Today was sharp and crisp,
But I was dull and lethartict,
Today was a happy day,
but I was sad and lonely,
Today went by fast,
But I was slow and stagnant,
Today was a sunny day,
But in my world it's rainy,
Today I put on a smile,
But inside a dreary frown.
Today was lovely.
Today was horrible.
Today was... Today.
Tomorrow is a whole other story.
Tomorrow is unpredictable,
I hope its livable,
Tomorrow might end up bad,
But mabye it won't rub off.
Tomorrow is indommitable,
But I shall overcome it.
Tomorrow is... Tomorrow.
Life is a whole other story.
Life is a whole book,
But I am but one page of it.
Life is a full box,
But I am but half full.
Life is great...
But I think not.
Life sucks.
Don't let it get you down,
Or you won't make it past today on this long a** trip called life.
Community Member