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i wish that someone would just read my journal for once.
((here is the story from my current rp. continuations will be edited shortly))


I was clearly in a state of shock. In most cases, angel trainees are distributed the easiest of tasks, usually the guiding of lost souls to the Gate of Heaven that take merely a few minutes, or acting as mysterious company to withered, lonely elders. This was an unwritten law, as starter angels are not as prone to mistakes than older, more experienced ones. So you can say i was VERY suprised to see that such a difficult mission was handed to me.

i was to guide a human through an important quest. What this 'quest' is, i was not informed. This will make me his/her protector, dub me as a 'guardian angel'.

i nearly laughed at that thought. my first mission was to accompany a runt of a kitten, as it was close to death. it's past life was as an enchanted spirit that broke a law from the heavens and was sent to live as a cat for three years. when the three years were up, she would be able to return to the sky as a beautiful maiden. i did not make it in time, and thus the feline died before i arrived.

so i pondered, if i could not assist a goddess, how am i to help a mere human? it just did not make any sense. i just pray to the gods that this is not some cruel, harsh joke.

as i wandered around this lush, damp forest, my magical ring glowed. i sensed a soft life force blinking about: on and off, on and off. could it be that my mission was here? i paced the thicket in a swift dance, looking for the tell-tale glow of the esscence of purity. but just as it had arrived, it had dissapeared. this sent me into wave of dissapointment and greif. have i been too late again? as the corners of my eyes heavied with the forming of tears, it returned.

it was gentle, but still existing. my heart rate quickened as i searched about for the human. silver strands of twilight glistened about.

it was her.


Siyoshi opened her eyes slowly, moaning in pain. She felt a certain...grief. Memories returned to her as she pushed herself into a sitting position, a single word escaping from her lips, "Soshi..."

She tried to look around, to take in her surroundings, but she could see nothing, only Dark. She sensed by the rustling of the wind in the leaves that she was in a forest. But where that forest was, she was unknowledgeable. Her head hung down wearily. She had been sleeping for so long...so long. And now, woken up, she found everything had disappeared...and everyone. A single tear escaped from her eye and fell to the ground, breaking in the grass.


She was blind.

My mouth opened and closed like a drawbridge, as i had not one word to say. although i experienced a flush of releif that i had not been too late for my job once again, i still could not forgive myself that the poor mortal had a dissability. at the back of my mind, a part of me felt that i should have been held partially responsible for this, as she is MY mission. but, what could i have done anyways?

with a soft and gentle grasp, i held her chin with my right hand and tilted it up, giving me a better image and view of her damaged retinas. as strange as it may seem, there were nothing wrong with it. as i leaned a liitle closer, i saw that a strong wave of dark magic surrounded her eyes, blinding her from sight. it was so disturbing, that such innocence can be blinded by such evil. it was almost ironic.

a single tear fell from her eyes and landed on the soft grass below. my heart ached with pity, as i let go of her chin and embraced her in a hug. no fireworks nor confetti nor neon light signs signifying me as her guardian angel, no cliche "hello! i am your guardian angel and i will protect you from now on!" kind of speech. infact, all i done was look into her eyes once again and whisper the two most miserable words ever.

"I'm sorry"


Siyoshi desperately tried to see who was addressing her with such sorrow. She looked around again but could see nothing still. Anger filled her mind but turned to sorrow, "I can't see! Who are you? C-can you help me?"

She knew the answer was most likely no. But she couldn't understand her disability. Just the thought of it distorted her existence, her emotions. This...affliction was beyond comprehension for her.


her voice... it sounded so much like an old friend's. with this trait, i found that i could not turn her down. anxiety filled my heart as i tilted my head toward the forest bottom, and once more at her glistening face.

"Help me...p-please.."

i bit my lip as i silently cursed myself. scratch that, angels should not endorse obscenity. i held her hand tightly as i whispered once more into her tiny ears.

"I promise you that i will help you. now please...don't cry.."

the maiden quieted down immediately, and she positioned her face so that she faced mine. i knew within that she could not exactly SEE me, but the sight was nearly unbearable. i sensed the evil that clouded her eyes. she sensed my uneasiness, and turnned to tug at my angelic sleeves.

"What's wrong? is..there a p-problem?" her sightless eyes widened at her fear of the unknown. but of course i could not tell her the truth.

"No," i shook my head. "Nothing is wrong."

"Then why can't i SEE?!" her eyes bulged once more, as tears threatened to collapse the dam that were her eyelids.

"It's...complicated. i don't know how to tell you this, but your pupils are clouded with an evil escence. unfortunately, i don't know how to clear this...evil. but i have heard rumors that the Demon race may hold the cure.."

A pregnant silence.

