Once we got to Eric's castle, it was so frustrating not being able to talk to him, but at the same time, it was so surreal to just be next to him.
I took a bath for the first time. It was interesting.
Afterwards, I got dressed into a pink dress, and I have to say I looked very pretty. Or... I felt very pretty. I hope Eric noticed. I couldn't tell him myself.
He told me I looked wonderful! redface
We sat down to have dinner and Grim had a bolbous snorfblat! I blew in it trying to make music, but this stuff blew into his face instead. I felt bad about doing it, but at the same time I made Eric laugh.
There was also a dinglehopper! I started combing my hair with it, but they looked weirdly at me... I don't think Scuttle knows all that much about human things.
Grim started talking about how Eric should take me to see a tour of the kingdom! I absolutely cannot wait!
Then, funny enough, Sebastian was on my plate. I guess he was right about that song of his. I let him escape without anybody seeing.
Tomorrow will be the best day ever!
ariel is the best · Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 12:57pm · 0 Comments |