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nickole bloodtide journal will be as crazy as anything u have ever seen!!!!
my friend made this story!! it is rally long!!
She had just finished work. She was on her way home, when she could feel some one was watching her!! She turned around but there was no one there. So she went on walk the feeling went away but right when she reached her doorknob she felt it again and flinched… why was she being fallowed. Was some one stalking her, or was it something else. She quickly opened the door only to find it was picked. When she went to check out every room in her home she found a man in her living room. He was sitting in the chair right in front of her…she never put the chair there it was over to the left on the other side of the couch… why was he here, what was his intentions, what was he here for??? All these things ran threw her head… then she say the man get up out of the chair and start to walk toward her. She didn’t say a thing and moved backwards… soon hitting the wall the man put his hand up to her face on the wall behind her. It was dark and she couldn’t see his face but if he moved just a bit farther forward she would be able to… he speck but she couldn’t understand a thing he was saying after a while she got the courage to ask “what are you doing in my house??” The man stopped talking and she could feel his eyes looking at her face. She tried not to show any feeling but failed by letting out a little fear in her face but her eyes were more intense than that she was furies. Her eyes were more scary then the man himself… she didn’t know that she was doing this but with out fail she was… the man finally spoke, “you are her right.” holding up a picture to her. She looked at the picture and showed shock in both her eyes and in facial, but quickly turned back to her other glair!! She looked away from the picture… “How do you have a picture of me at work??” the girl wasn’t the brightest person on earth but she got an answer which was fine with her. “So you are her! Good if you will please fallow me… my master would like to talk to you!!” She didn’t know what to say but she wasn’t going any were soon. “Sorry but you enter my house, trespassing into my home and you tell me to fallow you… I will not go any were with the likes of you!!” she said hard and firmly knowing this guy was a professional. The thing he was talking into suddenly spoke she couldn’t make out what it said but the spoke back again in the language that she didn’t know!! “You have your wish my master is coming here to speck with you he should be here shortly!! Sit!!” the man pointed to the chair that he was sitting in… the girl wasn’t about to let anyone in but the man stood three feet taller than her so she wasn’t about to try and fight him… so she fallowed what the man said and stood in the only door frame into the room. After about fifteen minutes the man’s walky-talky (that is what she called it) went off or on?? This time the language seemed more familiar… she listened and the man turned around, than another three men entered the room before this tall man entered. One of the other guys had grabbed a chair were the previous one was and placed in front of her. The small man sat down and looked right at her. His blue hair stood out as did his red eyes. The man just quickly looked over the girl as he fingered the first man to come over to him. The first man did so and let his master (she figured this out) talk into his left ear… the first man pulled out the picture and showed it to his master. “So you are the girl in the picture…??” “ Yes as I pointed out to him over there I am at work there. But I would like to know why you guys have it??” “That will be answered in time. So you work and the club down on sixth street?” “why do you want to know??” the girl was getting angry and her eyes grow even stronger with bitter anger to why all these guys were trespassing into her house… the guys red eyes seemed to turn blue as she grew angrier!!! “She is the one bring her to the car!!” the girl made the nastiest look at the young boy. He looked back and his eyes were now white. She noted this as he said… “ You shall do fine for what I have planed for you!!” she wasn’t in any way wanting to join him… “What, there in no way I am going any were right now??” she said this and two men come toward her. She then focused her glair at the two men they were instantly frozen… I mean it looked like they were frozen with fear…there hair went white and there faces froze… the girl then watched as the two men hit the ground. Her eyes became there normal loving tone. The other mans eyes turned back to red. “She does have the power to do as she pleases… but she doesn’t know how to control it!!” the young boy got up and went to the two men… then he placed each hand on one of the guys and they were recovered. “She definitely needs to learn how to channel that which she has.” said the first man… “I need to channel what the fact that I can kill some one with just the anger in my body?? Or the fact that I can do as I please and get away with what ever I want… “The girl then stood up and her eyes became a glair… the girl new that she could do these things but she never enjoyed using them. She then saw the boy's eyes were white yet again. “We just want to take you with us to my home…” “And why am I supposed to do that wave my arms and make me magically appear there with want…?” when she said this she lifted her arms and the four men were lifted in the air. “Shall I make them dance…?” she started to move them to a steady beat in her head. “ should I make them kill each other.” stopping the men and drawing out their guns and pointing them at each other… the young boy looked at what she was doing, he slightly whispered to her… “What was that I couldn’t here you, what did you say.” she said this to him as she started to draw her finger to make then all pull the trigger. “I said put them down, they have nothing to do with this!!” “Yes they do you brought them here into my house with you and now they are going to have to pay the price for what you did.” she said this pulling the trigger even more till near bang. “Them I just picked them up off the side of the street. If you want to roughen their family’s life then pull, pull the trigger. Kill them all” “so then they mean nothing to you?? How boring!!” she let them fall to the ground and they ran off like a bunch of rats. “Girl you have no idea who you are messing with.” said the first man. “Ben don’t she is mine.” the young boy started to move closer and closer to her as she put up her fists ready to fight… “Sir Do you want you’re…” “No I will do this her style.” “What do you mean my style??” “Master is well known for his marshal arts and weapons combat.” “Good then I will finally have a fight that is worth fighting. If you don’t mind I will put in some music.” “No by all means play whatever your heart desires.” “Vary well.” turning on the music she got ready. “There is just one question I would like to ask you mister??” “And what is that??” “What is your name??” “Sasuke, Yuri Sasuke.” “A vary well know name.” Hitting the music the fight began the young boy stared at her and charged. Throwing a hit that was aimed at the head she dodged his attack and threw a back kick. It landed right on his back. ‘She knows my masters week spot but how they just met.’ “Thank you Ben, you just told me your master’s week spot. Your need a new body guard if you don’t want me entering his mind again!!” The young boy didn’t move a mussel. Then he charged at the man. Throwing a fist right at the man he hit his temple. The other man was dead instantly. She turned around to find the man dead on her floor. “If anyone can read his mind then he is no longer worthy as my body guard… now then as we were.” She got ready as he charged at her but yet again he was deflected. “Stop going easy one me, I know you can do better, if not I will just walk away from everything and just restart my life.” “Now, now we don’t want that to happen now do we.” he said charging only to stop early and throw a kick. She blocked it with her right hand and threw her left right at his privets. He quickly backed off knowing his pride was about to be hurt. “Now, now you’re not playing by the rules.” “There are no rules in street fighting.” “Get ready!!” he came at her in full speed and missed again. She was starting to get disappointed at her enemy but when she found out was that he had the same power as she did. She was sent flying to the wall. He came up to her looking into her eyes. She looked at him in discuss. There faces were only a centimeter a part. Then he started to close the space, planting his lips on hers. He closed his eyes and she tried to get free but his grip on her was to strong then she closed her eyes, and tried to struggle even more. Her attempts were futile agents him. Soon she could feel his tong across her lips. She wasn’t about to let him in. she finally managed to build anger and pushed him off her. “Your sick, how can you do that?” “You look so pretty when angered.” he charged at her, he was blocked but he swung around and hit on the back of her head! She fell to the ground. She had past out. “You should never fill your heart with anger.” The next day she woke up in a bed, it had black pillows and drapes. The room had mahogany dresser and night stand, the sheets and blankets were red, and the window drapes were red and black. The taste of the room was right. She sat up and whipped her eyes and yawned. Then she got up and moved to a door closes to the bed and found that it was the bathroom. She went into the bathroom washed her face and hands a left the bathroom. Next was the next door there were at lest three doors other then the bathroom. She went in and it was a walk in closet. She sighed and walked out. She paid no attention to the man that was in the chair in the room, right next to the table. So she walked into the next one and found it lead to a near by pool. So she walked back and into the last door it was another walk in closet. When she got to the bed room she was frustrated. “Were the hell is the way out of this room?” She was so angry she didn’t see the man move. “It is over there.” this voice mad her jump and scream. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” “Damn it girl must you scream so loud?” “Who… who… who are you and were am I?” “You are in the masters bed room, he keeps the door locked and figures you would wake up soon so he fetched me and told me to take you to your room.” “One thing I don’t have a room and two I want to go home or better yet to work!” “Sorry but now you have a new line of work you will be working as his master’s body guard!” “Why no way there is no way in hell that I would work for a sleaze like him. Tack me home now.” “sorry but I can’t and if you don’t want to change out of that clothing you can stay right here in his masters room.” “No wait…” “Then you will come?” he was at the hidden doors frame about to leave. “fine.” she fallowed the man down the hall and to another hall. There they went all the way down and went to the door on the right. “This is were you bed room and clothing are. The shower is the only door on the left and the door to the right is a direct path to his master’s room. Any questions.” “Yes two, one why to you call him master and not sir, and two why is there a path that hocks our room together?” “His master has a father that we call his majesty, or sir, and his master wanted it to be easy for you to get to him if there is an attack here.” “It seems to me that he doesn’t need a body guard.” she said under her breath so the butler wouldn’t hear her. “You will meat him for lunch in two hours to talk about your new job. Please freshen up and there are clothing in the dresser and the hutch. Please excuse me.” “You don’t have to ask just leave when ever you want and thank you… I must be in the way here.” “Huh?” “What??” “Nothing, pardon me!” the man left the room and she got undressed and waked to the hutch. There were all dresses in that one so she shut it and went to the dresser. In there, there were shirts and pants, but the thing that bothered her was that there was bras and underwear for her. She didn’t want to know when she was measured!! She grabbed some thing to put on and moved to the door. She opened it and looked around. She was in a stutter for words. She had never seen a bathroom so big nor beautiful. Flowers filled the air and the room was shinning. There was a bath in the middle of the room and a shower to the right. A place were she could put her clothing down and a place were she could put her dirty clothing. She went in and put her clothing down and started the bath. At first she was confused on how to turn it on but she figured it out. She finished getting undressed and hopped in. When she was done she left the room to the other room and there was a girl there. “Maim. If you don’t mind that is not the proper clothing for lunch. If I may… ah yes this will do just fine.” “Um sorry but I have to change into that??” “Yes it is a custom to wear dresses to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other than that you wear what you have on.” “That is a lot of changing I really have to go threw that many just to eat.?” “Yes you do!!” “I just have one question, how do you put that on, I mean I never worn a dress and nothing like that??” “Ha, ha sorry madam lets see come over here and take those off.” In a short while she was in her dress and the lady was putting some makeup on. She told that lady that she never worn makeup before and that she didn’t want a lot on her. Then she did her hair. Her long blond hair that didn’t like curl so she put it up in a bun and stick some chop sticks in it. Her dress was a kimono. The lady tock her to the room that they were to have lunch. She entered and the young boy and his father both looked at her. Her dress didn’t match her at all, and the young boy new it. “Thank you, you may go now.” “Yes master!!” “Um thank you for earlier!” she said as the lady passed her. Now she didn’t know were to sit. But luckily the head master talked to her. “Come young lady sit to my right.” She started to walk she walked behind the young boy and to the right of him. A waiter come and pulled out her chair. She sat down as the man pushed in the chair. Then they had appetizers, the main meal, then desert, which was way more than she had ever eaten in her life. Once she had finished the last of her food the father and son had finished talking about work, and they were about to bring her into the new conversation. “So you are to be my sons new body guard, is that fight?” “Yes sir.” “Sir she hasn’t been tested yet but she might have the power!!” “Oh the power. So lets see it.” Her anger grew quite easily all she had to think about was her soon to be master. His eyes turned the same time hers did. His father looked at hers and then to his sons. “You might be right son! For once you might be right!” “Yes sir.” “You may stop now young lady.” “If you don’t mind sir may I ask a question of you.” “Yes what is it young lady.” “I have a name I wonder if you can call me that sir.” “What is it?? Your name if I don’t know it I can’t call you it.” “My name is Mitzuki Aya Izumi sir!” she said giving him a big smile which mad him blush just slightly. The young boy caught his blush and look at her and found out were it came from. He then felt himself blush lightly! This is new he is blushing. The father cleared his voice and spoke, “well Izumi, I look forward to see if you pass or not! Now if you will excuse me I have some things to tend to. And son look after her.” “Yes sir.” ‘But isn’t it my job to protected him??? Now I am confused??’ ‘Never mind what he said. Just think of something else.’ ‘Ahhhhh now your in my head get out get out!!’ ‘Fine fine, why did you smile when sir asked you for your name??’ ‘Cause I was afraid he wouldn’t call me by my name! And get out.’ “Fine, fine anyways we need to get you to the testing room.” “Ahh I have a question does that include physical work??” “Yes why?” “Cause I need to let the food rest or your going to see it again.” “Eww I didn’t need to know that, thank you vary much!!” “I have never eaten so much before so I had trouble getting it down!” “You shouldn’t have pushed your self to eat it all.” “But it looked so good and I didn’t want to hurt the chef's feelings, it was delicious thought.” “Ah thank you miss you are the first one to ever comment on my food. Thank you thank you!!” the chef was right behind her when she praised his food. “It is no big I made my food but it didn’t look half as good.” “Mitzuki-Chan we must go someplace before you rest.” “Ah okay lead the way and I will fallow.” They left the room with the chef thanking her none stop! They went threw several hallways and threw many rooms until they reached this one room. It was a green house. She walked in, in front of him and walked around a little bit, then he fallowed her. “You can come her when you please, that is when I am not in conferences , meetings, or out of the house other than that you can come here!!” “Really, I can, it smells like my bathroom.” “Yes every bathroom flower sent is different, but they all reside here. Every flower that you can see and smell is in here!!” “Yea.” she toke off running into the flower place. He had to catch up to her in order to tell her what flowers were what and how to get out of there!!! She could get lost really easily. “I have a meeting right now but you don’t have to come you have research to do in the your study room. Do you know the way.” “Yes, some one told me earlier.” “Okay cause I am all ready running late. I will come and get you when I am done.” he toke off running. She stayed around for a little while latter and then she left. She got lost several times in the maze of flowers, but found her way out and headed to the door when she heard a bunch of people on the other side of the door. She saw the doorknob turn and she ran as fast as she could into the flowers. Turning to see that is was the young boy and the meeting people he was suppose to meat. Damn she would have to get by all of them and make it past the door with out being seen. This was a new challenge that she was looking forward to. The men moved toward the spot she was in she ran until she couldn’t hear them. She turned and found that the young boy was coming up from were she was. ‘Damn it how can he do that.’ “I thought that you had left when I did?’ “No I stayed a little bit longer but when I went to leave you guys were out there and I couldn’t go any were all though I can’t complain, I am having fun!!” “This is no fun and games her if they see you they are going to go crazy on you.” “That makes me want to see them more.” “You can’t handle them!” “I seemed that I can handle you so I can handle them.” “Yeah and your handling, does it involve kissing, cause if you remember I was able to pin you down.” ‘That was because I didn’t know that you were able to use this “power” thing.” “Still that doesn’t change a thing you must hide!” he said this and he could hear the men coming. There was no were for her to hide so her presents was about to be found. “Master, master were are you we must talk.” said a man coming up from the only row in front of them. “Well this is it my well kept secret is gone.” Right then he felt two hands on his face then a warm kiss. When the lips pulled away he spoke “Mitzuki??” ‘Shhh you don’t want me to be found out so I will just disappear from their sight. Bye, bye’ ‘Wait were are you going??’ ‘To my study were else!’ ‘I will see you there!’ “Sir are you alright??” “Yes now what were we talking about oh yes…” Hours past and she was at he study she had someone tell her were her study was cause she was completely lost. Then as she was finishing he came in. “Are you done?” “All most there is so much to read, how did you come up with all of this in such a short time?” she said finishing up the last sentence! “Well all of my body guards have to read that so they know what is going on!!” “Done, what do I have to do know??” “Fallow me, you have to know my dad to day schedule!!” “I already know it you would be at the pool right now… right??” “Who gave you that??” “I asked for it knowing that I would have to fallow you every were you went and ever person you meet I would have to meet, and even taste food that citizens give you!” “You kill me with your words.” “Since when did you become dramatic??” “Since you kissed me back at the green house.” she grew a slight blush but stood up and went to him and started to pull him to the pool area. She had also studied a map of the castle they were in. It was really big. A full town could fit into the castle. It was a castle for an army. “Were are we going??” he asked her as she let go of his arm… She said nothing as she entered the room she shut her eyes and lessened then let him into the room. “It is time for you to swim am I not correct??” “Yes but I feel like skipping it to day and feel like talking to you today.” “Not going to happen, you wanted me as a body guard so now you have to go by the schedule for now on, got it??” “You know you look cuter when you take charge.” he said grabbing her chin. She pushed him away and moved him to the changing room. She was angry enough to use her power. He couldn’t move so he got changed and came out. He only wore a black tight bathing suit bottom that stuck really tight agents his legs and other spots. It caused her to blush slightly more but she looked away. She grabbed a chair and sat in it. He could only spend one hour here so she had to wait. He jumped into the pool and started to do laps. She wasn’t in her kimono anymore she was in normal clothing which by far was a lot comfier than that kimono. When he was on his tenth lap she grew tired and fell a sleep. Not meaning to fall asleep she had a wonderful dream. But she was quickly awoken by him. He was full dressed and ready to go. “Mitzuki, Mitzuki you awake??” “Hmmm, five more minutes!!” “We have to go, it is supper time!” “What supper all ready??” “Yes now wake up.” “What I’m up I’m up!” “Good now lets go!” “Okay, okay!” she was still a little sleepy when they entered her room. “Why are we in my room?” “Cause you must change remember or did you forget all ready??” “No it is just so ridicules to change so many times a day!!” “That is true but it is my father’s rules.” he said walking over to hutch, and looking in. when he backed off he was pulling out a dress for her to weir. “Here weir this for tonight, I will send some one in to help you get it on.” “Okay, just one thing does it have to be pink??” “Yes pink would look good on you!” “Sure what ever get out I will be down there when I am finished.” “Fine, fine do what you want and I will send someone in.” he left the room and shut the door. Soon a girl came in and helped her with the dress, makeup, and her hair. She went down and entered the room. “Ah Izumi please have a set. We were just talking. It seems that you have passed the test you will start working tomorrow!” “Yes sir.” she sat were she sat during lunch! Again threw the entire meal they talked to each other and at the end of the meal the