What I think of my friends...
iluvpuppy--Puppy is a friend that I never imagined I will ever have.She is awesome!I trust her with everything.We are like glue sticking together.She helps me out when I need help.We tell each other secrets and she never break a promise and never spilled a bean!She means alot to me.She is awesome,funny,nice,etc.
iiiPenguin--Wow what can I say she is AMAZING!We have a lot in common and we believe in the same thing.I have a blast hanging out wither her.She makes my life like a cartoon show x3!She makes me laugh and we fight in a good way.She is like wonderful!Without her I would be like a marker without a cap.
iiiPanda--I love being random with you.Your such a random person.You are so weird and your weirdness is the thing I like about you.Your creative,fantastic and wonderful.I love hanging out with you in rally,hollywood,town.So much great memories that will last.
I hate exchangers--What can I say.Your my best guy friend ever.We have a lot of funny momments.From you stealing my kiki,us trying to kill each other,etc.All those memories are lots of laugh.You make my day everyday =3.If you were to leave everything would be boring without you.Thanks for being my bud!
Sasuke Ulchia6,Mc_item_mule,just_another_mule22--Your always making me happy <3.I love how your so nice to other people and to me.I remember the good old days.We both love anime and I have no idea but there is always drama around you xD!Your kindness and sweetness is the best thing about you.Your also one of my best guy buddy =3.Thank you also for being my bud.
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