."
she smiled then sat on her bed. "its easy, i could teach you if you want"
He blinked. "You can teach that?" Axel sat down in front of the bed obediantly. He sort of resembled a cat looking up at it's owner...
she laughed
Axel blinked. "Huh? What's so funny?"
"nothing" she shook her head.
He blinked, not believing her. "So, teach me how to purr.... You promised you would." Okay, that wasn't entirely true, but.... Eh.
"ok think of something that makes you happy and purr."
He sat there, thinking. It took him a while, but then something came to his mind. Axel's purr came out a bit rough, considering how he hadn't used it in quite some time. It then grew stronger, and he grinned.
"what did you think about?"
He grinned. "Kissing you."
"WHAT?!" she jumped onto him.
"You don't have to tackle me!!"she got off "sorry.."
"I don't see what the big deal was..." Axel turned away from her, pouting. At least, he acted like he was pouting.
He immediately turned around, blinking. "I made you mad, didn't I? I'm sorry....but it does make me happy when we kiss, so.... and I couldn't think of anything else..."
"no." she went up to him and deepened her lips into his.
He closed his eyes, kissing back passionately.
smile she smiled
He slowly broke the kiss, purring happily.
there was a knock in the door. she got up and answered it. a human walked into the house with elli still has a neko. she hugged the human.
Axel stood, eyeing the human warily. "Who's this?"
"this is my best friend emma" she said. emma looked at axel. then whispered into ellis ear. "hes really cute and you never told me he was here" elli blushed. she looked up the stairs again. "you two meet and i will go get somethig from up stairs!"
Axel watched Elli go upstairs, then looked towards Emma. "Um... Hello.... I'm Axel....."
"i um.....hi" emma was never so nervous in her life. there was another knock on the door. but before elli could come downstairs and answer it emma opened it and took the gun in the young mans hand. she turned around, and shot the roof. "you make a move and elli gets fired." she said.
Axel blinked in surprise. Isn't this chick supposed to Elli's friend...? Why's she threatening her, then...?
"i work for dentae who is dead now cause of you!" she yelled. elli was scared for her life. "emma your supposed to be my best friend!"
"I was the one who killed Dentae.... I... I stabbed him." Axel lied through his teeth, making sure that he wasn't moving. "If you want to shoot somebody, it should be me."

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