young boys father left and she was left alone with him. “There is a ball coming up so there might be chaos in the halls and in the main ball room.” “Okay but how am I suppose to guard you in the chaos??” “You will be tending the ball so you will have to be measured!” “Huh can’t I just weir one of the dresses in the hutch… I mean it would be such a waist to make a new dress ever party you should mix and match them up, not make a new dress every time at a party!!” “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… sorry not many people say that… let alone a girl all they care about is new dresses and new boys and there cars!! You really are one funny person!!” “What I said wasn’t meant to be funny. That is mean to say.” “Sorry sorry, it is just you don’t act like most people girls!! Sorry you are a girl but I am starting to think that you are a tom- boy!!!” “I am a tom-boy, and if you knew were I worked and lived then why don’t you know more about me?? You should do a thorough search on someone if you are going to have them work for you other wise they could be something you never wanted!!” she said yelling at him leaving the room. She slammed the door, but came back in. “Thank you for the lovely food and please excuse me, I will be in my room.” she slammed the door again this time she thought that she had almost taken the door off the hinges. She went to her room and went to changed back into the clothing that she previously had on. When she was done she left the room. She bumped into the man that seated her. “Ah gomen, gomen.” “No that is okay!! I have a question?? Do you guys have a library here?? I couldn’t find it on the map of the castle??” “Yes it isn’t attached to the castle it is off to the side!! The masters don’t like to read that much so they moved it to the building in the main courtyard!!” “Oh okay um??? Were would that be??” “Right this way miss!!” “Okay but please I have a name, it is Mitzuki Aya Izumi, but call me Mitzuki!!” “Yes maim I mean Mitzuki.” “Yea, aregato!!” He lead her down to the small building were the door was locked and luckily for her he had the key to open the lock!! When he opened the door she went in and thanked the man. The man warned her that the books will be dusty. She thanked him again and he shut the door. She turned on the light and went to the first set of stairs. It was amassing in there, there were books upon books and there were rows after rows were she could see books well keep. Well for a short time until they stopped caring for them!! It was a little sad though how the books were unread or touched for years. Although she had never seen so many books all in one spot!! It was close to heaven, but she wasn’t that big into reading like some of her other friends, she just liked to read when she was mad or frustrated, or even when she had a bit of time on her hands… in this case she had a lot to read she was manly angry for how he could insult her that way!! She hated him right then she didn’t want anything to do with him so she went to the nearest book shelf and found a book that she had never read. It was laced in white velvet and the cover was also white. When she opened it she found photos in it. It looked like a family, as she turned the pages she found out that it was his family. When did he have a mother. She had only known him for a day or two but he never said anything about her. Nothing it was as if she wasn’t real, she must have died. When she turned the next few pages she found her answer. His mother was killed in a car accident, but the police new that it was targeted toward him. What was he spouse to say, sorry you can’t see my mother cause she is dead!! She started to cry, tears coming down her face. She hasn’t cried in years but seeing the news article she just had to cry… he wasn’t able to live with his mother. She had died at a young age. The next thing she new she was being carried away with the book in her hands. She looked and saw it was him, tears filled her eye again as she wrapped her arms around him. Then she closed her eyes still letting the tears leave her eyes. Soon she felt herself lay down on something. It felt like a bed but she never let go of the one thing she wanted to hold to comfort his soft hair. She fell a sleep. The next day had come and she was the first to wake up. Looking to what she had in her arms she flipped out a little and found that he was still a sleep. She tried to pull away but found that his arms were raped around her hips. She couldn’t get out, when she looked around to see which room she was in she found her self in his room again. ‘again I did a sleep over I really must stop these other wise they are going to become a habit that I won’t be able to brake and I will soon find my self walking in the middle of the night to his room… this is not good!!’ She laid back down and cuddled as close as she could to him and fell back to sleep. She felt him pull her closer to him. She felt his arms tighten round her then his legs, and hip press agents hers. She slightly blushed and just fell into a deeper sleep. When she woke up she felt him stocking her hair with his fingers. She opened her eyes and they meat with his. “So you are up?? I figured you were going to sleep all day!!” “Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh??” she jolted up and ran half way across the room. She fell down and looked back at him. “Well not the reaction I was looking for but I can see why you would do that. We should be in a meeting right now but you wouldn’t wake up.” “That isn’t nice to…” she couldn’t finish she was crying all night that she was dry. He got up and moved to a tray and grabbed a bottle and brought it over to her. “Here drink this!!” She toke the bottle from him and drank it all. “Ahhhhh! Much better!!” He looked at her and she was just looking at the floor. “I should go and get changed!! What do you have planed for to day??” “Nothing cause I thought that you were going to sleep all day and I had them postpone all my meetings for today!!” “Okay then what are you going to do today??” “Anything I guess!” “I will change now.” she said getting up off the floor and walking out of the room. She used the hidden door. When he had changed his clothing he went to meet her, she was coming out her door as he approached. That is when it hit in right in the back of the head, literally a book hit the back of his head. “Son what is this I thought I told you to never go in there??” “Father that is were I found Mitzuki!” “What?? What was she doing in there??” “She likes to read sir!” “Well tell her to stop being nose!” “But sir that is my job is it not??” she had used her “power” to walk behind him. The father had quickly turned around in shock… when he turned around her eyes were red. The younger boy moved around his father and stared at him. His eyes were white!! “So you had to go digging up the past?” “No I went looking for a book and found this to my curiosity it answered a lot a questions manly about you sir!!” she said with laughter creping in her voice. “Just stay out of other peoples past young lady!” “Sir as I said before this is my job!” she said grabbing the young boys arm and pulling him around to the other hall! When she got there she tock a deep breath and panted a little. “Are you okay??” “Yes it is just don’t let any sign of fear into your enemies’ eyes or he will take advantage!! That is what my father told me before he died when I was young so I would always keep that in mind when ever I faced a man like your father… As you can see I am still working on it!!” “You have done more then I have so fare.” he said to her putting his hand on her chin and pulling her up to meat his eyes. This caused her to blush only slightly but if he wasn’t