Well well....i only WISH this were about art and photography.
Nah, i wanna streach my first canvas soon, i have new paints that are COLORED!
i've painted before, but never in color. so will be a new experience.
if its a good experience, maybe i'll like color painting, and ill go with it.
if its a bad experience, that will mean my painting turned out hideous and i need to re-try!

but i need ideas, inspiration, motivation,dedication, and moslty, some canvas.
maybe some boards to streach the canvas on.....and ideas. did i forget to mention how important ideas are?

there are a million and one things i can paint....
Landscapes??-surrealism or realism??
landscaping can be hard, to immatate the perfection of nature seems almost impossible to me...but if its surrealism, that can be fun!you can create you'r own world, a sunrise with two suns, or a night sky with many moons...new plants, animals, trees...who says there has to be trees?in surrealism landscaping, anything is possible...rules dont exsist.
Portraits??-surrealism, realism?People portraits are VERY difficult. aligning their eyes to be similar, their hairline to be right intact, the bridge of their nose straight..and shading, lighting, and hilighting. each picture in portraits has to have almost perfect quality...or people critisize it, saying it sucks.
those are only two categories, i could go on, but i feel i dont need to....
i doubt i will be any better at painting than i am at drawing, wich means my paintings will suck.

but i'll try not to critisize them too much, and i'll keep painting, no matter the outcome of my first painting.

sometimes i wish i could wake up with all the talent that my familly posesses.
it seems, sometimes, like they deprived me of it...and i know they will always be better....i just love artwork, thats why i keep on creating, imaginating, and all that...if i had only wanted to prove that i could paint, draw, sculpt, better than my familly...i would have given up long ago.

maybe practice will make it perfect, i onno.

so help me out guys!!
give Becca some great ideas that are origionall and new, something noone has seen before...
origionallity is my thing. :]