Username: Songoku921
Name: Kyou
Angel/Demon (No humans!) Demon
Age: 14
Biography: His father died in the war and his mother killed herself after she heard that her husband died. He has survived on his own ever since he was 5 stealing from others to survive.
Powers: Fire and the power to minipulate shadows
Weapons: Kunai
Personality: Does not have any friends and has not trusted anyone since his parents died.

Just Another Rp Character
Username: Songoku921
Name: Kyou
Age: 16
Race: Fox/Human
Bio: A small boy who lived on his own in a cave ever since he was 7. He has no friends or family that he remembers and is forced to live alone. He does not trust anyone but himself. He runs away from things he doesnt understand.

Power: Speed and can sense things near him
Weapon: 2 knives
(hope this is good)
Character Name: Kyo Kei
Age: 14
Grade: 11
Gender: Male

Bio: A kid who is kicked out of schools because of behavior problem. His parents kicked him out of the house and sent him to this school to try to teach him a lesson
My next rp character