looking for it he wouldn’t have found it. She pushed him a side and started to walk away! “Were are you going??” “Back to the library!! Want to come along??” she asked almost teasing him that she is going there. She was holding the book and waved it in the air. “I have an idea on what we should do with this book!” “And what is this idea??” “Well your dad said we couldn’t add to it now did he??” she said pulling out a camera from behind her. “Were did you get that??” He hissed at her as she started to walk away! “Well if you want to know you are just going to have and catch me first!!” she started to run down the hallway and he was right behind her. “You know you can’t go anywhere with out me??” “And did we forget how was studying yesterday??” They raced after one anther till they were all worn out. The young boy should have caught up to her by using his slightly longer legs but she had too many tricks to a voided him so he never got her. When they came to a holt she quickly turned around and tuck a picture. He was now bitter angry!! She had taken a picture of him, the one thing that could drive him to insane was when his picture was taken. He hated the faceted that it was still. He never liked anything that was still. “damn it Mitzuki, give me that camera so I can destroy it!!” “There is no way I am giving it to you these are my memories not yours.” she said as she started to run even faster. After a while he wasn’t behind her so she stopped and looked behind her to find that she has lost him. When she turned around to face were she was heading she found him standing right there. She had hit him. She fell down to the ground. She looks up and tries to scramble away, but he has grabbed her and pushed her down. “Now were is that camera that you have??” “I knew you were going to pull something like this so I hid it were you wouldn’t find it ever!!” “Now, now you should know better to not make me look for things!” “And how am I suppose to know that I have only know you for two days!” “can’t you tell! By our first encounter!” she suddenly grew red when she remembered what had happen that was the first time she was ever kissed!! And she was kissed by a complete stranger!! She grew anger and he could sense it. Her eyes grew red like her cheeks, soon her anger grew so much that she was able to move him off her a little but not enough to get away… she tried again but she couldn’t move. “damn it why can’t I move you off me??” “Cause you are to week to face a real man!!” “Ha ha you are so full of your self that you didn’t see one thing!!” “What??? What is it that I missed!!!” “You’re a boy!” she said this and threw a nee to his privets!!! He fell to the floor in pain she new that had to of hurt. She was now the one on top. “sorry about that but I have to go and put this camera away were you wont dare to look!!! And if you did you would become a shish kebob within mere seconds.” she bent down next to his ear and kissed him neck. “got 2 go.” she finally said then toke off running up the hall. The young boy tried to stand up but he was in too much pain!! When she was done putting the camera away she came out of her room and there he was… standing right in front of her… “Ahh oh so you can move, normally a man can’t move until an hour after they have been kicked.” “I have moved the pain some place else. So I could move to get you!!!” “Ah yes but the question is now can you run cause I can!!” She said that and she started to run but was suddenly stopped!! When she felt her self being pulled back words back into her room. Her door shut and she was pulled to her bed. She was forcefully thrown down on to it. “Were is it, were did you put it, tell me our I will go threw you room looking for it!!” “I never knew that making a memory would be taken so literally here!! It is in the hutch, the pink kimono, the left sleeve!!” He walked over to the hutch and found the camera. “What do you mean by memories?” “I suffer from memory loss and I have trouble remembering things… that is why the room we were in was filled with books they all hold pictures of when I was a kid to the time I spend at work!!” “………” he just looked at her but she was laying on the bed. She cuddled with her knees. She didn’t move much as he walked closer. Then flash he had taken a picture of her crying face… “Now you will remember how you felt when I toke your picture!!” she quickly got up and tried to get the camera from him, but he had pulled away at the vary last moment!! “That ant fair, give it to me!!” “nope, not until you say the magic word!!” “There is no way in hell I am going to ask for my camera!!” “I never said that it was please!!” “Then what is it??” “I can’t tell you or there is no point to the game!!” “That is mean…” she said lunging at him but he just moved out of the way… she tried to lung at him over and over but couldn’t lay a finger on him!!! After a while she and he were panting from the run around… she collapsed on the floor trying to catch her breath and he just fell against her hutch. She was on her stomach breathing fast and heavily!! “Why don’t you just guess random words instead of charging??” “Cause I hate games like that!!” “Why??” “Cause I will never know the actual word out of the thousands of words!!” “So that is why they call it guessing!!” “But…… you know what never mind keep the camera cause I can just get another one!!” “No that you mention it were did you get this one??” “I asked someone the day I got here the next time they go shopping if they could get me one, and she did!! She was vary kind and I didn’t want to bother her, but yet she was happy that I asked for one!!” “That would make since but why did you want one??” “Cause you didn’t let me get anything from my home so I just guessed that you weren’t going to let me go home a get a few things!!” “???” “Never mind… besides isn’t it time for lunch??” “Nope we have a few more hours before we have lunch!!” “Okay then I will return this to its holding place!!” she said getting up off the floor and grabbing the book from the other side of the room!! “Wait for me…” he said as he ran after her and fell!!! She turned around and saw him on the floor!! “Ah are you okay??” “I think I just lightly twisted my ankle when I tried to dodge you.” he said rubbing his ankle… “Here let me see it??” she said sitting down in front of him, with the book to her right! She pulled up his pants. He winced in pain for a sec but then went back to silence. She started to massage his leg to loosen up the mussel then worked her way down to his feet. It felt so good that even though it was on his leg, he could have fallen a sleep. She was genteel with her touch that he couldn’t help but think the girl couldn’t be a fighter…. But she was and when she had finished he was near a dream state. He came back when she asked again and he just nodded and slightly tried to get up, but she had pushed him back down…… “You need to stay off the foot. I may have made it fell better but it is still sprained, so no moving! Got it??” she looked deep into his eyes and he nearly melted into hers. At a normal time her eyes go back to the color she was born in so she had blue eyes that he melted into… he nodded once again and she picked him up and brought him to her bed which was like three steps away!! Then she sat him down… “wait here and I will find a doc to look at the ankle… she left a pillow under his foot and then she left the room. He never saw it but she tock the book with her. She was to bring it back to its holding place to day and that is what she promised. When she came back a doc was with her. “My my lets have a look at that ankle of yours!!” The doc said a little to happy when he found him on her bed… “And how did he get this incident again??” “I