"But, if that's the case...then who are you?" siyoshi inquired.

here is where my heart grew heavy. how was i to tell her this, that i am her guardian angel yet have arrived several years late? how can she forgive me?

"I...am Mishi. I am..your guardian angel."

i waited for the frustrated screams of hate, the screeches of "why were you so late", "you call yourself an angel?", but none such ever came. instead, the girl merely sat there with a strange expression on her face.

it was here when i saw the strength in her sightless eyes, the determination to win back everything she had lost. i couldn't help but feel a LIITLE bit proud. she was MY mission after all.

"Then, will you help me get back my sight and lost memories?"

she waited for an answer.

"I promise."


His back pressed against the rough bark of a tree not far from the angel and human. His dark eyes narrowed faintly into the blackness ahead of him, he had felt the angels presence return to this world and he had used his demonic powers to aid him in finding it. His arms crossed over his chest as he listened to the wind rustle through the trees, he didnt much care what the two were saying to eachother but he turned his head towards them to just watch for a moment. He knew he was far enough into the the forest to not be seen but he wasn't sure he didn't want to be. His eyes glinted a faint silver hue as he turned his gaze to the human at the angels feet, his eyes narrowing slightly again at the darkness that surrounded her eyes. So that was what she was here for.


Siyoshi nodded as she held Mishi's hand, "I thank you...can we...get out of this forest? It holds too much despair for my tastes. I want to feel the wind again, Mishi." She shivered as she felt a dark presence near. He didn't seem evil just...tied...to Darkness.

Reina searched around the Dark Forest for Soshi or Kaoto. But even better would be to find both. She soon found Kaoto, nonetheless, and walked up silently behind him. Her eyes followed his gaze and fell upon the girl and her Angel. She closed her eyes, in thought, 'So this is the girl Soshi talked about...'


He senses Reinas presence but says nothing to her and continues to watch the girl and the darkness that seems to surround her. His voice was soft, but the deepness of it made it even softer, "Now why would that angel be interested in her." His gaze shifted slightly towards the woman next to him, the orbs glinting a faint silver as he did. "Do you have any information on her Reina?"


Reina sighed, "Soshi tells me he posed as this girl's friend on their homeworld. Until he revealed his identity to her, then she betrayed him. She is the Protector, the one in the Prophecy."


a smile curved onto my face, the remnants of a depressing situation all but gone from my features. i turnned to my mission and nodded.

"Of course. whatever you wish..human"


my brow knotted into a tangle of confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"Siyoshi...my name is Siyoshi." The mortal's smile deepened. and then she shivered. My eyes narrowed as i pondered the reason for such an action. could it be that...Siyoshi can sense darkness better than i?

"What's wrong? is something the matter?"

she shook her head. this only fed my concern for her wellbeing.

i slightly poked her cheek. i couldn't but feel worried over this pure being. she was my mission after all. my could-be friend...

"Ok, i belive you dear. let us depart from this forest. i too feel unkeen about this place."

i rose up and held onto her hand again. with my angelic strength, i pulled her to her feet as if she was as light as a feather.

"Where are we going Mishi?" a rush of a strange happy feeling over-rode my body. i felt a new me start to grow within myself. could it be that siyoshi is the source of my power?

as i pondered this, i did not hear the soft voice of my mission call out to me.

"Mishi...mishi..MISHI!" i instintly snapped out of my revere.

"Yes, Siyoshi-chan?"

a slight blush blossomed on my mission's cheeks, giving more color to her pale face.

"I asked you where we were going. but you didn't answer..."

i sighed in relief. so this was all that i missed. a second, more bright smile lit up on my face.

"Siyoshi-chan, have you ever heard of the Land of Kahoru?"

the blank look on her face suggested otherwise. but of course, she could not have been blamed. she was a human, after all.

"Lady Kahoru was once a great soceress. but instead of the Dark, she joined the army reserve of the Angelic. she supplied a great variaty of potions and special charms, those that might have been able to cure your dissability...at least temporarily.

"But it has been long before any of us Angelic Ones have seen her. not even Kami-sama has. but it is said that she hid some of her more powerful concoctions away, far from the light of day that might spoil them.

"I believe that if we find these "more powerful concoctions" we may be able to give you at least 20% of your sight and memory back. what do you say?"

my human stood on the damp forest floor with a thoughtful look on her features. then, after what felt like several years, she finally spoke.

"Take me there Mishi-chan. please, i beg of you." tears formed at the corners of her eyes again.

"Don't cry." i desperately tried to prevent her from shedding more tears again, as she was the only one i could have considered a freind. all my life i was known as slow, and thus the amount friends i had could have been counted on my thumbs.

