Heh, 2 months...
Well, it would seem I haven't updated my gaia journal in like... 2 months.... um, yeah. I've been really busy with school and chess club and quiz bowl and piano practice and church activities (2 hours later) and newspaper class. So, yeah, my life is a big bowl of ramen with lots of different spices: really good, but really compicated, and takes forever to get done with for extra things (dessert=programming & gaming). Anyway, I have seemed to had time to play on Gaia, even if I didn't have time to update my journal... I've seemed to have started somehting I could have never imagined would grow as big as it is... an rp. Now we've racked up something like 350+ pages if you count both the original thread and the current thread in the guild (which I so happen to be Captain of O_o)... This one guy, Kodaiken, has been a real help with keeping everything together. He's my 2nd in command when it comes to the rp... In case you are wondering, the guild is here:
http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/guilds/viewforum.php?f=3500 and you can get to the rp by looking for the latest chapter. Yeah... Kodaiken and I kinda decided (we talk out about everything concerning desicions of the rp) to make a rought plan of the way we wanted the rp to progress, and major areas of the rp are grouped into Chapters... the current one (at the time of this typing) is Chapter IV: Feudal Japan (thats chapter 4 for all you dolts that don't know Roman nuemerals)... So yeah... not really much to tell other than that...
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