accidentally fell that is all.” “actually it was me fault, see he had the camera and he tuck a picture of me and I wanted it back, but he didn’t give it to me, so I charged at him and he twisted his ankle… I take full responsibility for this…” She said looking down at the floor as the doctor just bandaged his ankle. When they were done the doc said that it wasn’t anything that would kill him but it would hurt like hell for the next few days and he could walk around to marrow but not for long amount of time!! When the doc left she fell to the floor. “Gomen, gomen, I didn’t mean for you to get hurt!!” she started to cry once again… “No don’t cry I just finished making you stop just a few hours ago… don’t cry!!” “I am sorry but I got you hurt and it was my fault!!” she started to cry even harder!! She had her head on the bed and he put a hand on her head… she didn’t look up and just kept on crying… he picked her up off the floor and let her cry agents him. She was crying so much that she had fell asleep and he just sat there holding on to her. “I am the one hurt… why is she crying??? She should just have settled down and help me…… if I needed help… but why would she cry??? You are quite a hand full, Mitzuki… you are definitely a hand full!!” He sighed and fell to sleep. When the maid came in he woke up and she talked to him. She left and he was now trying to wake her up!! “Mitzuki, Mitzuki wakeup!!! It is time to eat!!” She got up slowly and tiredly… “Hmmm, what is it?? Time for what??” “Time for lunch and I need your help getting there!!” she got up off him and went to the hutch and grabbed a dress and went to the bathroom. He watched her all the way to her bathroom. When she came out her hair was done and she had makeup on!!! “Are you still a sleep there Mitzuki??” “Yes kind of!!! Why did I do something wrong…??” “No I just need help… can you help me??” “It was me fault so yeah it wouldn’t be nice to get you hurt then let you take care of your self!!” She said walking over to him and helping him up… he could walk but not without some pain so she would stop and let him rest!!! When they made it to the door he told her to let go because of his father, that is what she thought he didn‘t tell her why!!! When they walked in there was a maid at the door!! “Master, sir will not be tending to lunch cause he is in a meeting and wouldn’t be able to dine with you!!! Please excuse me!!” She left and he almost fell down but he felt a pair of hands, one to his waist and the other his arm… he looked at her she was helping him… but why?? He said not to!! “Come on lets eat!!” Was all she said as she started to walk!! He felt her move forward and he fallowed… soon they were seated and were about to eat when some one came barging in!! It was an older women and she looked about 20 or so, but she dressed like his father… she came running in and ran straight to him… “Are you all right??” she said shoving his head to her chest making him unable to breath… she was almost crying… when he was able to pull away he answered her!!! “Yes I am fine!!” He said finally getting away from her. She kept on eating until he spoke to her!! “This is my step mom, Mitzuki, she is my newest thing my father is in to right now!!” “Okay sir.” “What did I tell you to call me again?” “Ahh, gomen sir I don’t quite remember, it was late at night!!” He never told her anything about him at all that she remembered?? “Please call me by my name!” “Okay but you never told me your name if you remember there was something else in the way!!” “Yuki… remember I told you to call me Yuki!!” “yes sir… I mean Yuki!!” “Son what are you too talking about?” “nothing really step mom!!” “Okay I just wanted to make sure that you were okay!!” she started to walk when Mitzuki looked at her. She was near a cry when she left but Mitzuki spoke out!! “Would you like to join us, maim?? That is if it is okay by si… I mean Yuki? “Yes it is okay by me!!” “Yea it is nice to meat you Mitzuki as you just heard I am his step mom… (Yuki put up six fingers, it meant the sixth one) and my name is Sakura!” “It is vary nice to meat you.!!” “Step mom please sit, it isn’t every day you eat here!!” “But she lives here why doesn’t she eat here??” “Because it is my father’s choice to invite a women in never to invite her self!!” “But what about my case!!” “You are required to be here!!” “Okay so may I ask one thing Yuki??” “Yes what??” “May I ask someone to join us the next time we eat together and forth on??” “Yes it is okay!?!?!” “Okay then, lady Sakura would you please join us for dinner, lunch, and breakfast here on out??” “Umm, but what a bout my husband?? “If it comes to that I will deal with it, it is my job after all to know every one!!” So we all sat down and talked. Manly Sakura liked to talk; she has her down as a talker!! She spent most of the time talking to Yuki. She would glance at me every once and a while as she talked and ate!! But manly she sat, lessening to them bicker and squeal!! When they finished their food Sakura excused her self and left them alone. “We do get left a lone a lot don’t we??” Mitzuki said letting her head rest in her hand. “Yup I guess we do!” “What should we do know?? You are restricted from some things!!” “We should help everyone with the ball that is in two days!!” “Ah I forgot the ball thing and your leg is hurt, now how is that going to help……I am stupid.” “You worry too much if I stay off the foot completely it will be healed by then. So don’t worry, I will be fine.” “But, but, but……” “But nothing. There will be nothing that will stop the ball. Anyways we need you to choose out a dress that you will weir!” “Can’t I just weir the pink dress that is in my hutch??” “No you shall weir a new dress that is freshly designed by the latest and best designers.” “Okay but the way you put it, it sound like an order to weir the best and to be the brightest.” “Well yeah you will be representing my family as well as I will!” “Man you can be mean sometimes.” “Well when it comes to it yes I can any problems??” “Ouch!! Anyways lets go to the flower room. I like the smell of that place!!” “Okay fine with me!! It is quite relaxing there. Should you change??” “Nah I think I will try wearing on dress for a dayish!?!?” “That’s new!!” “What??” “Nothing never mind!! Shall we??” “Yup!” She moved over to help him to go to the greenhouse. When they got there they stayed for quite a while there was a door in the back and it was opened. The wind blew in and it felt nice against her face. “Hmmm the wind feels nice!! Nah??” “Yup the doors a rarely opened but I guess today they opened them.” “Hmmm!!” That was all she said as she stood in the braes smelling the flowers as the braes carried them. The wind blew her hair a little cause it was in a pony tail like a samurai would have it! She stood there with her hands folded in her dress kimono thing. She stood there for a while as she zoned out. She was brought back when she heard him walking some were!! “Were are you going??” “Umm to go threw the flowers to find the doors. I can never find it now mater how hard I look.” “May I help??” “Yeah I could use your help… you do have a good sense on things. Can you fallow the wind to the door??” “I could if it was completely quite. Don’t move until I do and I will help you find the doors.” “But can you teach me??” “Yeah sure here lessen vary closely. Lessen to the flowers and the way they blow and how they are formed. Try to find that what is haunting you. Just lessen and feel the wind. Can you feel it??” “Yeah this way…” he started to take off in a direction and she fallowed. She had her eyes open as she fallowed. He was there when he couldn’t find it. “I can’t find it anymore!!” “That is because we are here!!” “What, what do you mean.” “Look right over there!!” she pointed to a part of the bushes that looked like there was no way to get threw them. “Um that is just a rose bush!” “Nope can’t you feel it??” “Nope!” “Here.” she grabbed his hand and he suddenly felt it. Her power showed here were it was and was letting him see it. There was a door right there that he never seen. She let go of his hand and he moved to it. He found the flowers were fake. The door opened and he found himself on the roof. “How did you find this place so easily??” “I didn’t you did!!” “Nope you told me!!” “No I didn’t you found it……you did all I did was lend you my power, all I knew is that it was in this area!” ‘what she lent me her power… how, I can’t even do that. Is she that much more advanced in search than me??’ ‘you worry to much, as you surpass me in the actual physical power I have learn to hone mine to find anything in the area. Also to find things that I have lost or that I can’t seem to fined any more. With this I have been able to find my way threw the thickest of problems. But you only train in the action of the power. That is why I can’t push you any were’ “Okay you think to much!!” “no you just ask dumb questions!” “What’s that suppose to mean??” “Nothing, nothing lets get going, I take it this place is off limits. We should go and help with the preparations.” “no it isn’t of limits and what should you weir? I mean what do you like to weir. Umm do you have any thing that you like to weir?” “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…… you so funny sorry, sorry that wasn’t funny I mean you have so much time trying to figure out what you should say and when you do you change it so soon. You can be funny without knowing it… never seen that side of you to be embarrassed.” “that’s mean to say why would you say that to me.” “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make it sound mean what I was saying is that I find it cute that you are embarrassed to ask me bout a dress. Any way lets get going it will only be a couple days for them to make the dress right so we should tell them now should we not??” He was frozen as I started to walk away! When I was getting out of sight he started to walk then I remembered he would need help walking so I turned around and saw that he was running to catch up. When he was in range he fell, I gought him before he hit the floor painfully. “sorry about that I didn’t mean for you to hurt your self again. Sorry!!” It’s okay I am alright I tripped. I am okay don’t worry any ways lets go!!” He got up from kneeling and he started to walk a head of me and I was lead to his room. Don’t know why? He came into his room then sat on his bed and gestured for me to come in!! “Hmmm!!??” “just come in and shut the door…… I want to show you something!” “okay??” `now I am kind worried I think I might have done something to make him mad at me oops not good not good at all.’ I came into the room and shut the door. “There is a door to your left!! Open it!!” “Huh to my left??” I look to me left and I could barley see it. “Wow I haven’t seen this yet how many do you have in your room?? “Only that one after the door into this room. Any way just open the door!” “Okay!!” I walk over to my left to the door and slowly open the door. When I did open the door there was row upon row of dresses. I stood there dumbfounded by how many there was and how beautiful they looked. I couldn’t say a thing I stood in the door way looking in! “Go a head and chose one of those for the ball. I have had those made for your arrival. They have been hand made from every well known designer!!” “Heh?? You have to be kidding me they are all so beautiful. They can’t be for me. I mean they have had to be worn by now!! Wouldn’t that coast a lot of money?? I mean don’t get me wrong they all are really beautiful but they just can’t be for me to weir I mean they look like they are made for a princess or a queen.” “Ha ha ha ha your funny!! Now, now they were made for you cause I asked for them to be made and they were happy that some one other than a princess or a queen asked for them. I am sure they would be disappointed to not have them worn ever.” “when you put it that I way I feel even farther from the dresses.” I fall down to the floor on my hands and knees. :Now now don’t say that I wanted you to look nice in a dress. So please don’t say that.” He said walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. He reasted his head on my shoulder and I could hear him sigh slightly. :I just wanted you to look the prettiest there not even a queen should pass you. You too cute to be passed by an old hag!!” “When you put it that way it make me sad!! Why would you do something like that for me!! Why would you that for me the girl that tried to hurt you when we first meat?? you make no sense at all Yuki!!” “I can’t have my body guard to look nice??” “But I tried to……” “It doesn’t matter!! Do you feel the same now??” “No!” “Then I am fine please weir one of one of the dresses that was made!!” “Okay!! Right now what time is it??” “it’s almost time to eat dinner. Shall we go to your room for you to change??” “Why I am still in the dress!! I hate having to change so many times a day!! Lets just go!!” “sir you have been summand to a meting with your father about a matter of my lady!!” “What did I tell you to call me already!!” she was talking to the butler!! “Ah yes sorry Mitzuki!! “Why would father be made at you??” “cause I found out about your past and opened up some old wounds in your fathers heart that not even his new wife new about!! But she probable found out recently and now he is going to take it out on you!! I will be tending this all important meting that you have been summand to!! Even if he tries to hurt you!!” “How will you get in!!” “Silly did you forget all ready!!??” “Ahh yes that!! Thank you, you may go now!!” “Yes master!!” “shall we be off!?!?” “Sure!” They started to walk off to a room. Mitzuki helped him there until they were near the door then she let go of him and disappeared. He walked to the door and knocked three times. A dark and angry voice answered the door. “Come in!!” “go ahead!!” “okay just stay were I can feel you okay!!” “hai!!” He walked in and I held on to his shoulder. My body was pushed up agents his. He never said how close as he started to walk forward I only held on to his shoulder cause there was something’s getting in the way!! “Father you have summand me!!” “Yes it is about you new body guard!!” “What is it that she has done to make you angry??” “She has done what I have asked no one to ever do!! She has gone into the library and now she has every one doing as they please.” “Father I doughty that she could have done that much within just a few days!! Now the library was something else I told her to study and she went there just for that!! Our history in this house is in the library. And if you truly wanted to end that day then you wouldn’t have kept that book father I ask that you don’t blame her for something that you have done many years ago!” my hand was in his hand some how and I could feel him grip me hand harder. I grip his hand and wrapped my other arm around him. To comfort him if only a little. His father got up from his chair and come over in front of Yuki! “Shut up!” was all he said throwing a open hand to his son. I jumped in front of it!! “Slap” it hit my face! His father stood there wondering what he had just hit! I could feel Yuki grab my arm that was holding him. That is when I decided to come into his sight when he gasped that he saw that he hit me!! “You shall never harm my master no matter what he has done and if it way I that did something then you talk it out on me not him. How dare you decided to do any thing to your