It wasn't antisapated- it wasn't anattack that is pulled everyday. It was trust that kept my comanding officer in chek wit her right hand man. But he betrayed her count less time's yet she kepton believeing in him long after anyone eles had any hopeleft for the trator. He was sneaky and well hidden amongst the lies that the comandor was full aware of but refusedto believe them- or what the rest of us told her. He slipped up getting his facts mixed up he and my commandor went head to head.. it wasn't pleasent. My commandor crused, and full of rage could barly keep from crying as she fought on. The trator kept trying to lie but he knew it was to late- he had been exposed- and there was no stopping it. After the battel was done the war continued to rage on with in the two. The trator lost that battel-but wasn't about to admitt to his wrongs and the command or went home wounded, wounded so badly that her heart blead sadness into the ground. She had truly blieved in her right hand man- but you cannot trust one person with your life you have to trust many to know which one you can really trust.
CHARACTERS: commandor: my mom Trator-righthand man- my brother And me as the person telling the fatful story to make it more intrusting to other viewers.
NotListeningToTheVioces · Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 04:06am · 0 Comments |