Equipment: Wep: stick +2 attack Armour: Sandals +5 def
Magic: Energy shot-power:30 Mp:30
Wis+spell power/2=magic damage
agiX100/opt agi/2=miss rate
StrX0.10=crit rate
Damond Hunter (fast hero 1)
STR: 15 DEX: 18 CON: 16 INT: 14 WIS: 13 CHA: 12 AP: 5 WB: +8 REP: +0
HD 1d8+3 HP: 11 Defense: 17 (+3 class +4 DEX)
Attack Bonuses:
Melee:+2 (1d3+2 unarmed strike N.L.)
Ranged:+4 (2d8 S&W M29 range: 30ft) Ammo: 6/6
AL:good, neutral FS: 5ft by 5ft Reach: 5ft INIT:+4 SV FORT: +3 REF: +5 WILL: +1
Starting occupation: adventurer (Drive, escape artist, move silently) SPD: 30ft
Skills: Drive: +9, Escape artist: +9, Hide: +8, Move silently: +9, Sleight of hand:
+8, Tumble: +8
Feats: Simple weapons proficiency, Personal firearms proficiency, point blank shot,
skip shot
Talents: fast hero: evasion
equipment: casual clothes, S&W M29, (50) .44 caliber rounds, back pack, sleeping
bag, 2-person dome tent, trail ations 12-servings
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haven111's Journal
Community Member |
hmm I see alot of people who are stressed and depressed,you'd think I'd be one of them by now but all I have to say is...that life is always a joy to live even in just the little things.
hmm I see alot of people who are stressed and depressed,you'd think I'd be one of them by now but all I have to say is...that life is always a joy to live even in just the little things.