own flesh and blood. Were ever you go you better watch your back cause I will always be watching what you do. Your new night mare will not be anything else but me! Now sir I ask you to not come to supper that is if you want to still have your life after today!!” Yuki and his father stood dumbfounded by what I just said anger grew so easily in me that I was emitting this strong sense that even his father could see. I started to walk pulling Yuki with me and leaving his father there!! After we got out of the room I let go of Yuki’s hand and literally blew up. I was so angry that even Yuki had to back off from the force I was giving off! When I was done I hit the ground! I could feel Yuki’s arms around me as I blacked out. When I woke up I was in a bed. “Mitzuki are you all right??” “Yeah just a little dizzy and tired.” “you should get some more rest if you are tired??” “No I should be fine!! Um what happened. I can’t remember anything at all??” “what you don’t remember anything??” “Nope the last thing I remember was yesterday!!” “That’s weird it must have something to do with the immense power release that you gave off!!” “Huh??” “Never mind you should rest some more!!” “No I am fine just a little dizzy it should go away in a few……minutes!!” “Your not alright!! Now sleep!!” “But…I… am… fine!!” “No your not!!” he moved his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. “How could you do that for me?? I was to be hit not you, you put your body in front of mine!! You shouldn’t have done that!! You’re a silly girl Mitzuki!!” he came even closer and his lips pressed agents mine. He was near a cry!! I could see his tears right at the end of his eyelashes. I wrapped my arms around him and pull him closer. He started to cry. When he pulled away I pulled him to the bed and held him like he did the day before!! He started to cry even harder. I comforted him the best that I could do!! “Yuki you should cry when you feel like crying it isn’t a weakness. You are vary strong now you should let some one help you with your pain. Shhh!! Its okay!!! I am not hurt so you shouldn’t worry!! Shhh shh shh.” shortly he feel a sleep and she fallowed him to sleep. The next day Yuki woke up first and knottiest that he was with Mitzuki and he was crying!! ‘Talk about a headache!!’ “sorry I couldn’t do anything… sorry mother father but I couldn’t keep him from crying!!” ‘huh?? What is she talking about?’ “Sorry mom dad I couldn’t keep my promise!! I have fallen in love!!” ‘HUHHH?? What is she talking about??’ “Hmmm!” I move closer to him and pull my face into his chest!! He was worm and I could hear his heart beating!! “Mitzuki Mitzuki wake up!!” “Hmmm but it is only two in the morning!! Go back to sleep!!” “I can’t sleep if you are in my bed!!” “Then be quite!! You bed is wormer than mine!!” “That has nothing to do with it!!” I came up to his eye level and kissed him!! “shut up now would you??!!” He was quite after that, he laid back down and let me rest next to him. ‘Mitzuki you’re a weird one in deed!! You know you shouldn’t be here and yet you like to defy what I say!!’ ‘yup!! Now go back to sleep!!’ and he did. A few hours latter Yuki woke up again before Mitzuki. He looked at the clock on his wrist and it was a few minutes away from breakfast! ‘Okay Mitzuki time for breakfast, you have to get up!!’ “but it is still early let me sleep!” “nope!!” “What are you doing??” He saw that the butler came from the bathroom and winked at him. So he picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. Then all I could feel was I was being thrown into a tub!!! “Wahh that is hot!! Why did you do that??” “I will get some of your clothing and you take a bath before breakfast!! Okay!!” “you could have asked!!” “I did and you said “let me sleep”!!” “huh??” “just take a bath!! I will get you your clothing!!” “what ever!!” and he left!! I got up out of the tube and tuck off the wet clothing and set them a side!! I got back in and I could hear something moving in the room with me!! “My lady!!” it was a girl!! “yes what is it??” “Well master thought that that you would like me to wash your back!!” “Hmm okay!! But wont you get wet if you weir that in the tub??” “No I will wash your back from the out side you will have to come to the side!!” “Hmm okay!!” After a while it was time to eat and I got dressed, I had to go to my room and put my hair up and put the makeup on!! What a pain!! I told him that I would meet him out side the room and not to go into the room with out me!! When I got to my room I found everything and get ready when I was done I ran down to meat him and he was were I told him to meat me!! “Mitzuki there you are!! Lets go in!!” “Kay!!” The breakfast was quite cause Sakura was there. First he was going to yell at her when I started to talk to her. Then he just talked to his son about work. I was talking to him the entire time to his mind!! When the father finished his food he left the room and Sakura fallowed. “I swear it is weird that we get left here alone!!” she said resting her head again in her hand!! “It doesn’t matter we have the ball soon and yet you still haven’t chosen a dress!! Should we go and chose one out??” “Nope I think I will let you chose one I… when it comes to things like dresses I don’t really have a good eye for things!! Really!! I am bad at that!!” “So you want me to chose one for you!!?” “Yes I think that you would have a better eye or I could ask Sakura for her help choosing one!!??” “No you don’t want to do that!! She is bad at anything that has to do with designs!! We let her chose coloring for a room and mad it look like a painting the famous painter wouldn’t paint!!” “oh at least hers doesn’t bees attack her!! I did that once and that was the end of pretty much my job till I moved here!!” “okay okay I will chose one but if you don’t like it, it isn’t my fault!! “I trust your eye!!” I said this getting up and moving over to him. “shall we go then?? You have meetings all day because of yesterday!!” “I know, I know, shall we go. You should get dressed??” “and I have the perfect thing to weir!!” “Hmmm??” “lets go I will weir a kimono cause you can move in them easer than anything else!!” “Okay what ever shall we go then??” They left and she changed then they went to the meeting. There were about six or seven of them in a row!! When the first one was done they went to the flower room for there second meeting!! She loved the smell of the flowers and she would wonder when she smelt them!! The third meeting was with the group that she almost came to be discovered by them a few days ago!! When they saw here they went all gaga over her. It tuck Yuki ten times to get ever one to pay attention and then it tuck her to yell at them to make them lessen. She accidentally invited them to the ball in the presses!! “Now, now if you never get to the actual meeting then none of you shall dance with me at the ball!!” “What??” “you heard what I said and if you don’t get to the meeting then I will be forced to leave this room!!” “Mitzuki do you know what you are saying!!??” “Yes and if I didn’t then I wouldn’t be saying it!! Master Yuki I will be inviting them if they can get to work!! NOW!” my eyes went white as his went red!! They focused on the meeting as I walked into the forest of flowers!! When I came out they all looked at me!! “Yes what is it??” “You… you kinda umm ehh you made them all kids again the seem to not want to talk about anything but you!!” “I see I must leave now!!” just then all the guys jumped at me screaming no!! “Ahhh, get off me now. Get off get off get off get off!!” They all were in sink with one another. “Please don’t go cause then we can’t go to you with the upcoming b

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