I can see that its been a long time since I have written in this puppy, so I figured today of all days would be the perfect time due to the fact that I am one of thee most accident prone people that I know. Serisouly, an ambulance should be following me around.
Moving forward, you may be wondering "What does she mean Death By Tim Hortons?" No, no one actually died near or by Tim Hortons, although if that happened I would point and laugh at their carcus. However, I did go into Tim Hortons for with my mother who just happened to be tagging along for a ride to Walmart aka Wally-World. It was my turn to treat and there for an order of two hot chocolates with one honey-cruler and one apple fritter was on my debit card.
Now this is where everything gets interesting.
I have my Learners license. And I'm getting my N .... (hopefully)... in this upcoming March. Problem. I have driven about 2, now 3 times in the past year. Why you ask why I have only gone behind the wheel 2 times? Well let me tell you.
The first time, I was driving on a gravel road that was about the width of the car and a 40 foot drop one side, a mountain on the other side. My speed equaled that of a baby crawling, if not slower. Bad situation to first ever lay hands on keys to vechical.
The second time, I had already passed my L test and my mother thought about celebrating by letting me drive down the video store to grab a flick. Everything was OK, UNTIL!!! I get boxed in after getting out of my car to grab a movie. I couldn't see when I re-entered the car and tried to back out. So, the solution was to ease my way out. Psht.. who eases. Gas on the pedal and out. (all by huge mistake of course) To my suprise there was a car. Slaming on brakes was done, and the car behind us nearly hit my mom BRAN SPANKING NEW CAR, and thus, I nearly died by cuasing an accident. Thankfully, no charges were pressed. Just lots of swearing.
So back to the present era, I had purchased beverages and snacks. May this be a key to you.
I drove home, doing 100 on the highway. All was perfectly spick and span. Gliding along like a breeze. Clean as ice. Straight on through until the video store. Suprisingly I didn't kill anyone or anything. So it looked like I would have a clean run home, however, that was not the case.
Driving up to the road, there is a turn off at an arena where I must make a left and go up the hill. I had to stop though becuase of on coming traffic. I had made my turn, but while I was turning, the Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate spilled all across my mothers lap. She screamed. I screamed. I thought I hit something. The car keeps going left. The truck behind us gets cut off. More screaming. I drive into the other lane. Cursing begins. More swerving. Then finally, I pull over into the side of the road (still on the wrong side of the road). I laugh. Mother yells.
I later found out that the hot beverage had spilled on my moms lap and thus the swerving and screaming began.
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be road worthy.
I feel sorry for my instructor for my driving test.
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