once upon a time there was a samurai this samurai fought in meny battles killing all of foes living a hard life but all who new his name feared him and ran do to his power as a samurai. till one day well he walked though a forest full of beautiful trees and the sweet smell of fresh flowers that were white and grow all over the bed of the forest . but as he walked heard a noise { thik ch} it was the sound of some one drawing there sword but from were ? out from the trees four men did jump attacking him with great speed him being scared of no man draw his sword as well. he fought well but was defeated in battle. as he lay there vary injured and unconscious. when he awoke he was in a small house laying on a mat next to the fire. he awoke startled as to where he was and who was there with him it was a lady she had bound his wounds he did not know what to think of this because he had never been shown compassion. in about to weeks time he was healed up but didnt know what to think about this new feeling as he left he looked back then walked out the door. later that day the lady had found him lating motionless in the grass she had ran up to him only to see a smile on his face he had sat up a looked her dead in her eyes and kissed her.


I hope you enjoyed my story BeEz wink stare