May I introduce you your Sakemi-chan.
Yes. It's been a long time since I've written anything in here, and I think now it would be good time to fix this mistake. ^__^ I found this quite good Quiz while browsing in the chatterbox randomly, and decidet it'd be nice if all my friends would read this if they wanted to know more about this fuzzy creature and her personality. heart
1. Liked someone?: Yes, and very much. 2. Do they know it?: Yup, some of them do. 3. Is it simple or complicated?: It's simple when you lookd the outside, complicated inside.
IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U'S
4. Ran a mile: Me? You've got to be kidding! I hate running, except in the rain. Besides, I use bike or rollerskates way more gladly than run. ^^ 5. Bought something: Yeeeeah, I think I spent 200 € just few days ago... 6. Gotten sick?: Now I'm healthyphysically, mentakky I'm sick as hell. xD 7. Been hugged?: Oh, yes! I live for hugs! <3 8. Felt stupid?: I feel stupid too often, so yush 9. Talked to an ex: I've never dated anone, so no. 10. Missed someone?: I miss someone always, even if they were next to me. 11. Failed a test: Never did, and never will. 13. Danced: Everyday, just for fun and usually by myself. *friends get embarrassed* Just something random, I really can't dance. ^^'' 14. Gotten your hair cut?: Nope. But I'm thinking cutting my hair short and fuzzy. 15. Lied: For my lil'bro, yea. xD
U N I Q U E ?
16. Nervous habits?: I blush easily, crack my nuckles, lift my glasses, pick up hairs from my shirt, tend to sink into my own world too often, sing when it's not allowed... 17. Are you double jointed?: Enough to make a bridge of myself... 18. Can you roll your tongue?: Lyyk, lyyk! *Look, look!* 19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yep. 20. Can you cross your eyes: Yesh. 21. Do you make your bed daily?: Why should I? It's so high no one will see it and I'll mess it up once I take a nap or go to sleep anyway! x3 22. Do you think you are unique?: Yes, I think when my friends have said it.
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it: Yes, if I say it for my friend, they can be sure it's true, I'd never lie when saying those words. 24. Given money to a homeless person?: Thank God, I've never seen any, I'd be broke because of symphaty. YY 25. Went to a party?: Few times, but sinse I don't know all the people and they tend to start to drink, I always scram. 26. Waited all night for a phone call?: Yes. 28. Sat and looked at the stars?: I do that everytime possible. I love it.
29. Do you swear/curse?: Yuu... And when I do, I ask Doragon-chan punch me or then I bit my lip. I don't like it, but I hear it in school too often... 30. Do you ever spit?: When I have a bad cold or cough. 31. You cook your own food?: Breakfast and something before I go to sleep. 32. You do your own chores?: I clean up my room and take care of my curtains and sofa, plus dishes. 33. You like beef jerky?: Dunno what it is, so can't say. 34. You like pepsi or coke?: Both, but I like Pepsi more. ^_^ 35. You're happy with your hair?: Not now, it's flat and the lighter colour of my hairroots makes me look I have grey hair. xD 36. You own a dog?: Id' love to, but can't. UU 37. You spend your money wisely?: No... *innocent* 39. When you get bored do you call friends?: Yes, sometimes.
- Y O U R- P R E F E R'S
41. Flowers or angels: Both. 42. Red or black?: Both, but more red. <3 44. Lust or love?: Just give me both! ^_~ 45. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset, because sunrise means bad luck, even if it's beautiful. Ammurusko, ilta paska. xD 46. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles!! 47. Rap or rock?: I rock my socks, rap is just something so useless... 48. Waking up late or waking up early?: Late, ofcourse! You can still nuzzle under our blanket for hours before getting actually up! 49. Being hot or cold: Hot. 50. Left or right?: Riiiighto. 52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: Two best friends, though I have four of them in real life. 53. Sunshine or rain?: Rain. <3 54. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla, somehow chocolate icecream makes me feel sick... O.o 55. Boys or girls?: Boy boys boys, tidi tidi didididi... =>w<=
56 .Sleep in a bed of with opposite sex?: Yeah, with my childhood friend when we had a slumber party at the age of 6. xD 57. Hooked up in the woods?: ... What? 58. Dumped someone?: Said "no" three times of the three, a guy has asked me out. 59. Stolen money from a friend?: Nope. 60. Loved a best friend?: Nuh-uh. 61. Had a crush on a teacher?: Ewww, all our teachers have been old farts! 62. Seen someone die?: Never, and I'm thankful of it. 63. Been on an airplane?: Nu, I'm afraid of airplanes... Y_Y 64. Slept all day?: Zzzzzz-huh?! What do you mean I slept too much? 65. Missed someone so much it hurt?: Yes, and don't want to talk about it. 66. Fallen asleep during school?: Yes! three times while having "relaxing" in the P.E class! xD 67. Been lonely?: Yes, but not anymore when it comes to my beloved friends! 68. Cheated in a game?: What'd the point of a game if there's no way to cheat? 69. Been to the ER?: Nope, but had a surgery when I was a baby. 70. Been in a car accident?: No, but my father and lil'bro have. 71. Had detention?: Never have, never will. 72. Cried yourself to sleep?: Too many times. 73. Done something you told yourself you'd never do again?: Yes, Once. 74. Sung in the shower?: Everytime, I'm sorry if this shocks anyone... ^^'' 75. Hooked up with more than 2 people in 1 weekend?: ... What? O_o''
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