"It's just that, i'm such a burden to you.." i was clearly shocked. i could not have believed that Siyoshi actually considered that! i was determined to show her that she was wrong, that she was not a burden to me. that it was I that was a burden to her.

"Siyoshi-chan..you are NOT a burden to me. this is my job as your guardian angel. besides.." it seemed that siyoshi's tears were contagious:

"I was the one that came late." as my human stood there in awe, i grabbed her hand and wiped the tears from my eyes. she too, wiped desperately at her eyes, the sliver streaks of warm tears still visible on her cheeks.

"Thank you. but, what are you doing." a large grin plastered on my face.

"Just hold on to my sleeve tightly, siyoshi-chan! i promise you it'll be fun!"

"Wuh, what are you doing?" a massive glow swallowed my body. bright lights glistened all over me, as a transformation started to take place. a pair of slender, feathery wings errupted from my back, and a sparkiling halo energized ontop of my hair.

scratch that, no halo. its too heavy, and will catch unwanted attention toward us.

"Mishi-chan..." I smiled at her, proud of my true form.

"Yea, it's cool right?"

and then we just took off, my glorious wings flapping in the endless auzure skies, as Siyoshi-chan hung slightly by my left sleeve. i saw the wonder and awe in her eyes, and just had to smile at that.

"It's beautiful..." she whispered. i grinned.

"Yea..it is.."


He watched the demonstration of the angels power calmly, she didn't seem that strong a moment before. His gaze followed them into the sky before he addressed Reina, his gaze on the stars above him. "Find Soshi and tell him we have found her again."

Without another word to her he walked from the shadows into the slightly moonlit area the angel and human were in. His silvery gaze swept across the grass that was broken where the girl had sat. He walked across the grass into the shadows and his form seemed to just fade away.


Reina nodded and immediately went through the woods, searching for him. She smiled at the thought of him, then shook her head as she jumped through the trees, "Fights before feelings, girl. Get a grip!"

Riiyoshi smiled at the landscape. But she couldn't help but feel his presence still near. He was following now. He certainly frightened her, but she couldn't help but sense his unwanting. His wanting to be free...


siyoshi had finally gone to sleep, and was currently resting on my arm. we had landed an hour ago, soaring in starlit skies.. and with my good luck (or siyoshi's power, i'm not sure) i located a small cottage that we could rest in. inside was damp, and stank of moss, but it kept her warm, and that was all i wanted.

i watched the peaceful heaving of my friend's chest. but sadly, i knew this would not last for long, as i too began to sense a strong, dark force heading towards her. was it tracking us? but if so, why? the Angels and Demons have not been on war terms with eachother for over a century, and surely this girl, this MORTAL could not have been such a threat to them. unless...

i quickly siezed Siyoshi's arm, hasteily slipped her right sleeve towards her shoulder. what was this mark that beseeched her skin?

it vastly resembled a crescent, with intricate designs that i myself have no words for. it traveled up her arm, and to her shoulder. what did this mean?

suddenly, i noticed that the fire that provided warmth for my mission was slowly wearing out. i decided to leave, just for a moment, to gather more firewood. even as i did not WANT to leave her soothing prescence, i had no choice but to, as unlike us Angelic ones, humans needed warmth.

a slight tinkle of bells errupted as i stood up, as the tip of my skirt slightly grazed the musky floor.

i shot one last look at my mission, as i prepared to leave.

"Take care, Siyoshi-chan"


unknown to both, a great evil was stirring.


Riiyoshi awoke to find herself alone yet again. She had no idea where she was, and it frightened her, "M-Mishi-san? Mishi?!"

Tears sprung to her eyes as she screamed in fright for the Angel. She hugged her knees to her chest, shaking in fear.


To him it felt like running, the shadows seemed to push him faster and faster between them as he concentrated on the angels aura, a single light in front of him. The forest was a blur as he pinpointed that one spot and kept towards it. His eyes seemed to give off a silvery mist as his demon self was more prominent while he wielded the shadow powers around him. Soon the light flickered out and he knew he was at his destination. The forest began less of a blur until he could manage to make out the trees around them and a slight flickering of light ahead. He walked towards the small building that the angel and human seemed to have stopped in for the night, the smell of a fire came to him. His eyes dimmed to a more normal quality and he made a silent perimeter around the cottage.


Siyoshi screamed again as she felt the dark presence. He was here. She was shaking uncontrollably as tears rolled down her face, "M-Mishi!"


He watched the angel depart and arched an eyebrow slightly. Leaving her charge unguarded? That seemed like something an untrained angel would do. He started towards the house and was at the door when he heard her scream for the angel, he opened it quietly and quickly scanned the room and then his eyes came to rest on her. She didn't seem very old but then again he was older than many and looked a few years older than her.

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