Behold the Gihmpp, the majestikall creature of Canadiea. This amazing animal eats clouds and can be seem flapping around fields trying to fly, but due to it's lead bones and oversized head, it weighs too much for it's small, thin, latex wings.
Unfortunetly, people have been hunting the animal for their natural latex wings, using them to make gloves, condoms, and other plasticy products. Then they cut off the horn for the ebony, and rename the beautiful Gihmpp to a Giraffe. And THEN they dye the short-fur boring plain colours such as yellow and brown.
These heinous crimes must be stopped! Go to your local ice cream shoppe and join the fight against hunting Gihmpps! You can save a Gihmpp! Latex wings prevail!!
Gaians Against Gihmpp Slaughterers.
Just PM me with something along the lines of "Save Teh Gihmpps!" And I'll add you.
Stand together Gaians! We can stop the slaughter!
Gaians Against Gihmpp Slaughterers.
Just PM me with something along the lines of "Save Teh Gihmpps!" And I'll add you.
Stand together Gaians! We can stop the slaughter!